Sensitivity of a flux balance analysis solution with respect to input data

Author(s): Ronan M.T. Fleming, Leiden University



Consider an FBA problem
The local sensitivity of the optimal objective value with respect to a changes in the input data is given by
where is a vector of shadow prices and is a vector of reduced costs. That is, a shadow price is the partial derivative of the optimal value of the objective function with respect to . It indicates how much net production, or net consumption, of each metabolite increases (positive), or decreases (negative), the optimal value of the objective. The reduced costs, and are the partial derivative of the optimal value of the objective function with respect to the lower and upper bounds on a reaction, respectively. They indicate how much relaxation, or tightening, of each bound increases, or decreases, the optimal objective, respectively. In the COBRA Toolbox, shadow prices and reduced costs are calculated by optimizeCbModel. When using the function
FBAsolution = optimizeCbModel(model,'max');
the shadow prices and reduced costs are given by FBAsolution.y and FBAsolution.w, respectively.
For a more complete theoretical description, see: cobratoolbox/tutorials/intro_sensitivityAnalysis.pdf


Please ensure that all the required dependencies (e.g. , git and curl) of The COBRA Toolbox have been properly installed by following the installation guide here. Please ensure that the COBRA Toolbox has been initialised (tutorial_initialize.mlx) and verify that the pre-packaged LP and QP solvers are functional (tutorial_verify.mlx).


Load E. coli core model

The most direct way to load a model into The COBRA Toolbox is to use the readCbModel function. For example, to load a model from a MAT-file, you can simply use the filename (with or without file extension).
fileName = 'ecoli_core_model.mat';
if ~exist('modelOri','var')
modelOri = readCbModel(fileName);
%backward compatibility with primer requires relaxation of upper bound on
modelOri = changeRxnBounds(modelOri,'ATPM',1000,'u');
model = modelOri;
%setp the matlab e.coli metabolic map parameters
outputFormatOK = changeCbMapOutput('matlab');
options.zeroFluxWidth = 0.1;
options.rxnDirMultiplier = 10;
The meaning of each field in a standard model is defined in the standard COBRA model field definition.
In general, the following fields should always be present:

Sensitivity Analysis

In the E. coli core model, when maximising ATP production, what is the shadow price of cytosolic protons?

Hint: FBAsolution.y

model = modelOri;
model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_glc(e)',-1,'l');
model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_o2(e)',-1000,'l');
model = changeRxnBounds(model,'ATPM',0,'l');
model = changeObjective(model,'ATPM');
MinConstraints: EX_glc(e) -1 maxConstraints:
FBAsolution_maxATP = optimizeCbModel(model,'max');
Check the optimal value of the objective
ans = 17.5000
The shadow price of cytosolic protons (h[c]) is -0.25.
ans = -0.2500
printFluxVector(model, FBAsolution_maxATP.v, 1)
ACONTa 2 ACONTb 2 AKGDH 2 ATPM 17.5 ATPS4r 13.5 CO2t -6 CS 2 CYTBD 12 ENO 2 EX_co2(e) 6 EX_glc(e) -1 EX_h2o(e) 6 EX_o2(e) -6 FBA 1 FUM 2 GAPD 2 GLCpts 1 H2Ot -6 ICDHyr 2 MDH 2 NADH16 10 NADTRHD 2 O2t 6 PDH 2 PFK 1 PGI 1 PGK -2 PGM -2 PYK 1 SUCDi 2 SUCOAS -2 TPI 1

What is your biochemical interpretation of this change in objective in the current context?

Hint: printFluxVector, drawFlux

This is a unique solution (see Example 3).
dv = FBAsolution_maxATP_forceH.v-FBAsolution_maxATP.v;
printFluxVector(model, dv, 1)
ATPM 1 ATPS4r 1 EX_h(e) -4
The flux map for optimal ATP production is shown below.
drawFlux(map, model, FBAsolution_maxATP.v, options);
ATP production is constrained by cytoplasmic proton balancing. Cytoplasmic protons are produced by various metabolic reactions and also enter into the cell, from the extracellular compartment, via the ATP synthase reaction (ATPS4r). At steady-state, an equal number of protons must be pumped out of the cytoplasm by the electron transport chain reactions or by excreting metabolites with symporters. Setting model.b(i) = 4, where i corresponds to cytoplasmic protons, h[c], removes 4 extra units of cytoplasmic protons from the system allowing 4 extra extracellular protons to enter the system that then enter the cell via the ATP synthase reaction, generating one extra unit of ATP. This increases the maximum rate of ATP synthesis by one unit, thereby increasing the ATP yield from glucose by 1 mol ATP/mol glucose.

Perturb the model in such a way as to increase the optimal rate of ATP hydrolysis ('ATPM') by exactly one unit. How does this compare with the theoretical prediction?

Hint: change model.b

Remove 4 units of cytoplasmic protons from the system, but changing model.b(i) to 4, where i corresponds to the index for cytoplasmic protons, and calculate the difference in the value of the optimal objective. The answer should be 1.
model.b(ind) = 4;
FBAsolution_maxATP_forceH = optimizeCbModel(model,'max');
FBAsolution_maxATP_forceH.f - FBAsolution_maxATP.f
ans = 1

In the E. coli core model, when maximising ATP production, what is the reduced cost of glucose exchange?

Hint: FBAsolution.rcost

rcost = FBAsolution_maxATP.rcost;
printFluxVector(model, [,flux,model.ub,rcost], 1)
ACALD -1000 0 1000 0 ACALDt -1000 0 1000 0 ACKr -1000 1.202e-32 1000 0 ACONTa -1000 2 1000 0 ACONTb -1000 2 1000 0 ACt2r -1000 -0 1000 0 ADK1 -1000 0 1000 0 AKGDH 0 2 1000 0 AKGt2r -1000 -0 1000 0 ALCD2x -1000 0 1000 0 ATPM 0 17.5 1000 0 ATPS4r -1000 13.5 1000 0 Biomass_Ecoli_core_N(w/GAM)-Nmet2 0 0 1000 188.3 CO2t -1000 -6 1000 0 CS 0 2 1000 0 CYTBD 0 12 1000 0 D-LACt2 -1000 -0 1000 0 ENO -1000 2 1000 0 ETOHt2r -1000 -0 1000 0 EX_ac(e) 0 0 1000 4.25 EX_acald(e) 0 0 1000 6.5 EX_akg(e) 0 0 1000 11.75 EX_co2(e) -1000 6 1000 0 EX_etoh(e) 0 0 1000 7.5 EX_for(e) 0 -0 1000 0 EX_fru(e) 0 0 1000 17.5 EX_fum(e) 0 0 1000 8.75 EX_glc(e) -1 -1 1000 17.5 EX_gln-L(e) 0 0 1000 13.25 EX_glu-L(e) 0 0 1000 13 EX_h2o(e) -1000 6 1000 0 EX_h(e) -1000 1.449e-14 1000 0 EX_lac-D(e) 0 0 1000 7.75 EX_mal-L(e) 0 0 1000 8.75 EX_nh4(e) -1000 -0 1000 0 EX_o2(e) -1000 -6 1000 0 EX_pi(e) -1000 -1.593e-16 1000 0 EX_pyr(e) 0 0 1000 6.5 EX_succ(e) 0 0 1000 10 FBA -1000 1 1000 0 FBP 0 0 1000 1 FORt2 0 0 1000 0.25 FORti 0 0 1000 0 FRD7 0 0 1000 0 FRUpts2 0 0 1000 0 FUM -1000 2 1000 0 FUMt2_2 0 0 1000 0 G6PDH2r -1000 0 1000 0 GAPD -1000 2 1000 0 GLCpts 0 1 1000 0 GLNS 0 0 1000 0 GLNabc 0 0 1000 0 GLUDy -1000 0 1000 0 GLUN 0 0 1000 1 GLUSy 0 0 1000 1 GLUt2r -1000 -0 1000 0 GND 0 0 1000 0.4167 H2Ot -1000 -6 1000 0 ICDHyr -1000 2 1000 0 ICL 0 0 1000 0 LDH_D -1000 0 1000 0 MALS 0 0 1000 0 MALt2_2 0 0 1000 0 MDH -1000 2 1000 0 ME1 0 0 1000 1 ME2 0 0 1000 1 NADH16 0 10 1000 0 NADTRHD 0 2 1000 0 NH4t -1000 0 1000 0 O2t -1000 6 1000 0 PDH 0 2 1000 0 PFK 0 1 1000 0 PFL 0 0 1000 1.5 PGI -1000 1 1000 0 PGK -1000 -2 1000 0 PGL 0 0 1000 0 PGM -1000 -2 1000 0 PIt2r -1000 1.593e-16 1000 0 PPC 0 -3.403e-16 1000 0 PPCK 0 0 1000 1 PPS 0 0 1000 1 PTAr -1000 -1.202e-32 1000 0 PYK 0 1 1000 0 PYRt2r -1000 -0 1000 0 RPE -1000 0 1000 0 RPI -1000 0 1000 0 SUCCt2_2 0 0 1000 0.75 SUCCt3 0 0 1000 0 SUCDi 0 2 1000 0 SUCOAS -1000 -2 1000 0 TALA -1000 0 1000 0 THD2 0 0 1000 0.5 TKT1 -1000 0 1000 0 TKT2 -1000 0 1000 0 TPI -1000 1 1000 0
ans = 17.5000
Display the change in the flux vector:
dv = FBAsolution_maxATP_moreGlc.v-FBAsolution_maxATP.v;
printFluxVector(model, dv, 1)
ACONTa 2 ACONTb 2 AKGDH 2 ATPM 17.5 ATPS4r 13.5 CO2t -6 CS 2 CYTBD 12 ENO 2 EX_co2(e) 6 EX_glc(e) -1 EX_h2o(e) 6 EX_o2(e) -6 FBA 1 FUM 2 GAPD 2 GLCpts 1 H2Ot -6 ICDHyr 2 MDH 2 NADH16 10 NADTRHD 2 O2t 6 PDH 2 PFK 1 PGI 1 PGK -2 PGM -2 PYK 1 SUCDi 2 SUCOAS -2 TPI 1

What is your biochemical interpretation of this?

Hint: use drawFlux with a perturbed optimal reaction rate vector

The flux map for the perturbation to optimal ATP production is shown below. Note the reactions whose rates are substantially increasing, starting from glucose.
drawFlux(map, model, dv, options);

Perturb the model in such a way as to increase the optimal rate of ATP hydrolysis ('ATPM') by exactly 17.5 units. How does this compare with the theoretical prediction?

Hint: change

model = modelOri;
model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_glc(e)',-2,'l'); %note the change in the lower bound from -1 to -2
model = changeRxnBounds(model,'EX_o2(e)',-1000,'l');
model = changeRxnBounds(model,'ATPM',0,'l');
model = changeObjective(model,'ATPM');
FBAsolution_maxATP_moreGlc = optimizeCbModel(model,'max');
By changing the lower bound on glucose exhange from -1 to -2, we see that the value of the objective increases by 17.5, which is equal to the reduced cost of glucose obtained from FBAsolution_maxATP.rcost:
FBAsolution_maxATP_moreGlc.f - FBAsolution_maxATP.f
ans = 17.5000


Note that, if an optimization problem is reformulated from a maximisation to a minimisation problem, then the signs of each of the dual variables is reversed.


1 hr.


Understanding of how an optimal objective will change in response to changing the input data.


Part of this tutorial was originally written by Jeff Orth and Ines Thiele for the publication "What is flux balance analysis?"


1. Orth. J., Thiele, I., Palsson, B.O., What is flux balance analysis? Nat Biotechnol. Mar; 28(3): 245–248 (2010).
2. Laurent Heirendt & Sylvain Arreckx, Thomas Pfau, Sebastian N. Mendoza, Anne Richelle, Almut Heinken, Hulda S. Haraldsdottir, Jacek Wachowiak, Sarah M. Keating, Vanja Vlasov, Stefania Magnusdottir, Chiam Yu Ng, German Preciat, Alise Zagare, Siu H.J. Chan, Maike K. Aurich, Catherine M. Clancy, Jennifer Modamio, John T. Sauls, Alberto Noronha, Aarash Bordbar, Benjamin Cousins, Diana C. El Assal, Luis V. Valcarcel, Inigo Apaolaza, Susan Ghaderi, Masoud Ahookhosh, Marouen Ben Guebila, Andrejs Kostromins, Nicolas Sompairac, Hoai M. Le, Ding Ma, Yuekai Sun, Lin Wang, James T. Yurkovich, Miguel A.P. Oliveira, Phan T. Vuong, Lemmer P. El Assal, Inna Kuperstein, Andrei Zinovyev, H. Scott Hinton, William A. Bryant, Francisco J. Aragon Artacho, Francisco J. Planes, Egils Stalidzans, Alejandro Maass, Santosh Vempala, Michael Hucka, Michael A. Saunders, Costas D. Maranas, Nathan E. Lewis, Thomas Sauter, Bernhard Ø. Palsson, Ines Thiele, Ronan M.T. Fleming, Creation and analysis of biochemical constraint-based models: the COBRA Toolbox v3.0, Nature Protocols, volume 14, pages 639–702, 2019