
by The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability

Tags: strain design , cell factories , web app

DD-DeCaF is a Horizon 2020 project (grant agreement No 686070) bringing together leading academic partners from five European universities with five innovative European companies to address the challenge of building a comprehensive design tool. DD-DeCaF aims to develop cutting edge methods in order to use large scale data to design cell factories and communities for biotechnological applications. The project is built as a number of micro-services which can be used separately and via the web-based user-interface.


by Helena Mendes-Soares

Tags: microbiota , microbiome , web app , community modeling

MMinte (pronounced /‘minti/) is a set of widgets that allows you to explore the pairwise interactions (positive or negative) that occur in a microbial community. From an association network and 16S rDNA sequence data, MMinte identifies corresponding genomes, reconstructs metabolic models, estimates growth under specific metabolic conditions, analyzes pairwise interactions, assigns interaction types to network links, and generates the corresponding network of interactions. You can run the MMinte widgets as an integrated pipeline or run each widget independently.