% 0 CPX_ALG_AUTOMATIC Automatic: let CPLEX choose; default
% 1 CPX_ALG_PRIMAL Primal simplex
% 2 CPX_ALG_DUAL Dual simplex
% 3 CPX_ALG_NET Network simplex
% 6 CPX_ALG_CONCURRENT Concurrent (Dual, Barrier, and Primal in opportunistic parallel mode; Dual and Barrier in deterministic parallel mode)
% 0 CPX_ALG_AUTOMATIC Automatic: let CPLEX choose; default
% 1 CPX_ALG_PRIMAL Use the primal simplex optimizer.
% 2 CPX_ALG_DUAL Use the dual simplex optimizer.
% 3 CPX_ALG_NET Use the network optimizer.
% 4 CPX_ALG_BARRIER Use the barrier optimizer.
% 6 CPX_ALG_CONCURRENT Use the concurrent optimizer.
% https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/icos/12.10.0?topic=parameters-algorithm-continuous-quadratic-optimization
% The parameter controls which optimizer is used to optimize the task.
% https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/current/refman/method.html
% Algorithm used to solve continuous models
% Algorithm used to solve continuous models or the initial root relaxation of a MIP model. Options are:
gurobiQPMethods = {'AUTOMATIC','PRIMAL','DUAL','BARRIER'};
boundDifference = model.ub - model.lb;
bool = length(model.rxns);
Z = table(boundDifference,model.rxns,model.rxnNames,'VariableNames',{'boundDifference','rxns','rxnNames'});
if any(boundDifference<0)
error(['lb > ub for ' num2str(nnz(boundDifference)) ' reactions'])
boolDifference = boundDifference<1e-5 & boundDifference~=0;
Z = sortrows(Z(boolDifference,:),'boundDifference');
fprintf('%g%s\n',nnz(boolRxns)*100/length(boolRxns), ' = percent of bounds with difference (ub - lb) less than 1e-5')
0.389712 = percent of bounds with difference (ub - lb) less than 1e-5
forwardBoolDifference = boolDifference & model.lb>=0 & model.ub>0;
reverseBoolDifference = boolDifference & model.lb<0 & model.ub<=0;
reversibleBoolDifference = boolDifference & model.lb<0 & model.ub>0;
if any((forwardBoolDifference | reverseBoolDifference | reversibleBoolDifference)~=boolDifference)
error('missing bool difference')
for i = 1:length(solveWBMmethods)
solveWBMmethod = solveWBMmethods{i};
for j = 1:length(solvers)
param.minNorm = minNormWeight;
param.minNorm = minNormWeight;
if isfield(model,'SConsistentRxnBool')
param.minNorm = 'oneInternal';
error('param.solveWBMmethod= oneInternal cannot be implemented as model.SConsistentRxnBool is missing')
% Controls model scaling. By default, the rows and columns of the model are scaled in order to improve the numerical
% properties of the constraint matrix. The scaling is removed before the final solution is returned. Scaling typically
% reduces solution times, but it may lead to larger constraint violations in the original, unscaled model. Turning off
% scaling (ScaleFlag=0) can sometimes produce smaller constraint violations. Choosing a different scaling option can
% sometimes improve performance for particularly numerically difficult models. Using geometric mean scaling (ScaleFlag=2)
% is especially well suited for models with a wide range of coefficients in the constraint matrix rows or columns.
% Settings 1 and 3 are not as directly connected to any specific model characteristics, so experimentation with both
% settings may be needed to assess performance impact.
param.timelimit = secondsTimeLimit;
% https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/icos/12.10.0?topic=infeasibility-coping-ill-conditioned-problem-handling-unscaled-infeasibilities
% Decides how to scale the problem matrix.
% 0 Equilibration scaling; default
% 1 More aggressive scaling
% https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/icos/12.10.0?topic=parameters-scale-parameter
% Emphasizes precision in numerically unstable or difficult problems.
% This parameter lets you specify to CPLEX that it should emphasize precision in
% numerically difficult or unstable problems, with consequent performance trade-offs in time and memory.
% 0 Do not emphasize numerical precision; default
% 1 Exercise extreme caution in computation
% https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/icos/12.10.0?topic=parameters-numerical-precision-emphasis
param.timelimit = secondsTimeLimit;
% Controls how the problem is scaled before the interior-point optimizer is used.
% Controls how much effort is used in scaling the problem before a simplex optimizer is used.
% Controls how the problem is scaled before a simplex optimizer is used.
% Solve a problem with selected solver and each method available to that solver
% solveWBMmethod = {'LP','QP','QRLP','QRQP','zero','oneInternal'};
switch param.solveWBMmethod
case {'LP','zero','oneInternal'}
solverMethods = gurobiLPMethods;
solverMethods = cplexLPMethods;
solverMethods = mosekMethods;
case {'QP','QRLP','QRQP'}
solverMethods = gurobiQPMethods;
solverMethods = cplexQPMethods;
solverMethods = mosekMethods;
for k=1:length(solverMethods)
%The parameter controls which optimizer is used to optimize the task.
solution = optimizeCbModel(model,'min', param.minNorm,1,param);
T = [T; {'optimizeCbModel', solver, solverMethods{k}, param.solveWBMmethod, modelToUse, solution.stat,{solution.origStat},toc,{solution.f},{solution.f1},{solution.f2},{solution.f0}}];
% Solve a problem with selected solver and one method available to that solver
solution = optimizeCbModel(model,'min', param.minNorm,1,param);
T = [T; {'optimizeCbModel', solver, method, param.solveWBMmethod, modelToUse, solution.stat,{solution.origStat},toc,{solution.f},{solution.f1},{solution.f2},{solution.f0}}];
MOSEK Version 10.2.5 (Build date: 2024-9-17 12:12:35)
Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark WWW: mosek.com
Platform: Linux/64-X86
Name :
Objective sense : minimize
Type : QO (quadratic optimization problem)
Constraints : 269909
Affine conic cons. : 0
Disjunctive cons. : 0
Cones : 0
Scalar variables : 189302
Matrix variables : 0
Integer variables : 0
Optimizer started.
Quadratic to conic reformulation started.
Quadratic to conic reformulation terminated. Time: 0.02
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 1882
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 16
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries : 2 time : 0.00
Lin. dep. - tries : 1 time : 0.11
Lin. dep. - primal attempts : 1 successes : 1
Lin. dep. - dual attempts : 0 successes : 0
Lin. dep. - primal deps. : 406 dual deps. : 0
MOSEK warning 803 (MSK_RES_WRN_PRESOLVE_PRIMAL_PERTUBATIONS): The bounds of the constraints and variables was perturbed. The number of perturbations was 1 and the total pertubation was 0.
Presolve terminated. Time: 1.10
Optimizer - threads : 18
Optimizer - solved problem : the primal
Optimizer - Constraints : 135333
Optimizer - Cones : 1
Optimizer - Scalar variables : 261138 conic : 159874
Optimizer - Semi-definite variables: 0 scalarized : 0
Factor - setup time : 0.82
Factor - dense det. time : 0.00 GP order time : 0.00
Factor - nonzeros before factor : 1.34e+06 after factor : 4.39e+06
Factor - dense dim. : 2 flops : 2.97e+09
0 2.0e+03 2.9e-01 2.4e+00 0.00e+00 1.707177492e+00 2.928225081e-01 1.0e+00 2.10
1 1.9e+03 2.8e-01 2.3e+00 -9.58e-01 2.494732423e+02 2.481141587e+02 9.5e-01 2.57
2 1.7e+03 2.5e-01 2.2e+00 -9.65e-01 1.005170936e+03 1.003940660e+03 8.4e-01 2.92
3 1.4e+03 2.1e-01 2.0e+00 -9.71e-01 2.324646009e+03 2.323618897e+03 7.2e-01 3.27
4 2.7e+02 4.0e-02 8.1e-01 -9.55e-01 8.268862961e+04 8.269247778e+04 1.4e-01 4.07
5 1.8e+02 2.7e-02 6.3e-01 -8.13e-01 1.639776242e+05 1.639837149e+05 9.1e-02 4.42
6 7.7e+01 1.1e-02 3.5e-01 -7.46e-01 5.184215865e+05 5.184337577e+05 3.9e-02 4.91
7 6.5e+01 9.5e-03 3.0e-01 -5.16e-01 6.539201030e+05 6.539331677e+05 3.2e-02 5.29
8 2.8e+01 4.1e-03 1.4e-01 -4.52e-01 1.592220292e+06 1.592236383e+06 1.4e-02 5.93
9 2.3e+01 3.3e-03 1.1e-01 -6.39e-02 1.872467690e+06 1.872483291e+06 1.1e-02 6.29
10 1.8e+01 2.7e-03 8.9e-02 1.98e-02 2.185431520e+06 2.185446433e+06 9.2e-03 6.64
11 1.2e+01 1.8e-03 5.7e-02 1.01e-01 2.754471035e+06 2.754484587e+06 6.2e-03 7.12
12 1.1e+01 1.6e-03 5.0e-02 2.13e-01 2.916842535e+06 2.916855746e+06 5.5e-03 7.47
13 9.1e+00 1.3e-03 4.1e-02 2.18e-01 3.172004312e+06 3.172017029e+06 4.6e-03 7.91
14 7.7e+00 1.1e-03 3.3e-02 2.52e-01 3.417938475e+06 3.417950623e+06 3.9e-03 8.25
15 6.6e+00 9.8e-04 2.8e-02 2.97e-01 3.618477941e+06 3.618489558e+06 3.3e-03 8.60
16 5.6e+00 8.2e-04 2.3e-02 3.33e-01 3.857190320e+06 3.857201277e+06 2.8e-03 8.95
17 4.3e+00 6.4e-04 1.7e-02 3.75e-01 4.192651723e+06 4.192661671e+06 2.2e-03 9.40
18 3.5e+00 5.1e-04 1.3e-02 4.32e-01 4.465596472e+06 4.465605559e+06 1.8e-03 9.75
19 3.2e+00 4.7e-04 1.2e-02 4.71e-01 4.581968112e+06 4.581976890e+06 1.6e-03 10.09
20 2.1e+00 3.1e-04 7.0e-03 4.94e-01 5.039170284e+06 5.039177425e+06 1.1e-03 10.76
21 1.8e+00 2.7e-04 5.8e-03 5.87e-01 5.186011199e+06 5.186017824e+06 9.2e-04 11.11
22 1.7e+00 2.5e-04 5.4e-03 5.88e-01 5.247971548e+06 5.247978030e+06 8.6e-04 11.45
23 1.6e+00 2.4e-04 5.1e-03 5.77e-01 5.288378501e+06 5.288384860e+06 8.2e-04 11.79
24 1.5e+00 2.2e-04 4.4e-03 5.71e-01 5.390966667e+06 5.390972730e+06 7.3e-04 12.14
25 1.3e+00 1.8e-04 3.7e-03 5.79e-01 5.523683490e+06 5.523689136e+06 6.3e-04 12.49
26 1.1e+00 1.7e-04 3.2e-03 5.93e-01 5.604336231e+06 5.604341636e+06 5.7e-04 12.84
27 7.8e-01 1.2e-04 2.0e-03 5.99e-01 5.876891951e+06 5.876896449e+06 3.9e-04 13.39
28 6.5e-01 1.0e-04 1.6e-03 6.16e-01 5.992506624e+06 5.992510743e+06 3.3e-04 13.88
29 5.9e-01 1.3e-04 1.4e-03 6.49e-01 6.052827528e+06 6.052831436e+06 3.0e-04 14.24
30 5.3e-01 1.6e-04 1.2e-03 6.64e-01 6.126499978e+06 6.126503603e+06 2.7e-04 14.59
31 4.0e-01 1.8e-04 8.6e-04 6.84e-01 6.275455393e+06 6.275458464e+06 2.0e-04 15.04
32 3.7e-01 2.1e-04 7.7e-04 7.16e-01 6.317526783e+06 6.317529691e+06 1.8e-04 15.40
33 3.1e-01 2.4e-04 6.1e-04 7.25e-01 6.397647861e+06 6.397650469e+06 1.5e-04 15.75
34 2.7e-01 2.8e-04 5.2e-04 7.37e-01 6.449522508e+06 6.449524917e+06 1.4e-04 16.10
35 2.5e-01 3.0e-04 4.5e-04 7.60e-01 6.487523747e+06 6.487526005e+06 1.2e-04 16.46
36 2.1e-01 3.6e-04 3.8e-04 7.64e-01 6.538613889e+06 6.538615950e+06 1.1e-04 16.80
37 1.9e-01 4.8e-04 3.1e-04 7.58e-01 6.582776221e+06 6.582778117e+06 9.3e-05 17.15
38 1.6e-01 7.2e-04 2.5e-04 7.53e-01 6.635747596e+06 6.635749301e+06 7.8e-05 17.60
39 1.5e-01 7.9e-04 2.4e-04 7.25e-01 6.644959565e+06 6.644961239e+06 7.5e-05 17.95
40 1.3e-01 9.9e-04 2.0e-04 7.43e-01 6.682845967e+06 6.682847503e+06 6.5e-05 18.31
41 1.2e-01 1.2e-03 1.8e-04 7.46e-01 6.704895312e+06 6.704896768e+06 6.0e-05 18.68
42 9.4e-02 2.1e-03 1.3e-04 7.41e-01 6.751169057e+06 6.751170382e+06 4.7e-05 19.24
43 8.2e-02 3.2e-03 1.1e-04 5.73e-01 6.772240698e+06 6.772241993e+06 4.1e-05 19.69
44 7.7e-02 3.7e-03 1.1e-04 5.05e-01 6.781163505e+06 6.781164794e+06 3.9e-05 20.04
45 7.2e-02 4.4e-03 1.0e-04 4.61e-01 6.790395600e+06 6.790396888e+06 3.6e-05 20.42
46 6.8e-02 4.8e-03 9.4e-05 4.34e-01 6.797930779e+06 6.797932058e+06 3.4e-05 20.78
47 6.8e-02 4.8e-03 9.3e-05 4.48e-01 6.800858510e+06 6.800859777e+06 3.4e-05 21.13
48 6.7e-02 4.9e-03 9.3e-05 4.83e-01 6.800783287e+06 6.800784557e+06 3.4e-05 21.48
49 6.4e-02 5.2e-03 8.7e-05 4.60e-01 6.810006223e+06 6.810007470e+06 3.2e-05 21.92
50 6.0e-02 5.1e-03 8.0e-05 5.09e-01 6.824482548e+06 6.824483736e+06 3.0e-05 22.26
51 5.9e-02 5.3e-03 7.9e-05 5.35e-01 6.824782123e+06 6.824783317e+06 3.0e-05 22.61
52 5.6e-02 5.5e-03 7.4e-05 5.17e-01 6.834133863e+06 6.834135029e+06 2.8e-05 22.97
53 5.1e-02 6.1e-03 6.7e-05 5.09e-01 6.848324756e+06 6.848325890e+06 2.6e-05 23.46
54 4.6e-02 6.8e-03 5.8e-05 4.47e-01 6.866772066e+06 6.866773158e+06 2.3e-05 23.95
55 4.3e-02 7.4e-03 5.4e-05 4.27e-01 6.874540819e+06 6.874541902e+06 2.2e-05 24.29
56 4.2e-02 6.3e-03 5.2e-05 7.27e-01 6.884090727e+06 6.884091741e+06 2.1e-05 24.65
57 3.8e-02 5.8e-03 4.4e-05 6.35e-01 6.905546491e+06 6.905547409e+06 1.9e-05 25.00
58 3.4e-02 5.6e-03 3.9e-05 6.92e-01 6.921597910e+06 6.921598761e+06 1.7e-05 25.35
59 2.8e-02 5.7e-03 2.9e-05 7.21e-01 6.952782644e+06 6.952783370e+06 1.4e-05 25.86
60 2.5e-02 5.8e-03 2.5e-05 7.62e-01 6.967973069e+06 6.967973735e+06 1.3e-05 26.36
61 2.2e-02 5.6e-03 2.1e-05 8.04e-01 6.981557363e+06 6.981557973e+06 1.1e-05 26.72
62 2.1e-02 5.6e-03 2.0e-05 8.31e-01 6.986843872e+06 6.986844459e+06 1.1e-05 27.06
63 1.7e-02 5.5e-03 1.4e-05 8.41e-01 7.012851580e+06 7.012852061e+06 8.5e-06 27.45
64 1.6e-02 5.4e-03 1.3e-05 8.81e-01 7.017605979e+06 7.017606440e+06 8.1e-06 27.80
65 1.2e-02 5.6e-03 9.0e-06 8.89e-01 7.040733173e+06 7.040733541e+06 6.2e-06 28.29
66 1.1e-02 5.6e-03 8.1e-06 9.26e-01 7.045550751e+06 7.045551099e+06 5.8e-06 28.65
67 9.3e-03 6.2e-03 6.1e-06 9.31e-01 7.058251214e+06 7.058251510e+06 4.8e-06 29.05
68 9.0e-03 6.2e-03 5.9e-06 9.39e-01 7.059820413e+06 7.059820703e+06 4.7e-06 29.44
69 8.8e-03 6.0e-03 5.7e-06 9.44e-01 7.061731597e+06 7.061731879e+06 4.5e-06 29.80
70 8.3e-03 6.1e-03 5.4e-06 9.46e-01 7.064698114e+06 7.064698384e+06 4.3e-06 30.22
71 8.0e-03 6.0e-03 5.1e-06 9.48e-01 7.066897297e+06 7.066897558e+06 4.1e-06 30.58
72 7.5e-03 6.1e-03 4.7e-06 9.52e-01 7.070138232e+06 7.070138480e+06 3.9e-06 30.94
73 6.9e-03 6.3e-03 4.1e-06 9.52e-01 7.074565860e+06 7.074566090e+06 3.6e-06 31.29
74 6.7e-03 6.2e-03 4.0e-06 9.60e-01 7.076130811e+06 7.076131035e+06 3.5e-06 31.63
75 6.3e-03 6.2e-03 3.6e-06 9.60e-01 7.078670594e+06 7.078670808e+06 3.3e-06 31.98
76 5.8e-03 6.4e-03 3.2e-06 9.62e-01 7.082114208e+06 7.082114408e+06 3.1e-06 32.34
77 5.6e-03 6.1e-03 2.9e-06 8.59e-01 7.083937071e+06 7.083937264e+06 2.9e-06 33.17
78 5.5e-03 6.0e-03 2.9e-06 8.52e-01 7.084524828e+06 7.084525019e+06 2.9e-06 33.93
79 5.1e-03 5.6e-03 2.6e-06 8.47e-01 7.087077489e+06 7.087077672e+06 2.7e-06 34.65
80 5.1e-03 5.6e-03 2.6e-06 8.47e-01 7.087077489e+06 7.087077672e+06 2.7e-06 35.68
81 5.1e-03 5.6e-03 2.6e-06 8.47e-01 7.087077489e+06 7.087077672e+06 2.7e-06 36.68
Optimizer terminated. Time: 37.88
Interior-point solution summary
Solution status : OPTIMAL
Primal. obj: 7.0826522774e+06 nrm: 1e+05 Viol. con: 1e+01 var: 1e+02
Dual. obj: 7.0914996991e+06 nrm: 3e+06 Viol. con: 1e-13 var: 1e+04
Optimizer summary
Optimizer - time: 37.88
Interior-point - iterations : 82 time: 37.86
Basis identification - time: 0.00
Primal - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Dual - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Clean primal - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Clean dual - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Simplex - time: 0.00
Primal simplex - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Dual simplex - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Mixed integer - relaxations: 0 time: 0.00
Mosek returned an error or warning, open the following link in your browser:
-12 min(sbl) = min(A*x - bl), (should be positive)
-12 min(sbu) = min(bu - A*x), (should be positive)
[mosek] reports OPTIMAL but Primal optimality condition in solveCobraQP not satisfied, residual = 1.1173, while feasTol = 1e-06
MOSEK Version 10.2.5 (Build date: 2024-9-17 12:12:35)
Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark WWW: mosek.com
Platform: Linux/64-X86
Name :
Objective sense : minimize
Type : QO (quadratic optimization problem)
Constraints : 269909
Affine conic cons. : 0
Disjunctive cons. : 0
Cones : 0
Scalar variables : 189302
Matrix variables : 0
Integer variables : 0
Optimizer started.
Quadratic to conic reformulation started.
Quadratic to conic reformulation terminated. Time: 0.02
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 1882
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 16
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries : 2 time : 0.00
Lin. dep. - tries : 1 time : 0.10
Lin. dep. - primal attempts : 1 successes : 1
Lin. dep. - dual attempts : 0 successes : 0
Lin. dep. - primal deps. : 406 dual deps. : 0
MOSEK warning 803 (MSK_RES_WRN_PRESOLVE_PRIMAL_PERTUBATIONS): The bounds of the constraints and variables was perturbed. The number of perturbations was 1 and the total pertubation was 0.
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.94
Optimizer - threads : 18
Optimizer - solved problem : the primal
Optimizer - Constraints : 135333
Optimizer - Cones : 1
Optimizer - Scalar variables : 261138 conic : 159874
Optimizer - Semi-definite variables: 0 scalarized : 0
Factor - setup time : 0.90
Factor - dense det. time : 0.00 GP order time : 0.00
Factor - nonzeros before factor : 1.34e+06 after factor : 4.39e+06
Factor - dense dim. : 2 flops : 2.97e+09
0 2.0e+03 2.9e-01 2.4e+00 0.00e+00 1.707177492e+00 2.928225081e-01 1.0e+00 2.02
1 1.9e+03 2.8e-01 2.3e+00 -9.58e-01 2.494732423e+02 2.481141587e+02 9.5e-01 2.49
2 1.7e+03 2.5e-01 2.2e+00 -9.65e-01 1.005170936e+03 1.003940660e+03 8.4e-01 2.84
3 1.4e+03 2.1e-01 2.0e+00 -9.71e-01 2.324646009e+03 2.323618897e+03 7.2e-01 3.19
4 2.7e+02 4.0e-02 8.1e-01 -9.55e-01 8.268862961e+04 8.269247778e+04 1.4e-01 3.96
5 1.8e+02 2.7e-02 6.3e-01 -8.13e-01 1.639776242e+05 1.639837149e+05 9.1e-02 4.32
6 7.7e+01 1.1e-02 3.5e-01 -7.46e-01 5.184215865e+05 5.184337577e+05 3.9e-02 4.83
7 6.5e+01 9.5e-03 3.0e-01 -5.16e-01 6.539201030e+05 6.539331677e+05 3.2e-02 5.18
8 2.8e+01 4.1e-03 1.4e-01 -4.52e-01 1.592220292e+06 1.592236383e+06 1.4e-02 5.81
9 2.3e+01 3.3e-03 1.1e-01 -6.39e-02 1.872467690e+06 1.872483291e+06 1.1e-02 6.16
10 1.8e+01 2.7e-03 8.9e-02 1.98e-02 2.185431520e+06 2.185446433e+06 9.2e-03 6.51
11 1.2e+01 1.8e-03 5.7e-02 1.01e-01 2.754471035e+06 2.754484587e+06 6.2e-03 7.00
12 1.1e+01 1.6e-03 5.0e-02 2.13e-01 2.916842535e+06 2.916855746e+06 5.5e-03 7.35
13 9.1e+00 1.3e-03 4.1e-02 2.18e-01 3.172004312e+06 3.172017029e+06 4.6e-03 7.79
14 7.7e+00 1.1e-03 3.3e-02 2.52e-01 3.417938475e+06 3.417950623e+06 3.9e-03 8.14
15 6.6e+00 9.8e-04 2.8e-02 2.97e-01 3.618477941e+06 3.618489558e+06 3.3e-03 8.49
16 5.6e+00 8.2e-04 2.3e-02 3.33e-01 3.857190320e+06 3.857201277e+06 2.8e-03 8.85
17 4.3e+00 6.4e-04 1.7e-02 3.75e-01 4.192651723e+06 4.192661671e+06 2.2e-03 9.33
18 3.5e+00 5.1e-04 1.3e-02 4.32e-01 4.465596472e+06 4.465605559e+06 1.8e-03 9.68
19 3.2e+00 4.7e-04 1.2e-02 4.71e-01 4.581968112e+06 4.581976890e+06 1.6e-03 10.03
20 2.1e+00 3.1e-04 7.0e-03 4.94e-01 5.039170284e+06 5.039177425e+06 1.1e-03 10.74
21 1.8e+00 2.7e-04 5.8e-03 5.87e-01 5.186011199e+06 5.186017824e+06 9.2e-04 11.09
22 1.7e+00 2.5e-04 5.4e-03 5.88e-01 5.247971548e+06 5.247978030e+06 8.6e-04 11.44
23 1.6e+00 2.4e-04 5.1e-03 5.77e-01 5.288378501e+06 5.288384860e+06 8.2e-04 11.79
24 1.5e+00 2.2e-04 4.4e-03 5.71e-01 5.390966667e+06 5.390972730e+06 7.3e-04 12.14
25 1.3e+00 1.8e-04 3.7e-03 5.79e-01 5.523683490e+06 5.523689136e+06 6.3e-04 12.49
26 1.1e+00 1.7e-04 3.2e-03 5.93e-01 5.604336231e+06 5.604341636e+06 5.7e-04 12.84
27 7.8e-01 1.2e-04 2.0e-03 5.99e-01 5.876891951e+06 5.876896449e+06 3.9e-04 13.37
28 6.5e-01 1.0e-04 1.6e-03 6.16e-01 5.992506624e+06 5.992510743e+06 3.3e-04 13.87
29 5.9e-01 1.3e-04 1.4e-03 6.49e-01 6.052827528e+06 6.052831436e+06 3.0e-04 14.22
30 5.3e-01 1.6e-04 1.2e-03 6.64e-01 6.126499978e+06 6.126503603e+06 2.7e-04 14.57
31 4.0e-01 1.8e-04 8.6e-04 6.84e-01 6.275455393e+06 6.275458464e+06 2.0e-04 15.01
32 3.7e-01 2.1e-04 7.7e-04 7.16e-01 6.317526783e+06 6.317529691e+06 1.8e-04 15.38
33 3.1e-01 2.4e-04 6.1e-04 7.25e-01 6.397647861e+06 6.397650469e+06 1.5e-04 15.74
34 2.7e-01 2.8e-04 5.2e-04 7.37e-01 6.449522508e+06 6.449524917e+06 1.4e-04 16.08
35 2.5e-01 3.0e-04 4.5e-04 7.60e-01 6.487523747e+06 6.487526005e+06 1.2e-04 16.44
36 2.1e-01 3.6e-04 3.8e-04 7.64e-01 6.538613889e+06 6.538615950e+06 1.1e-04 16.78
37 1.9e-01 4.8e-04 3.1e-04 7.58e-01 6.582776221e+06 6.582778117e+06 9.3e-05 17.13
38 1.6e-01 7.2e-04 2.5e-04 7.53e-01 6.635747596e+06 6.635749301e+06 7.8e-05 17.58
39 1.5e-01 7.9e-04 2.4e-04 7.25e-01 6.644959565e+06 6.644961239e+06 7.5e-05 17.95
40 1.3e-01 9.9e-04 2.0e-04 7.43e-01 6.682845967e+06 6.682847503e+06 6.5e-05 18.30
41 1.2e-01 1.2e-03 1.8e-04 7.46e-01 6.704895312e+06 6.704896768e+06 6.0e-05 18.65
42 9.4e-02 2.1e-03 1.3e-04 7.41e-01 6.751169057e+06 6.751170382e+06 4.7e-05 19.18
43 8.2e-02 3.2e-03 1.1e-04 5.73e-01 6.772240698e+06 6.772241993e+06 4.1e-05 19.62
44 7.7e-02 3.7e-03 1.1e-04 5.05e-01 6.781163505e+06 6.781164794e+06 3.9e-05 19.97
45 7.2e-02 4.4e-03 1.0e-04 4.61e-01 6.790395600e+06 6.790396888e+06 3.6e-05 20.32
46 6.8e-02 4.8e-03 9.4e-05 4.34e-01 6.797930779e+06 6.797932058e+06 3.4e-05 20.68
47 6.8e-02 4.8e-03 9.3e-05 4.48e-01 6.800858510e+06 6.800859777e+06 3.4e-05 21.03
48 6.7e-02 4.9e-03 9.3e-05 4.83e-01 6.800783287e+06 6.800784557e+06 3.4e-05 21.37
49 6.4e-02 5.2e-03 8.7e-05 4.60e-01 6.810006223e+06 6.810007470e+06 3.2e-05 21.82
50 6.0e-02 5.1e-03 8.0e-05 5.09e-01 6.824482548e+06 6.824483736e+06 3.0e-05 22.16
51 5.9e-02 5.3e-03 7.9e-05 5.35e-01 6.824782123e+06 6.824783317e+06 3.0e-05 22.51
52 5.6e-02 5.5e-03 7.4e-05 5.17e-01 6.834133863e+06 6.834135029e+06 2.8e-05 22.86
53 5.1e-02 6.1e-03 6.7e-05 5.09e-01 6.848324756e+06 6.848325890e+06 2.6e-05 23.35
54 4.6e-02 6.8e-03 5.8e-05 4.47e-01 6.866772066e+06 6.866773158e+06 2.3e-05 23.83
55 4.3e-02 7.4e-03 5.4e-05 4.27e-01 6.874540819e+06 6.874541902e+06 2.2e-05 24.19
56 4.2e-02 6.3e-03 5.2e-05 7.27e-01 6.884090727e+06 6.884091741e+06 2.1e-05 24.53
57 3.8e-02 5.8e-03 4.4e-05 6.35e-01 6.905546491e+06 6.905547409e+06 1.9e-05 24.87
58 3.4e-02 5.6e-03 3.9e-05 6.92e-01 6.921597910e+06 6.921598761e+06 1.7e-05 25.23
59 2.8e-02 5.7e-03 2.9e-05 7.21e-01 6.952782644e+06 6.952783370e+06 1.4e-05 25.72
60 2.5e-02 5.8e-03 2.5e-05 7.62e-01 6.967973069e+06 6.967973735e+06 1.3e-05 26.21
61 2.2e-02 5.6e-03 2.1e-05 8.04e-01 6.981557363e+06 6.981557973e+06 1.1e-05 26.55
62 2.1e-02 5.6e-03 2.0e-05 8.31e-01 6.986843872e+06 6.986844459e+06 1.1e-05 26.89
63 1.7e-02 5.5e-03 1.4e-05 8.41e-01 7.012851580e+06 7.012852061e+06 8.5e-06 27.29
64 1.6e-02 5.4e-03 1.3e-05 8.81e-01 7.017605979e+06 7.017606440e+06 8.1e-06 27.64
65 1.2e-02 5.6e-03 9.0e-06 8.89e-01 7.040733173e+06 7.040733541e+06 6.2e-06 28.13
66 1.1e-02 5.6e-03 8.1e-06 9.26e-01 7.045550751e+06 7.045551099e+06 5.8e-06 28.47
67 9.3e-03 6.2e-03 6.1e-06 9.31e-01 7.058251214e+06 7.058251510e+06 4.8e-06 28.87
68 9.0e-03 6.2e-03 5.9e-06 9.39e-01 7.059820413e+06 7.059820703e+06 4.7e-06 29.26
69 8.8e-03 6.0e-03 5.7e-06 9.44e-01 7.061731597e+06 7.061731879e+06 4.5e-06 29.60
70 8.3e-03 6.1e-03 5.4e-06 9.46e-01 7.064698114e+06 7.064698384e+06 4.3e-06 30.00
71 8.0e-03 6.0e-03 5.1e-06 9.48e-01 7.066897297e+06 7.066897558e+06 4.1e-06 30.35
72 7.5e-03 6.1e-03 4.7e-06 9.52e-01 7.070138232e+06 7.070138480e+06 3.9e-06 30.70
73 6.9e-03 6.3e-03 4.1e-06 9.52e-01 7.074565860e+06 7.074566090e+06 3.6e-06 31.04
74 6.7e-03 6.2e-03 4.0e-06 9.60e-01 7.076130811e+06 7.076131035e+06 3.5e-06 31.39
75 6.3e-03 6.2e-03 3.6e-06 9.60e-01 7.078670594e+06 7.078670808e+06 3.3e-06 31.73
76 5.8e-03 6.4e-03 3.2e-06 9.62e-01 7.082114208e+06 7.082114408e+06 3.1e-06 32.07
77 5.6e-03 6.1e-03 2.9e-06 8.59e-01 7.083937071e+06 7.083937264e+06 2.9e-06 32.87
78 5.5e-03 6.0e-03 2.9e-06 8.52e-01 7.084524828e+06 7.084525019e+06 2.9e-06 33.64
79 5.1e-03 5.6e-03 2.6e-06 8.47e-01 7.087077489e+06 7.087077672e+06 2.7e-06 34.35
80 5.1e-03 5.6e-03 2.6e-06 8.47e-01 7.087077489e+06 7.087077672e+06 2.7e-06 35.36
81 5.1e-03 5.6e-03 2.6e-06 8.47e-01 7.087077489e+06 7.087077672e+06 2.7e-06 36.37
Optimizer terminated. Time: 37.57
Interior-point solution summary
Solution status : OPTIMAL
Primal. obj: 7.0826522774e+06 nrm: 1e+05 Viol. con: 1e+01 var: 1e+02
Dual. obj: 7.0914996991e+06 nrm: 3e+06 Viol. con: 1e-13 var: 1e+04
Optimizer summary
Optimizer - time: 37.57
Interior-point - iterations : 82 time: 37.55
Basis identification - time: 0.00
Primal - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Dual - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Clean primal - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Clean dual - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Simplex - time: 0.00
Primal simplex - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Dual simplex - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Mixed integer - relaxations: 0 time: 0.00
Mosek returned an error or warning, open the following link in your browser:
-12 min(sbl) = min(A*x - bl), (should be positive)
-12 min(sbu) = min(bu - A*x), (should be positive)
[mosek] reports OPTIMAL but Primal optimality condition in solveCobraQP not satisfied, residual = 1.1173, while feasTol = 1e-06
T.method = replace(T.method,'MSK_OPTIMIZER_','');
T.method = replace(T.method,'_',' ');
T.solver = replace(T.solver,'ibm_','');
T.approach = append(T.solver, ' ', T.method);
T =sortrows(T,{'stat','time'},{'ascend','ascend'});
T = 3×13 table
| interface | solver | method | problem | model | stat | origStat | time | f | f1 | f2 | f0 | approach |
1 | "optimizeCbModel" | "cplex" | "BARRIER" | "QP" | "Harvey" | 1 | "optimal" | 15.9838 | 1 | 1 | NaN | NaN | "cplex BARRIER" |
2 | "optimizeCbModel" | "mosek" | "CONIC" | "QP" | "Harvey" | 1 | "OPTIMAL" | 37.7570 | [] | 1 | 7.0827e+06 | NaN | "mosek CONIC" |
3 | "optimizeCbModel" | "gurobi" | "BARRIER" | "QP" | "Harvey" | 1 | "OPTIMAL" | 38.1216 | [] | 1 | 7.0827e+06 | NaN | "gurobi BARRIER" |
% Create the first histogram
histogram(T.time(T.stat==1 & strcmp(T.problem,'LP')),'NumBins',100,'FaceColor', 'r','FaceAlpha', 0.5); % 'r' sets the color to red
hold on; % Keep the current plot so that the second histogram is overlaid
% Create the second histogram
histogram(T.time(T.stat==1 & strcmp(T.problem,'QP')),'NumBins',100,'FaceColor', 'b','FaceAlpha', 0.5); % 'r' sets the color to red
xlabel({'Whole body metabolic model LP solution time (seconds)',[int2str(nMet) ' metabolites, ' int2str(nRxn) ' reactions.']})
ylabel('Number of solutions')
title('Solution time depends on solver, method and problem');
hold off; % Release the hold for future plots
% Concatenate solver and method into 'approach'
T.approach = append(T.solver, ' ', T.method);
T = T(strcmp(T.problem,'LP'),:);
% Calculate the mean solve time and standard deviation for each approach
avg_times = varfun(@mean, T, 'InputVariables', 'time', 'GroupingVariables', 'approach');
std_times = varfun(@std, T, 'InputVariables', 'time', 'GroupingVariables', 'approach');
times.std_time = std_times.std_time;
% Sort both the avg_times and std_times by the mean solve time
[times, sort_idx] = sortrows(times, 'mean_time');
% Create a bar plot with the sorted data
b = bar(times.mean_time, 'FaceColor', 'b', 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
% Add error bars using the sorted standard deviations
errorbar(times.mean_time, times.std_time, 'k', 'linestyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlabel('Approach', 'Interpreter', 'none');
ylabel('Solve Time (s)');
title('LP solve times', 'Interpreter', 'none');
times = times(times.mean_time<mean(times.mean_time),:);
% Create a bar plot with the sorted data
b = bar(times.mean_time, 'FaceColor', 'b', 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
% Add error bars using the sorted standard deviations
errorbar(times.mean_time, times.std_time, 'k', 'linestyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlabel('Approach', 'Interpreter', 'none');
ylabel('Solve Time (s)');
title('LP solve times', 'Interpreter', 'none');
T = T(strcmp(T.problem,'QP'),:);
% Calculate the mean solve time and standard deviation for each approach
avg_times = varfun(@mean, T, 'InputVariables', 'time', 'GroupingVariables', 'approach');
std_times = varfun(@std, T, 'InputVariables', 'time', 'GroupingVariables', 'approach');
times.std_time = std_times.std_time;
% Sort both the avg_times and std_times by the mean solve time
[times, sort_idx] = sortrows(times, 'mean_time');
% Create a bar plot with the sorted data
b = bar(times.mean_time, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
% Add error bars using the sorted standard deviations
errorbar(times.mean_time, times.std_time, 'k', 'linestyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlabel('Approach', 'Interpreter', 'none');
ylabel('Solve Time (seconds)');
title('QP solve times', 'Interpreter', 'none');
times = times(times.mean_time<mean(times.mean_time),:);
% Create a bar plot with the sorted data
b = bar(times.mean_time, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
% Add error bars using the sorted standard deviations
errorbar(times.mean_time, times.std_time, 'k', 'linestyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlabel('Approach', 'Interpreter', 'none');
ylabel('Solve Time (seconds)');
title('QP solve times', 'Interpreter', 'none');