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by The COBRApy Team

Release notes for cobrapy 0.12.1

New features

  • Fix/feature that allows summaries to work properly for models with multiple exchange reactions for the same metabolite.
  • Require a later optlang version so that Gurobi can now be used for quadratic problems.
  • cobrapy can now extract primal values from a wider range of solver states. This is particularly useful to investigate problems in non-optimal states.


  • Test different solvers on more text cases than previously.
  • Improve the way benchmarks are run.
  • Restore automatic documentation builds on
  • Correct a problem in how geomtric FBA retrieved solutions.
  • Update the use of pandas interface of the sampler.
  • Correct the sanity checks for the new ROOM implementation.

Deprecated features

Backwards incompatible changes

  • cobrapy functions that return solution only raise OptimizationErrors rather than also potentially raising a RuntimeError.
  • Linear MOMA is the new default method. It used to be MOMA which excludes GLPK as a solver due to being a quadratic optimization problem.