Sparse Linear Optimisation
Author: Ronan Fleming, Hoai Minh Le, Systems Biochemistry Group, University of Luxembourg.
Reviewer: Stefania Magnusdottir, Molecular Systems Physiology Group, University of Luxembourg.
In this tutorial, we will show how to use the sparse LP solver. This solver aims to solve the following optimisation problem
It has been proved that zero-norm is a non-convex function and the minimisation of zero-norm is a NP-hard problem. Non-convex approximations of zero-norm extensively developed. For a complete study of non-convex approximations of zero-norm, the reader is referred to Le Thie et al. (2015)
. The method is described in Le Thie et al. (2015)
. The sparse LP solver contains one convex (one-norm) and 6 non-convex approximation of zero-norms - Capped-L1 norm
- Exponential function
- Logarithmic function
- SCAD (Smoothly Clipped Absolute Deviation) function
- p norm with p<0
- p norm with 0<p<1
The tutorial consist of two parts. Part 1 shows a basic usage of the solver. In part 2 provides an application of the code for finding the minimal set of reactions subject to a LP objective. Ready-made scripts are provided for both parts.
Initialize the COBRA Toolbox.
If necessary, initialize The Cobra Toolbox using the initCobraToolbox function.
initCobraToolbox(false) % false, as we don't want to update
COBRA model.
In this tutorial, the model used is the generic reconstruction of human metabolism, the Recon 2.04
, which is provided in the COBRA Toolbox. The Recon 2.04 model can also be downloaded from the Virtual Metabolic Human webpage. You can also select your own model to work with. Before proceeding with the simulations, the path for the model needs to be set up: modelFileName = 'Recon2.v04.mat';
modelDirectory = getDistributedModelFolder(modelFileName); %Look up the folder for the distributed Models.
modelFileName= [modelDirectory filesep modelFileName]; % Get the full path. Necessary to be sure, that the right model is loaded
model = readCbModel(modelFileName);
NOTE: The following text, code, and results are shown for the Recon 2.04 model
Example of using sparseLP solver on randomly generated data
One randomly generates a matrix
and a vector
. The right hand side vector
. There are three optional inputs for the method. constraint.A = rand(m,n);
constraint.b = constraint.A*x0; = -1000*ones(n,1);
constraint.ub = 1000*ones(n,1);
constraint.csense = repmat('E', m, 1);
The two first: maximum number of iterations (nbMaxIteration) and threshold (epsilon) are stopping criterion conditions. theta is the parameter of zero-norm approximation. The greater the value of theta, the better the approximation of the zero-norm. However, the greater the value of theta, the more local solutions the problem has. If the value of theta is not given then the algorithm will use a default value and update it gradually.
params.nbMaxIteration = 100; % stopping criteria
params.epsilon = 1e-6; % stopping criteria
params.theta = 2; % parameter of l0 approximation
Call the solver with a chosen approximation
solution = sparseLP('cappedL1',constraint,params);
or with default parameter
%solution = sparseLP('cappedL1',constraint);
Finding the minimal set of reactions subject to a LP objective
Set the tolerance to distinguish between zero and non-zero flux, based on the numerical tolerance of the currently installed optimisation solver.
feasTol = getCobraSolverParams('LP', 'feasTol');
Select the biomass reaction to optimise
We will firstly find the optimal value subject to a LP objective
% Define the LP structure
[c,S,b,lb,ub,csense] = deal(model.c,model.S,model.b,,model.ub,model.csense);
LPproblem = struct('c',-c,'osense',1,'A',S,'csense',csense,'b',b,'lb',lb,'ub',ub);
% Call solveCobraLP to solve the LP
LPsolution = solveCobraLP(LPproblem);
We will now find the minimum number of reactions needed to achieve the same max objective found previously. Then one will add one more constraint:
. constraint.b = [b ; c'*vFBA];
constraint.csense = [csense;'E'];
Call the sparseLP solver to solve the problem
% Try all non-convex approximations of zero norm and take the best result
approximations = {'cappedL1','exp','log','SCAD','lp-','lp+'};
for i=1:length(approximations)
solution = sparseLP(char(approximations(i)),constraint);
if bestResult > length(find(abs(solution.x)>eps))
bestAprox = char(approximations(i));
Now we call the sparse linear step function approximations
for i=1:length(approximations)
solution = sparseLP(char(approximations(i)),constraint);
fprintf('%u%s%s',nnzSol,' active reactions in the sparseFBA solution with ', char(approximations(i)))
bestAprox = char(approximations(i));
Select the most sparse flux vector, unless there is a numerical problem.
if ~isequal(bestAprox,'')
error('Min L0 problem error !!!!')
Report the best approximation
display(strcat('Best step function approximation: ',bestAprox))
Report the number of active reactions in the most sparse flux vector
fprintf('%u%s',nnz(abs(vBest)>feasTol),' active reactions in the best sparse flux balance analysis solution.')
Warn if there might be a numerical issue with the solution
feasError=norm(constraint.A * solutionL0.x - constraint.b,2);
fprintf('%g\t%s\n',feasError, ' feasibily error.')
warning('Numerical issue with the sparseLP solution')
[1] Le Thi, H.A., Pham Dinh, T., Le, H.M., and Vo, X.T. (2015). DC approximation approaches for sparse optimization. European Journal of Operational Research 244, 26–46.
[2] Thiele, I., Swainston, N., Fleming, R.M., Hoppe, A., Sahoo, S., Aurich, M.K., Haraldsdottir, H., Mo, M.L., Rolfsson, O., Stobbe, M.D., et al. (2013). A community-driven global reconstruction of human metabolism. Nat Biotechnol 31, 419-425.