Toolbox Package Symbol | Tutorials »|See Also »|More About » |
constructModel[reactions] constructs a model from reactions. |
constructModel[S, species, rxnIDs] constructs a model from the stoichiometry matrix, species and reaction identifiers. |
InitialConditions | {} | Provide a list of initial conditions | |
Constraints | {} | Provide a list of constraints | |
Parameters | {} | Provide a list of parameters | |
Irreversible | {} | Provide a list of irreversible reaction identifiers (if a stoichiometry matrix is used for model construction) | |
GPR | {} | Provide a list of gene-protein-reaction relations | |
CustomRateLaws | {} | Provide custom rate laws if the default mass-action rate laws are not appropriate | |
CustomODE | {} | Provide additional differential and/or algebraic equations | |
Constant | {} | Provide a list of species to be treated as constants | |
BoundaryConditions | {} | Provide a list of species to be treated as x'[t] == 0 | |
Name | Automatic | Provide a full name for model | |
ID | Automatic | Provide a shorter identifier for model | |
ElementalComposition | {} | Provide the elemental compositions for species | |
Notes | Attach notes to model | ||
Ignore | {} | Provide a list of species that should be ignored for mass-action considerations | |
ReorderStoichiometry | True | If the stoichiometry matrix S should be reordered such that the first rank(S) rows are linearly independent | |
UnitChecking | False | Toggle unit checking |
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