Benchmark solvers for solving whole body metabolic models

Authors: Ronan M.T. Fleming, University of Galway


Compare the time taken to solve different formulations of constraint-based modelling problems involving whole body metabolic models with different solvers and different methods for each solver with the option to repeat the analysis to compute mean and variance of solution times.


Initialize the COBRA Toolbox.

Please ensure that The COBRA Toolbox has been properly installed, and initialized using the initCobraToolbox function.
if 0 %set to true if your toolbox has not been initialised
initCobraToolbox(false) % false, as we don't want to update


Define the location to save your results
if 1
resultsFolder = '~/drive/sbgCloud/projects/variationalKinetics/results/WBM/';
resultsFolder = pwd;
Load whole body metabolic model - change this to suit your own setup.
modelToUse ='Harvey';
modelToUse ='Harvetta';

Define the methods (algorithms) available for different solvers

% 0 CPX_ALG_AUTOMATIC Automatic: let CPLEX choose; default
% 1 CPX_ALG_PRIMAL Primal simplex
% 2 CPX_ALG_DUAL Dual simplex
% 3 CPX_ALG_NET Network simplex
% 6 CPX_ALG_CONCURRENT Concurrent (Dual, Barrier, and Primal in opportunistic parallel mode; Dual and Barrier in deterministic parallel mode)
% 0 CPX_ALG_AUTOMATIC Automatic: let CPLEX choose; default
% 1 CPX_ALG_PRIMAL Use the primal simplex optimizer.
% 2 CPX_ALG_DUAL Use the dual simplex optimizer.
% 3 CPX_ALG_NET Use the network optimizer.
% 4 CPX_ALG_BARRIER Use the barrier optimizer.
% 6 CPX_ALG_CONCURRENT Use the concurrent optimizer.
% Mosek
% The parameter controls which optimizer is used to optimize the task.
% Default "FREE"
% Gurobi
% Algorithm used to solve continuous models
% Algorithm used to solve continuous models or the initial root relaxation of a MIP model. Options are:
gurobiQPMethods = {'AUTOMATIC','PRIMAL','DUAL','BARRIER'};

Set parameters for benchmark

COBRA toolbox parameters
printLevel=1; % {(0),1,2} 1 output from optimiseVKmode, 2 also output from solver
changeOK = changeCobraSolverParams('LP', 'printLevel', printLevel);
changeOK = changeCobraSolverParams('LP', 'printLevel', feasTol);
Select whether to compare one or a set of solvers
compareSolvers = 1;
Select whether to compare one or a set of different formulations of constraint-based modelling problems involving whole body metabolic models.
compareSolveWBMmethods = 0;
Select whether to compare one or a set of available methods (algorithms) for each solver
compareSolverMethods = 0;
Define the number of times to replicate the same formulation, solver, method combination.
nReplicates = 1;
Set the maximum time limit allowed to solve a single instance. Useful for eliminating slow instances in a large batch of trials.
secondsTimeLimit = 60;

Display and (optionally) modify properties of the whole body model that may effect solve time

nMet = 58095
nRxn = 83395
Identify large bounds not at the maximum
boundMagnitudes = [abs(;abs(model.ub)];
largestMagnitudeBound = max(boundMagnitudes);
fprintf('%g%s\n',(nnz(largestMagnitudeBound==[abs(;abs(model.ub)])*100)/(length(*2),' = percent of bounds at maximum')
62.2112 = percent of bounds at maximum
Display bounds that are not at the maximum
if 1
histogram(log10(boundMagnitudes(boundMagnitudes~=largestMagnitudeBound & boundMagnitudes~=0)))
ylabel('# bounds')
title('Distribution of bound magnitudes')
Replace large bounds with inf or -inf. This is a good idea. Better to leave this option on.
if 1;
model.ub(largestMagnitudeBound==model.ub)= inf;
boolMagnitudes = boundMagnitudes~=largestMagnitudeBound & boundMagnitudes~=0 & boundMagnitudes<1e-4;
boolRxns = boolMagnitudes(1:nRxn) | boolMagnitudes(nRxn+1:2*nRxn);
Optionally, print the bounds for reactions with small magnitude
if 0
fprintf('%g%s\n',nnz(boolRxns)*100/length(boolRxns),' = percent of bounds with magnutide less than 1e-4')
0.389712 = percent of bounds with magnutide less than 1e-4
Optionally, print the bounds for reactions with small difference
boundDifference = model.ub -;
bool = length(model.rxns);
Z = table(boundDifference,model.rxns,model.rxnNames,'VariableNames',{'boundDifference','rxns','rxnNames'});
if any(boundDifference<0)
error(['lb > ub for ' num2str(nnz(boundDifference)) ' reactions'])
boolDifference = boundDifference<1e-5 & boundDifference~=0;
Z = sortrows(Z(boolDifference,:),'boundDifference');
if 0
fprintf('%g%s\n',nnz(boolRxns)*100/length(boolRxns), ' = percent of bounds with difference (ub - lb) less than 1e-5')
0.389712 = percent of bounds with difference (ub - lb) less than 1e-5
forwardBoolDifference = boolDifference &>=0 & model.ub>0;
reverseBoolDifference = boolDifference &<0 & model.ub<=0;
reversibleBoolDifference = boolDifference &<0 & model.ub>0;
if any((forwardBoolDifference | reverseBoolDifference | reversibleBoolDifference)~=boolDifference)
error('missing bool difference')
Optionally relax bounds that are very tight
if relaxTightBounds
for x=higherExponent:-1:lowerExponent
%calulate the difference between the bounds each time
boundDifference = model.ub -;
bool = forwardBoolDifference & (boundDifference <= 10^(-x));
model.ub(bool & ~done) = model.ub(bool & ~done)*(10^(x-lowerExponent+1));
done = done | bool;
bool = reverseBoolDifference & (boundDifference <= 10^(-x)); & ~done) = & ~done)*(10^(x-lowerExponent+1));
done = done | bool;
bool = reversibleBoolDifference & (boundDifference <= 10^(-x)); & ~done) = & ~done)*(10^((x-lowerExponent+1)/2));
model.ub(bool & ~done) = model.ub(bool & ~done)*(10^((x-lowerExponent+1)/2));
done = done | bool;
if 1

Prepare a benchmark table, choose the solver and solve

% Define the corresponding variable types
VariableTypes = {'string', 'string', 'string','string','string','double','string','double','double','double','double','double'};
T = table('Size', [0 length(VariableNames)],'VariableNames',VariableNames,'VariableTypes', VariableTypes);
Select the solvers to compare
if compareSolvers
solvers = { 'gurobi','ibm_cplex','mosek'};
%solvers = { 'ibm_cplex','mosek','gurobi'};
%solvers = { 'mosek','ibm_cplex','gurobi'};
% Choose the solver
% solvers = {'gurobi'};
solvers = {'ibm_cplex'};
solvers = {'mosek'};
Select the formulations to compare
if compareSolveWBMmethods
%solveWBMmethods = {'LP','QP','QRLP','QRQP','zero','oneInternal'};
solveWBMmethods = {'LP','QP'};%,'zero','oneInternal'};
%solveWBMmethods = {'LP','oneInternal'};
% Choose type of problem to solve
% solveWBMmethods = {'LP'};
solveWBMmethods = {'QP'};
%solveWBMmethods = {'QRLP'};
%solveWBMmethods = {'QRQP'};
Set the min norm weight for QP problems
minNormWeight = 1e-4;
Solve the ensemble of instances
for ind = 1:nReplicates
for i = 1:length(solveWBMmethods)
solveWBMmethod = solveWBMmethods{i};
for j = 1:length(solvers)
solver = solvers{j};
clear param;
switch solveWBMmethod
case 'LP'
param.minNorm = 0;
case 'QP'
param.minNorm = minNormWeight;
case 'QRLP'
param.minNorm = 0;
case 'QRQP'
param.minNorm = minNormWeight;
case 'zero'
param.minNorm = 'zero';
case 'oneInternal'
if isfield(model,'SConsistentRxnBool')
param.minNorm = 'oneInternal';
error('param.solveWBMmethod= oneInternal cannot be implemented as model.SConsistentRxnBool is missing')
switch solver
case 'gurobi'
% Model scaling
% Type: int
% Default value: -1
% Minimum value: -1
% Maximum value: 3
% Controls model scaling. By default, the rows and columns of the model are scaled in order to improve the numerical
% properties of the constraint matrix. The scaling is removed before the final solution is returned. Scaling typically
% reduces solution times, but it may lead to larger constraint violations in the original, unscaled model. Turning off
% scaling (ScaleFlag=0) can sometimes produce smaller constraint violations. Choosing a different scaling option can
% sometimes improve performance for particularly numerically difficult models. Using geometric mean scaling (ScaleFlag=2)
% is especially well suited for models with a wide range of coefficients in the constraint matrix rows or columns.
% Settings 1 and 3 are not as directly connected to any specific model characteristics, so experimentation with both
% settings may be needed to assess performance impact.
param.timelimit = secondsTimeLimit;
case 'ibm_cplex'
param.minNorm = 0;
% Decides how to scale the problem matrix.
% Value Meaning
% -1 No scaling
% 0 Equilibration scaling; default
% 1 More aggressive scaling
param.scaind = -1;
% Emphasizes precision in numerically unstable or difficult problems.
% This parameter lets you specify to CPLEX that it should emphasize precision in
% numerically difficult or unstable problems, with consequent performance trade-offs in time and memory.
% Value Meaning
% 0 Do not emphasize numerical precision; default
% 1 Exercise extreme caution in computation
param.timelimit = secondsTimeLimit;
case 'mosek'
% Controls how the problem is scaled before the interior-point optimizer is used.
% Default
% "FREE"
% Accepted
% "FREE", "NONE"
% Controls how much effort is used in scaling the problem before a simplex optimizer is used.
% Default
% "FREE"
% Accepted
% "FREE", "NONE"
% Example
% Controls how the problem is scaled before a simplex optimizer is used.
% Default
% "POW2"
% Accepted
% "POW2", "FREE"
% Example
if compareSolverMethods
% Solve a problem with selected solver and each method available to that solver
% solveWBMmethod = {'LP','QP','QRLP','QRQP','zero','oneInternal'};
switch param.solveWBMmethod
case {'LP','zero','oneInternal'}
switch solver
case 'gurobi'
solverMethods = gurobiLPMethods;
case 'ibm_cplex'
solverMethods = cplexLPMethods;
case 'mosek'
solverMethods = mosekMethods;
case {'QP','QRLP','QRQP'}
switch solver
case 'gurobi'
solverMethods = gurobiQPMethods;
case 'ibm_cplex'
solverMethods = cplexQPMethods;
case 'mosek'
solverMethods = mosekMethods;
for k=1:length(solverMethods)
switch solver
case 'gurobi'
case 'ibm_cplex'
case 'mosek'
%The parameter controls which optimizer is used to optimize the task.
solution = optimizeCbModel(model,'min', param.minNorm,1,param);
T = [T; {'optimizeCbModel', solver, solverMethods{k}, param.solveWBMmethod, modelToUse, solution.stat,{solution.origStat},toc,{solution.f},{solution.f1},{solution.f2},{solution.f0}}];
% Solve a problem with selected solver and one method available to that solver
switch solver
case 'gurobi'
method = param.lpmethod;
case 'ibm_cplex'
method = param.lpmethod;
case 'mosek'
method = 'FREE';
method = 'INTPNT';
method = 'CONIC';
solution = optimizeCbModel(model,'min', param.minNorm,1,param);
T = [T; {'optimizeCbModel', solver, method, param.solveWBMmethod, modelToUse, solution.stat,{solution.origStat},toc,{solution.f},{solution.f1},{solution.f2},{solution.f0}}];
MOSEK Version 10.2.5 (Build date: 2024-9-17 12:12:35) Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark WWW: Platform: Linux/64-X86 Problem Name : Objective sense : minimize Type : QO (quadratic optimization problem) Constraints : 269909 Affine conic cons. : 0 Disjunctive cons. : 0 Cones : 0 Scalar variables : 189302 Matrix variables : 0 Integer variables : 0 Optimizer started. Quadratic to conic reformulation started. Quadratic to conic reformulation terminated. Time: 0.02 Presolve started. Linear dependency checker started. Linear dependency checker terminated. Eliminator started. Freed constraints in eliminator : 1882 Eliminator terminated. Eliminator started. Freed constraints in eliminator : 16 Eliminator terminated. Eliminator - tries : 2 time : 0.00 Lin. dep. - tries : 1 time : 0.11 Lin. dep. - primal attempts : 1 successes : 1 Lin. dep. - dual attempts : 0 successes : 0 Lin. dep. - primal deps. : 406 dual deps. : 0 MOSEK warning 803 (MSK_RES_WRN_PRESOLVE_PRIMAL_PERTUBATIONS): The bounds of the constraints and variables was perturbed. The number of perturbations was 1 and the total pertubation was 0. Presolve terminated. Time: 1.10 Optimizer - threads : 18 Optimizer - solved problem : the primal Optimizer - Constraints : 135333 Optimizer - Cones : 1 Optimizer - Scalar variables : 261138 conic : 159874 Optimizer - Semi-definite variables: 0 scalarized : 0 Factor - setup time : 0.82 Factor - dense det. time : 0.00 GP order time : 0.00 Factor - nonzeros before factor : 1.34e+06 after factor : 4.39e+06 Factor - dense dim. : 2 flops : 2.97e+09 ITE PFEAS DFEAS GFEAS PRSTATUS POBJ DOBJ MU TIME 0 2.0e+03 2.9e-01 2.4e+00 0.00e+00 1.707177492e+00 2.928225081e-01 1.0e+00 2.10 1 1.9e+03 2.8e-01 2.3e+00 -9.58e-01 2.494732423e+02 2.481141587e+02 9.5e-01 2.57 2 1.7e+03 2.5e-01 2.2e+00 -9.65e-01 1.005170936e+03 1.003940660e+03 8.4e-01 2.92 3 1.4e+03 2.1e-01 2.0e+00 -9.71e-01 2.324646009e+03 2.323618897e+03 7.2e-01 3.27 4 2.7e+02 4.0e-02 8.1e-01 -9.55e-01 8.268862961e+04 8.269247778e+04 1.4e-01 4.07 5 1.8e+02 2.7e-02 6.3e-01 -8.13e-01 1.639776242e+05 1.639837149e+05 9.1e-02 4.42 6 7.7e+01 1.1e-02 3.5e-01 -7.46e-01 5.184215865e+05 5.184337577e+05 3.9e-02 4.91 7 6.5e+01 9.5e-03 3.0e-01 -5.16e-01 6.539201030e+05 6.539331677e+05 3.2e-02 5.29 8 2.8e+01 4.1e-03 1.4e-01 -4.52e-01 1.592220292e+06 1.592236383e+06 1.4e-02 5.93 9 2.3e+01 3.3e-03 1.1e-01 -6.39e-02 1.872467690e+06 1.872483291e+06 1.1e-02 6.29 10 1.8e+01 2.7e-03 8.9e-02 1.98e-02 2.185431520e+06 2.185446433e+06 9.2e-03 6.64 11 1.2e+01 1.8e-03 5.7e-02 1.01e-01 2.754471035e+06 2.754484587e+06 6.2e-03 7.12 12 1.1e+01 1.6e-03 5.0e-02 2.13e-01 2.916842535e+06 2.916855746e+06 5.5e-03 7.47 13 9.1e+00 1.3e-03 4.1e-02 2.18e-01 3.172004312e+06 3.172017029e+06 4.6e-03 7.91 14 7.7e+00 1.1e-03 3.3e-02 2.52e-01 3.417938475e+06 3.417950623e+06 3.9e-03 8.25 15 6.6e+00 9.8e-04 2.8e-02 2.97e-01 3.618477941e+06 3.618489558e+06 3.3e-03 8.60 16 5.6e+00 8.2e-04 2.3e-02 3.33e-01 3.857190320e+06 3.857201277e+06 2.8e-03 8.95 17 4.3e+00 6.4e-04 1.7e-02 3.75e-01 4.192651723e+06 4.192661671e+06 2.2e-03 9.40 18 3.5e+00 5.1e-04 1.3e-02 4.32e-01 4.465596472e+06 4.465605559e+06 1.8e-03 9.75 19 3.2e+00 4.7e-04 1.2e-02 4.71e-01 4.581968112e+06 4.581976890e+06 1.6e-03 10.09 20 2.1e+00 3.1e-04 7.0e-03 4.94e-01 5.039170284e+06 5.039177425e+06 1.1e-03 10.76 21 1.8e+00 2.7e-04 5.8e-03 5.87e-01 5.186011199e+06 5.186017824e+06 9.2e-04 11.11 22 1.7e+00 2.5e-04 5.4e-03 5.88e-01 5.247971548e+06 5.247978030e+06 8.6e-04 11.45 23 1.6e+00 2.4e-04 5.1e-03 5.77e-01 5.288378501e+06 5.288384860e+06 8.2e-04 11.79 24 1.5e+00 2.2e-04 4.4e-03 5.71e-01 5.390966667e+06 5.390972730e+06 7.3e-04 12.14 25 1.3e+00 1.8e-04 3.7e-03 5.79e-01 5.523683490e+06 5.523689136e+06 6.3e-04 12.49 26 1.1e+00 1.7e-04 3.2e-03 5.93e-01 5.604336231e+06 5.604341636e+06 5.7e-04 12.84 27 7.8e-01 1.2e-04 2.0e-03 5.99e-01 5.876891951e+06 5.876896449e+06 3.9e-04 13.39 28 6.5e-01 1.0e-04 1.6e-03 6.16e-01 5.992506624e+06 5.992510743e+06 3.3e-04 13.88 29 5.9e-01 1.3e-04 1.4e-03 6.49e-01 6.052827528e+06 6.052831436e+06 3.0e-04 14.24 30 5.3e-01 1.6e-04 1.2e-03 6.64e-01 6.126499978e+06 6.126503603e+06 2.7e-04 14.59 31 4.0e-01 1.8e-04 8.6e-04 6.84e-01 6.275455393e+06 6.275458464e+06 2.0e-04 15.04 32 3.7e-01 2.1e-04 7.7e-04 7.16e-01 6.317526783e+06 6.317529691e+06 1.8e-04 15.40 33 3.1e-01 2.4e-04 6.1e-04 7.25e-01 6.397647861e+06 6.397650469e+06 1.5e-04 15.75 34 2.7e-01 2.8e-04 5.2e-04 7.37e-01 6.449522508e+06 6.449524917e+06 1.4e-04 16.10 35 2.5e-01 3.0e-04 4.5e-04 7.60e-01 6.487523747e+06 6.487526005e+06 1.2e-04 16.46 36 2.1e-01 3.6e-04 3.8e-04 7.64e-01 6.538613889e+06 6.538615950e+06 1.1e-04 16.80 37 1.9e-01 4.8e-04 3.1e-04 7.58e-01 6.582776221e+06 6.582778117e+06 9.3e-05 17.15 38 1.6e-01 7.2e-04 2.5e-04 7.53e-01 6.635747596e+06 6.635749301e+06 7.8e-05 17.60 39 1.5e-01 7.9e-04 2.4e-04 7.25e-01 6.644959565e+06 6.644961239e+06 7.5e-05 17.95 40 1.3e-01 9.9e-04 2.0e-04 7.43e-01 6.682845967e+06 6.682847503e+06 6.5e-05 18.31 41 1.2e-01 1.2e-03 1.8e-04 7.46e-01 6.704895312e+06 6.704896768e+06 6.0e-05 18.68 42 9.4e-02 2.1e-03 1.3e-04 7.41e-01 6.751169057e+06 6.751170382e+06 4.7e-05 19.24 43 8.2e-02 3.2e-03 1.1e-04 5.73e-01 6.772240698e+06 6.772241993e+06 4.1e-05 19.69 44 7.7e-02 3.7e-03 1.1e-04 5.05e-01 6.781163505e+06 6.781164794e+06 3.9e-05 20.04 45 7.2e-02 4.4e-03 1.0e-04 4.61e-01 6.790395600e+06 6.790396888e+06 3.6e-05 20.42 46 6.8e-02 4.8e-03 9.4e-05 4.34e-01 6.797930779e+06 6.797932058e+06 3.4e-05 20.78 47 6.8e-02 4.8e-03 9.3e-05 4.48e-01 6.800858510e+06 6.800859777e+06 3.4e-05 21.13 48 6.7e-02 4.9e-03 9.3e-05 4.83e-01 6.800783287e+06 6.800784557e+06 3.4e-05 21.48 49 6.4e-02 5.2e-03 8.7e-05 4.60e-01 6.810006223e+06 6.810007470e+06 3.2e-05 21.92 50 6.0e-02 5.1e-03 8.0e-05 5.09e-01 6.824482548e+06 6.824483736e+06 3.0e-05 22.26 51 5.9e-02 5.3e-03 7.9e-05 5.35e-01 6.824782123e+06 6.824783317e+06 3.0e-05 22.61 52 5.6e-02 5.5e-03 7.4e-05 5.17e-01 6.834133863e+06 6.834135029e+06 2.8e-05 22.97 53 5.1e-02 6.1e-03 6.7e-05 5.09e-01 6.848324756e+06 6.848325890e+06 2.6e-05 23.46 54 4.6e-02 6.8e-03 5.8e-05 4.47e-01 6.866772066e+06 6.866773158e+06 2.3e-05 23.95 55 4.3e-02 7.4e-03 5.4e-05 4.27e-01 6.874540819e+06 6.874541902e+06 2.2e-05 24.29 56 4.2e-02 6.3e-03 5.2e-05 7.27e-01 6.884090727e+06 6.884091741e+06 2.1e-05 24.65 57 3.8e-02 5.8e-03 4.4e-05 6.35e-01 6.905546491e+06 6.905547409e+06 1.9e-05 25.00 58 3.4e-02 5.6e-03 3.9e-05 6.92e-01 6.921597910e+06 6.921598761e+06 1.7e-05 25.35 59 2.8e-02 5.7e-03 2.9e-05 7.21e-01 6.952782644e+06 6.952783370e+06 1.4e-05 25.86 60 2.5e-02 5.8e-03 2.5e-05 7.62e-01 6.967973069e+06 6.967973735e+06 1.3e-05 26.36 61 2.2e-02 5.6e-03 2.1e-05 8.04e-01 6.981557363e+06 6.981557973e+06 1.1e-05 26.72 62 2.1e-02 5.6e-03 2.0e-05 8.31e-01 6.986843872e+06 6.986844459e+06 1.1e-05 27.06 63 1.7e-02 5.5e-03 1.4e-05 8.41e-01 7.012851580e+06 7.012852061e+06 8.5e-06 27.45 64 1.6e-02 5.4e-03 1.3e-05 8.81e-01 7.017605979e+06 7.017606440e+06 8.1e-06 27.80 65 1.2e-02 5.6e-03 9.0e-06 8.89e-01 7.040733173e+06 7.040733541e+06 6.2e-06 28.29 66 1.1e-02 5.6e-03 8.1e-06 9.26e-01 7.045550751e+06 7.045551099e+06 5.8e-06 28.65 67 9.3e-03 6.2e-03 6.1e-06 9.31e-01 7.058251214e+06 7.058251510e+06 4.8e-06 29.05 68 9.0e-03 6.2e-03 5.9e-06 9.39e-01 7.059820413e+06 7.059820703e+06 4.7e-06 29.44 69 8.8e-03 6.0e-03 5.7e-06 9.44e-01 7.061731597e+06 7.061731879e+06 4.5e-06 29.80 70 8.3e-03 6.1e-03 5.4e-06 9.46e-01 7.064698114e+06 7.064698384e+06 4.3e-06 30.22 71 8.0e-03 6.0e-03 5.1e-06 9.48e-01 7.066897297e+06 7.066897558e+06 4.1e-06 30.58 72 7.5e-03 6.1e-03 4.7e-06 9.52e-01 7.070138232e+06 7.070138480e+06 3.9e-06 30.94 73 6.9e-03 6.3e-03 4.1e-06 9.52e-01 7.074565860e+06 7.074566090e+06 3.6e-06 31.29 74 6.7e-03 6.2e-03 4.0e-06 9.60e-01 7.076130811e+06 7.076131035e+06 3.5e-06 31.63 75 6.3e-03 6.2e-03 3.6e-06 9.60e-01 7.078670594e+06 7.078670808e+06 3.3e-06 31.98 76 5.8e-03 6.4e-03 3.2e-06 9.62e-01 7.082114208e+06 7.082114408e+06 3.1e-06 32.34 77 5.6e-03 6.1e-03 2.9e-06 8.59e-01 7.083937071e+06 7.083937264e+06 2.9e-06 33.17 78 5.5e-03 6.0e-03 2.9e-06 8.52e-01 7.084524828e+06 7.084525019e+06 2.9e-06 33.93 79 5.1e-03 5.6e-03 2.6e-06 8.47e-01 7.087077489e+06 7.087077672e+06 2.7e-06 34.65 80 5.1e-03 5.6e-03 2.6e-06 8.47e-01 7.087077489e+06 7.087077672e+06 2.7e-06 35.68 81 5.1e-03 5.6e-03 2.6e-06 8.47e-01 7.087077489e+06 7.087077672e+06 2.7e-06 36.68 Optimizer terminated. Time: 37.88 Interior-point solution summary Problem status : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE Solution status : OPTIMAL Primal. obj: 7.0826522774e+06 nrm: 1e+05 Viol. con: 1e+01 var: 1e+02 Dual. obj: 7.0914996991e+06 nrm: 3e+06 Viol. con: 1e-13 var: 1e+04 Optimizer summary Optimizer - time: 37.88 Interior-point - iterations : 82 time: 37.86 Basis identification - time: 0.00 Primal - iterations : 0 time: 0.00 Dual - iterations : 0 time: 0.00 Clean primal - iterations : 0 time: 0.00 Clean dual - iterations : 0 time: 0.00 Simplex - time: 0.00 Primal simplex - iterations : 0 time: 0.00 Dual simplex - iterations : 0 time: 0.00 Mixed integer - relaxations: 0 time: 0.00 Mosek returned an error or warning, open the following link in your browser: -12 min(sbl) = min(A*x - bl), (should be positive) -12 min(sbu) = min(bu - A*x), (should be positive) [mosek] reports OPTIMAL but Primal optimality condition in solveCobraQP not satisfied, residual = 1.1173, while feasTol = 1e-06 MOSEK Version 10.2.5 (Build date: 2024-9-17 12:12:35) Copyright (c) MOSEK ApS, Denmark WWW: Platform: Linux/64-X86 Problem Name : Objective sense : minimize Type : QO (quadratic optimization problem) Constraints : 269909 Affine conic cons. : 0 Disjunctive cons. : 0 Cones : 0 Scalar variables : 189302 Matrix variables : 0 Integer variables : 0 Optimizer started. Quadratic to conic reformulation started. Quadratic to conic reformulation terminated. Time: 0.02 Presolve started. Linear dependency checker started. Linear dependency checker terminated. Eliminator started. Freed constraints in eliminator : 1882 Eliminator terminated. Eliminator started. Freed constraints in eliminator : 16 Eliminator terminated. Eliminator - tries : 2 time : 0.00 Lin. dep. - tries : 1 time : 0.10 Lin. dep. - primal attempts : 1 successes : 1 Lin. dep. - dual attempts : 0 successes : 0 Lin. dep. - primal deps. : 406 dual deps. : 0 MOSEK warning 803 (MSK_RES_WRN_PRESOLVE_PRIMAL_PERTUBATIONS): The bounds of the constraints and variables was perturbed. The number of perturbations was 1 and the total pertubation was 0. Presolve terminated. Time: 0.94 Optimizer - threads : 18 Optimizer - solved problem : the primal Optimizer - Constraints : 135333 Optimizer - Cones : 1 Optimizer - Scalar variables : 261138 conic : 159874 Optimizer - Semi-definite variables: 0 scalarized : 0 Factor - setup time : 0.90 Factor - dense det. time : 0.00 GP order time : 0.00 Factor - nonzeros before factor : 1.34e+06 after factor : 4.39e+06 Factor - dense dim. : 2 flops : 2.97e+09 ITE PFEAS DFEAS GFEAS PRSTATUS POBJ DOBJ MU TIME 0 2.0e+03 2.9e-01 2.4e+00 0.00e+00 1.707177492e+00 2.928225081e-01 1.0e+00 2.02 1 1.9e+03 2.8e-01 2.3e+00 -9.58e-01 2.494732423e+02 2.481141587e+02 9.5e-01 2.49 2 1.7e+03 2.5e-01 2.2e+00 -9.65e-01 1.005170936e+03 1.003940660e+03 8.4e-01 2.84 3 1.4e+03 2.1e-01 2.0e+00 -9.71e-01 2.324646009e+03 2.323618897e+03 7.2e-01 3.19 4 2.7e+02 4.0e-02 8.1e-01 -9.55e-01 8.268862961e+04 8.269247778e+04 1.4e-01 3.96 5 1.8e+02 2.7e-02 6.3e-01 -8.13e-01 1.639776242e+05 1.639837149e+05 9.1e-02 4.32 6 7.7e+01 1.1e-02 3.5e-01 -7.46e-01 5.184215865e+05 5.184337577e+05 3.9e-02 4.83 7 6.5e+01 9.5e-03 3.0e-01 -5.16e-01 6.539201030e+05 6.539331677e+05 3.2e-02 5.18 8 2.8e+01 4.1e-03 1.4e-01 -4.52e-01 1.592220292e+06 1.592236383e+06 1.4e-02 5.81 9 2.3e+01 3.3e-03 1.1e-01 -6.39e-02 1.872467690e+06 1.872483291e+06 1.1e-02 6.16 10 1.8e+01 2.7e-03 8.9e-02 1.98e-02 2.185431520e+06 2.185446433e+06 9.2e-03 6.51 11 1.2e+01 1.8e-03 5.7e-02 1.01e-01 2.754471035e+06 2.754484587e+06 6.2e-03 7.00 12 1.1e+01 1.6e-03 5.0e-02 2.13e-01 2.916842535e+06 2.916855746e+06 5.5e-03 7.35 13 9.1e+00 1.3e-03 4.1e-02 2.18e-01 3.172004312e+06 3.172017029e+06 4.6e-03 7.79 14 7.7e+00 1.1e-03 3.3e-02 2.52e-01 3.417938475e+06 3.417950623e+06 3.9e-03 8.14 15 6.6e+00 9.8e-04 2.8e-02 2.97e-01 3.618477941e+06 3.618489558e+06 3.3e-03 8.49 16 5.6e+00 8.2e-04 2.3e-02 3.33e-01 3.857190320e+06 3.857201277e+06 2.8e-03 8.85 17 4.3e+00 6.4e-04 1.7e-02 3.75e-01 4.192651723e+06 4.192661671e+06 2.2e-03 9.33 18 3.5e+00 5.1e-04 1.3e-02 4.32e-01 4.465596472e+06 4.465605559e+06 1.8e-03 9.68 19 3.2e+00 4.7e-04 1.2e-02 4.71e-01 4.581968112e+06 4.581976890e+06 1.6e-03 10.03 20 2.1e+00 3.1e-04 7.0e-03 4.94e-01 5.039170284e+06 5.039177425e+06 1.1e-03 10.74 21 1.8e+00 2.7e-04 5.8e-03 5.87e-01 5.186011199e+06 5.186017824e+06 9.2e-04 11.09 22 1.7e+00 2.5e-04 5.4e-03 5.88e-01 5.247971548e+06 5.247978030e+06 8.6e-04 11.44 23 1.6e+00 2.4e-04 5.1e-03 5.77e-01 5.288378501e+06 5.288384860e+06 8.2e-04 11.79 24 1.5e+00 2.2e-04 4.4e-03 5.71e-01 5.390966667e+06 5.390972730e+06 7.3e-04 12.14 25 1.3e+00 1.8e-04 3.7e-03 5.79e-01 5.523683490e+06 5.523689136e+06 6.3e-04 12.49 26 1.1e+00 1.7e-04 3.2e-03 5.93e-01 5.604336231e+06 5.604341636e+06 5.7e-04 12.84 27 7.8e-01 1.2e-04 2.0e-03 5.99e-01 5.876891951e+06 5.876896449e+06 3.9e-04 13.37 28 6.5e-01 1.0e-04 1.6e-03 6.16e-01 5.992506624e+06 5.992510743e+06 3.3e-04 13.87 29 5.9e-01 1.3e-04 1.4e-03 6.49e-01 6.052827528e+06 6.052831436e+06 3.0e-04 14.22 30 5.3e-01 1.6e-04 1.2e-03 6.64e-01 6.126499978e+06 6.126503603e+06 2.7e-04 14.57 31 4.0e-01 1.8e-04 8.6e-04 6.84e-01 6.275455393e+06 6.275458464e+06 2.0e-04 15.01 32 3.7e-01 2.1e-04 7.7e-04 7.16e-01 6.317526783e+06 6.317529691e+06 1.8e-04 15.38 33 3.1e-01 2.4e-04 6.1e-04 7.25e-01 6.397647861e+06 6.397650469e+06 1.5e-04 15.74 34 2.7e-01 2.8e-04 5.2e-04 7.37e-01 6.449522508e+06 6.449524917e+06 1.4e-04 16.08 35 2.5e-01 3.0e-04 4.5e-04 7.60e-01 6.487523747e+06 6.487526005e+06 1.2e-04 16.44 36 2.1e-01 3.6e-04 3.8e-04 7.64e-01 6.538613889e+06 6.538615950e+06 1.1e-04 16.78 37 1.9e-01 4.8e-04 3.1e-04 7.58e-01 6.582776221e+06 6.582778117e+06 9.3e-05 17.13 38 1.6e-01 7.2e-04 2.5e-04 7.53e-01 6.635747596e+06 6.635749301e+06 7.8e-05 17.58 39 1.5e-01 7.9e-04 2.4e-04 7.25e-01 6.644959565e+06 6.644961239e+06 7.5e-05 17.95 40 1.3e-01 9.9e-04 2.0e-04 7.43e-01 6.682845967e+06 6.682847503e+06 6.5e-05 18.30 41 1.2e-01 1.2e-03 1.8e-04 7.46e-01 6.704895312e+06 6.704896768e+06 6.0e-05 18.65 42 9.4e-02 2.1e-03 1.3e-04 7.41e-01 6.751169057e+06 6.751170382e+06 4.7e-05 19.18 43 8.2e-02 3.2e-03 1.1e-04 5.73e-01 6.772240698e+06 6.772241993e+06 4.1e-05 19.62 44 7.7e-02 3.7e-03 1.1e-04 5.05e-01 6.781163505e+06 6.781164794e+06 3.9e-05 19.97 45 7.2e-02 4.4e-03 1.0e-04 4.61e-01 6.790395600e+06 6.790396888e+06 3.6e-05 20.32 46 6.8e-02 4.8e-03 9.4e-05 4.34e-01 6.797930779e+06 6.797932058e+06 3.4e-05 20.68 47 6.8e-02 4.8e-03 9.3e-05 4.48e-01 6.800858510e+06 6.800859777e+06 3.4e-05 21.03 48 6.7e-02 4.9e-03 9.3e-05 4.83e-01 6.800783287e+06 6.800784557e+06 3.4e-05 21.37 49 6.4e-02 5.2e-03 8.7e-05 4.60e-01 6.810006223e+06 6.810007470e+06 3.2e-05 21.82 50 6.0e-02 5.1e-03 8.0e-05 5.09e-01 6.824482548e+06 6.824483736e+06 3.0e-05 22.16 51 5.9e-02 5.3e-03 7.9e-05 5.35e-01 6.824782123e+06 6.824783317e+06 3.0e-05 22.51 52 5.6e-02 5.5e-03 7.4e-05 5.17e-01 6.834133863e+06 6.834135029e+06 2.8e-05 22.86 53 5.1e-02 6.1e-03 6.7e-05 5.09e-01 6.848324756e+06 6.848325890e+06 2.6e-05 23.35 54 4.6e-02 6.8e-03 5.8e-05 4.47e-01 6.866772066e+06 6.866773158e+06 2.3e-05 23.83 55 4.3e-02 7.4e-03 5.4e-05 4.27e-01 6.874540819e+06 6.874541902e+06 2.2e-05 24.19 56 4.2e-02 6.3e-03 5.2e-05 7.27e-01 6.884090727e+06 6.884091741e+06 2.1e-05 24.53 57 3.8e-02 5.8e-03 4.4e-05 6.35e-01 6.905546491e+06 6.905547409e+06 1.9e-05 24.87 58 3.4e-02 5.6e-03 3.9e-05 6.92e-01 6.921597910e+06 6.921598761e+06 1.7e-05 25.23 59 2.8e-02 5.7e-03 2.9e-05 7.21e-01 6.952782644e+06 6.952783370e+06 1.4e-05 25.72 60 2.5e-02 5.8e-03 2.5e-05 7.62e-01 6.967973069e+06 6.967973735e+06 1.3e-05 26.21 61 2.2e-02 5.6e-03 2.1e-05 8.04e-01 6.981557363e+06 6.981557973e+06 1.1e-05 26.55 62 2.1e-02 5.6e-03 2.0e-05 8.31e-01 6.986843872e+06 6.986844459e+06 1.1e-05 26.89 63 1.7e-02 5.5e-03 1.4e-05 8.41e-01 7.012851580e+06 7.012852061e+06 8.5e-06 27.29 64 1.6e-02 5.4e-03 1.3e-05 8.81e-01 7.017605979e+06 7.017606440e+06 8.1e-06 27.64 65 1.2e-02 5.6e-03 9.0e-06 8.89e-01 7.040733173e+06 7.040733541e+06 6.2e-06 28.13 66 1.1e-02 5.6e-03 8.1e-06 9.26e-01 7.045550751e+06 7.045551099e+06 5.8e-06 28.47 67 9.3e-03 6.2e-03 6.1e-06 9.31e-01 7.058251214e+06 7.058251510e+06 4.8e-06 28.87 68 9.0e-03 6.2e-03 5.9e-06 9.39e-01 7.059820413e+06 7.059820703e+06 4.7e-06 29.26 69 8.8e-03 6.0e-03 5.7e-06 9.44e-01 7.061731597e+06 7.061731879e+06 4.5e-06 29.60 70 8.3e-03 6.1e-03 5.4e-06 9.46e-01 7.064698114e+06 7.064698384e+06 4.3e-06 30.00 71 8.0e-03 6.0e-03 5.1e-06 9.48e-01 7.066897297e+06 7.066897558e+06 4.1e-06 30.35 72 7.5e-03 6.1e-03 4.7e-06 9.52e-01 7.070138232e+06 7.070138480e+06 3.9e-06 30.70 73 6.9e-03 6.3e-03 4.1e-06 9.52e-01 7.074565860e+06 7.074566090e+06 3.6e-06 31.04 74 6.7e-03 6.2e-03 4.0e-06 9.60e-01 7.076130811e+06 7.076131035e+06 3.5e-06 31.39 75 6.3e-03 6.2e-03 3.6e-06 9.60e-01 7.078670594e+06 7.078670808e+06 3.3e-06 31.73 76 5.8e-03 6.4e-03 3.2e-06 9.62e-01 7.082114208e+06 7.082114408e+06 3.1e-06 32.07 77 5.6e-03 6.1e-03 2.9e-06 8.59e-01 7.083937071e+06 7.083937264e+06 2.9e-06 32.87 78 5.5e-03 6.0e-03 2.9e-06 8.52e-01 7.084524828e+06 7.084525019e+06 2.9e-06 33.64 79 5.1e-03 5.6e-03 2.6e-06 8.47e-01 7.087077489e+06 7.087077672e+06 2.7e-06 34.35 80 5.1e-03 5.6e-03 2.6e-06 8.47e-01 7.087077489e+06 7.087077672e+06 2.7e-06 35.36 81 5.1e-03 5.6e-03 2.6e-06 8.47e-01 7.087077489e+06 7.087077672e+06 2.7e-06 36.37 Optimizer terminated. Time: 37.57 Interior-point solution summary Problem status : PRIMAL_AND_DUAL_FEASIBLE Solution status : OPTIMAL Primal. obj: 7.0826522774e+06 nrm: 1e+05 Viol. con: 1e+01 var: 1e+02 Dual. obj: 7.0914996991e+06 nrm: 3e+06 Viol. con: 1e-13 var: 1e+04 Optimizer summary Optimizer - time: 37.57 Interior-point - iterations : 82 time: 37.55 Basis identification - time: 0.00 Primal - iterations : 0 time: 0.00 Dual - iterations : 0 time: 0.00 Clean primal - iterations : 0 time: 0.00 Clean dual - iterations : 0 time: 0.00 Simplex - time: 0.00 Primal simplex - iterations : 0 time: 0.00 Dual simplex - iterations : 0 time: 0.00 Mixed integer - relaxations: 0 time: 0.00 Mosek returned an error or warning, open the following link in your browser: -12 min(sbl) = min(A*x - bl), (should be positive) -12 min(sbu) = min(bu - A*x), (should be positive) [mosek] reports OPTIMAL but Primal optimality condition in solveCobraQP not satisfied, residual = 1.1173, while feasTol = 1e-06
T.method = replace(T.method,'MSK_OPTIMIZER_','');
T.method = replace(T.method,'_',' ');
T.solver = replace(T.solver,'ibm_','');
T.approach = append(T.solver, ' ', T.method);
T =sortrows(T,{'stat','time'},{'ascend','ascend'});
T = 3×13 table
1"optimizeCbModel""cplex""BARRIER""QP""Harvey"1"optimal"15.983811NaNNaN"cplex BARRIER"
2"optimizeCbModel""mosek""CONIC""QP""Harvey"1"OPTIMAL"37.7570[]17.0827e+06NaN"mosek CONIC"
3"optimizeCbModel""gurobi""BARRIER""QP""Harvey"1"OPTIMAL"38.1216[]17.0827e+06NaN"gurobi BARRIER"
save([resultsFolder 'results_benchmarkWBMsolvers.mat'],'T')
if 1
if 0
% Create the first histogram
histogram(T.time(T.stat==1 & strcmp(T.problem,'LP')),'NumBins',100,'FaceColor', 'r','FaceAlpha', 0.5); % 'r' sets the color to red
hold on; % Keep the current plot so that the second histogram is overlaid
% Create the second histogram
histogram(T.time(T.stat==1 & strcmp(T.problem,'QP')),'NumBins',100,'FaceColor', 'b','FaceAlpha', 0.5); % 'r' sets the color to red
xlabel({'Whole body metabolic model LP solution time (seconds)',[int2str(nMet) ' metabolites, ' int2str(nRxn) ' reactions.']})
ylabel('Number of solutions')
title('Solution time depends on solver, method and problem');
legend('LP', 'QP');
hold off; % Release the hold for future plots
if ~exist('T0','var')
T0 = T;
T = T0;
% Concatenate solver and method into 'approach'
T.approach = append(T.solver, ' ', T.method);
T = T(strcmp(T.problem,'LP'),:);
% Calculate the mean solve time and standard deviation for each approach
avg_times = varfun(@mean, T, 'InputVariables', 'time', 'GroupingVariables', 'approach');
std_times = varfun(@std, T, 'InputVariables', 'time', 'GroupingVariables', 'approach');
times = avg_times;
times.std_time = std_times.std_time;
% Sort both the avg_times and std_times by the mean solve time
[times, sort_idx] = sortrows(times, 'mean_time');
% Create a bar plot with the sorted data
b = bar(times.mean_time, 'FaceColor', 'b', 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
hold on;
% Add error bars using the sorted standard deviations
errorbar(times.mean_time, times.std_time, 'k', 'linestyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
% Add labels and title
xlabel('Approach', 'Interpreter', 'none');
ylabel('Solve Time (s)');
title('LP solve times', 'Interpreter', 'none');
% fastest times
times = times(times.mean_time<mean(times.mean_time),:);
% Create a bar plot with the sorted data
b = bar(times.mean_time, 'FaceColor', 'b', 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
hold on;
% Add error bars using the sorted standard deviations
errorbar(times.mean_time, times.std_time, 'k', 'linestyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
% Add labels and title
xlabel('Approach', 'Interpreter', 'none');
ylabel('Solve Time (s)');
title('LP solve times', 'Interpreter', 'none');
T = T0;
T = T(strcmp(T.problem,'QP'),:);
% Calculate the mean solve time and standard deviation for each approach
avg_times = varfun(@mean, T, 'InputVariables', 'time', 'GroupingVariables', 'approach');
std_times = varfun(@std, T, 'InputVariables', 'time', 'GroupingVariables', 'approach');
times = avg_times;
times.std_time = std_times.std_time;
% Sort both the avg_times and std_times by the mean solve time
[times, sort_idx] = sortrows(times, 'mean_time');
% Create a bar plot with the sorted data
b = bar(times.mean_time, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
hold on;
% Add error bars using the sorted standard deviations
errorbar(times.mean_time, times.std_time, 'k', 'linestyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
% Add labels and title
xlabel('Approach', 'Interpreter', 'none');
ylabel('Solve Time (seconds)');
title('QP solve times', 'Interpreter', 'none');
T = T0;
% fastest times
times = times(times.mean_time<mean(times.mean_time),:);
% Create a bar plot with the sorted data
b = bar(times.mean_time, 'FaceColor', 'r', 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
hold on;
% Add error bars using the sorted standard deviations
errorbar(times.mean_time, times.std_time, 'k', 'linestyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
% Add labels and title
xlabel('Approach', 'Interpreter', 'none');
ylabel('Solve Time (seconds)');
title('QP solve times', 'Interpreter', 'none');