For each model, the MASS toolbox provides a series of mutable and immutable attributes with associated
updater Functions (see

). In general, when working with model attributes it is very helpful to use
Mathematica's command completion capabilities (see

) to complete either the various getter, setter, updater functions or the attribute names directly.
ID — Model identifier (String)
Name — Model full name (String)
Constraints — Constraints on model fluxes ({
vID → {
ub}, ...})
InitialConditions — Model initial conditions ({
x1c →
val, ...})
Parameters — Model parameters ({


val, ...})
GPR — Gene-protein-reaction associations ({"
RxnID" -> p["
ID"], p["
ID"] → g["
ID"], ...})
Ignore — Species that should be ignored under mass-action considerations (List of species)
BoundaryConditions — Boundary conditions for species (list of species)
Constant — Constant species (list of species)
ReversibleColumnIndices — Columns in stoichiometry matrix that correspond to reversible reactions (list of integer indices)
CustomRateLaws — Custom rate laws ({
vID -> equation, ...})
CustomODE — Additional algebraic or differential equations (list of equations)
ElementalComposition — Elemental composition of species ({
H2Oc → 2
"H" + "O", ...})
UnitChecking — If units should be checked (Boolean)
Objective — Objective that should be optimized in COBRA related methods (
vID or
vID + ...)
Stoichiometry — Stoichiometry matrix
SparseStoichiometry — Sparse stoichiometry matrix (SparseArray)
Reactions — Model reactions (List of reactions; same order as rows in stoichiometry matrix)
Exchanges — Exchanges reactions in model (List of reactions)
Variables — Time dependent variables in model ({v[t], ...})
Species — Model species (List of species; same order as rows in stoichiometry matrix)
Fluxes — Model fluxes (List of species; same order as columns in stoichiometry matrixrows)
ForwardRateConstants — All forward rate constants in model ({

, ...})
ReverseRateConstants — All reverse rate constants in model ({

, ...})
EquilibriumConstants — All equilibrium constants in model ({

, ...})
IrreversibleColumnIndices — Columns in stoichiometry matrix that correspond to irreversible reactions (list of integer indices)
Rates — overall rate laws of model (list of equations; same order as columns in stoichiometry matrix)
ODE — overall ordinary differential equations of model (list of equations)
Compartments — compartmens in model (list of compartments)
Genes — genes in model (list of genes)
GeneAssociations — reaction-gene associations ({"RxnID" -> g["ID"], ...})
Proteins — proteins in model (list of proteins)
ProteinAssociations — reaction-gene associations ({"RxnID" -> p["ID"], ...})
Enzymes — enzymes in model (list of enzymes)