by Sven Thiele, Philipp Schneider, Axel von Kamp, Pavlos Stephanos Bekiaris, Steffen Klamt
Tags: strain-design , visualization , general-modeling , cobra , metabolic-model , minimal-cut-sets , models
CNApy is a graphical integrated environment for metabolic network analysis. With CNApy, it is possible to load, edit and create metabolic models together with interactive network maps. Many standard and advanced COBRA techniques (including, e.g., Flux Balance Analysis, Flux Variability Analysis and Minimal Cut Sets) are supported and all main results of these techniques can be directly visualized in the network maps. Furthermore, CNApy also provides a GUI for all major functions of the StrainDesign package.
by opencobra
Tags: metabolic model , metabolic reconstruction , standardization , unit-testing , cobra , sbml
Our goal in promoting this tool is to achieve two major shifts in the metabolic model building community: Models should be version-controlled such that changes can be tracked and if necessary reverted. Ideally, they should be available through a public repository such as GitHub that will allow other researchers to inspect, share, and contribute to the model. Models should, for the benefit of the community and for research gain, live up to certain standards and minimal functionality.