
plotSimulation[{var1 -> InterpolatingFunction[<>][t], var2 -> InterpolatingFunction[<>][t], ...}]
will plot the time course results for the whole time range.
plotSimulation[result, {t, tstart, tfinal}]
will plot the time course results for the time range between tstart and tfinal.
  • The following options can be given:
PlotFunctionLogLogPlotSpecify the Mathematica plotting function to used.
TooltippedTrueCurves shown with or without tooltip labels.
ZeroFac 1.`*^-6Starting time point for LogLinearPlot and LogLogPlot.
LegendFalseIf a legend should be drawn.
  • Additional options are passed down to the respective Mathematica plotting function (e.g. FrameLabel, PlotLabel, PlotStyle etc.).
Turning off tooltips considerably speeds up the execution time of plotSimulation.