Variational Kinetics

Author: Masoud Ahookhosh, Systems Biochemistry Group, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

Reviewers: Ronan Fleming, Sylvain Arreckx


During this tutorial, you will learn how to investigate steady states and moiety conserved steady states of biochemical reaction systems [1].
Let us consider a biochemical network with m molecular species and n reversiable elementary reactions. We define forward and reverse stoichiometry matrices respectively, where denotes the stoichiometry of the molecular species in the forward reaction and denotes the the stoichiometry of the molecular species in the reverse reaction. We assume that every reaction conservs mass, that is, there exists at least one positive vector satisfying . The matrix represents net reaction stoichiometry and may viewed as the incidence matrix of a directed hypergraph. We are assume that there are less molecular species than there are net reactions, i.e., . We assume the cardinality of each row of F and R is at least one and the cardinality of each column of N is at least two. We also assume that , which is a requirement for kinetic consistency.

Steady state nonlinear system

Let denote a variable vector of species concentrations. Assuming constant ningegative elementary kinetic parameters , we assume elementary reaction kinetics for forward and reverse elementary reaction rates as and , respectively, where and denote the respective componentwise functions. Then, the deterministic dynamical equation for time evolution of molecular species concentration is given
where stands for horizental cancatenation operator. A vector is a steady state if and only if it satisfies leading to the nonlinear system

Moiety conserved steady state nonlinear system

Let us emphasize that a vector is a steady state of the biochemical system if and only if
where denotes the nul space of N. THerefore, the set of steady states is unchanged if we replace the matrix N with with the same kernel. Suppose that is the submatrix of N whose rows are linearly independent, then . If one replaces N by and considers the logarithmic scale, by setting and , then we have
Let also denote a basis for the left nullspace of N, which implies . We also have . WE say that the system satisfies moiety conservation if for any initial concentration , it holds
where . Therefore, the problem of finding the moiety conserved steady state of a biochemical reaction network is equivalent to solving the nonlinear system of equations
We introduce an interface to software that enables the computation of the elementary modes, or extreme pathways, given a network and user-defined reaction bounds.


In order to solve above-mentioned nonlinear system, we here address three classes of methods, i.e.,
  1. Levenberg-Marquardt methods [1,2,5,6,9.10],
  2. DC programming methods [3],
  3. derivative-free methods for duplomonotone mappings [4],
where each class of solvers are described shortly as follows:
  1. The Levenberg-Marquardt methods are standard techniques used to solve nonlinear systems that each of which is a combination of the gradient descent and the Gauss-Newton methods. Therefore, knowing the first-order information (function values and gradients) of the mapping is enough to proceed the algorithm. We here consider two classes of Levenberg-Marquardt methods, namely locally convergent Levenberg-Marquardt methods (LLM_YF, LLM_FY, LLM_F, LLM) and globally convergent Levenberg-Marquardt methods (GLM_YF, GLM_FY, LevMar, LMLS, LMTR), see [1] and [2], respectively.
  2. In DC programming methods, one needs to rewrite the nonlinear system as a minimization of a difference of two convex function. Then, the DC subproblem is the minimization of a convex function, which is constructed by keeping the first function and linearlizing the second function. We here address two DC programming methods, namely, DCA and BDCA, see [3] for detailed information.
  3. Derivative-free methods are a class of methods that only needs function values to minimize a nonlinear least-squares problem. We here consider three derivative-free methods, namely, BDF, CSDF, and DBDF, see Algorithms 1-3 in [4] for more details.



Computing steady states of biochemical systems

The mandatory inputs for computing steady states are a model involving F and R, the name of a solver to solve the nonlinear system, an initial point , and parameters for the considered solvers. We first need to load data from a ".mat" file involve F, R, and (kinetic vector). For example, for "Ecoli core" model, we have
global CBTDIR
tutorialPath = fileparts(which('tutorial_variationalKinetics.mlx'));
load([tutorialpath filesep 'Ecoli_core_data.mat']);
Then, we need to make a struture "model" by
model.F = F;
model.R = R;
and specify a solver by
solver = 'LMTR';
and detemine the parameters for the selected algorithm
parms.MaxNumIter = 1000;
parms.adaptive = 1;
parms.kin = kin;
otherwise, the selected algorithm will be run by the default parameters assigned in the codes. We finally need to run the function "optimizeVKmodel.m" like
output = optimizeVKmodel(model, solver, x0, parms);
Let us emphasize that all the slovers (LLM_YF, LLM_FY, LLM_F, LLM,GLM_YF, GLM_FY, LevMar, LMLS, LMTR, DCA, BDCA, BDF, CSDF, DBDF) can be used to find steady states of biochemical systems; however, based on our experiments, "LMTR" and "LMLS" perform better than the others. If you are not familiar with the solvers, we may suggest to use solvers with the dafault values for parameters.

Computing moiety conserved steady state of biochemical systems

The mandatory inputs for computing moiety conserved steady states are a model involving F, R, L, and , the name of a solver to solve the nonlinear system, an initial point , and parameters for the considered solvers. We first need to load data from a ".mat" file involve F, R, L, , and (kinetic vector). For example, for "Ecoli core" model, we have
Then, we need to make a struture "model" by
model.F = F;
model.R = R;
model.L = L;
model.l0 = l0;
and specify a solver by
solver = 'LMLS';
and detemine the parameters for the selected algorithm
parms.MaxNumIter = 1000;
parms.adaptive = 1;
parms.kin = kin;
otherwise, the selected algorithm will be run by the default parameters assigned in the codes. We finally need to run the function "optimizeVKmodel.m" like
output = optimizeVKmodel(model, solver, x0, parms);
Let us emphasize that among above-mentioned solvers one can use the Levenberg-Marquardt slovers (LLM_YF, LLM_FY, LLM_F, LLM,GLM_YF, GLM_FY, LevMar, LMLS, LMTR) to find moiety conserved steady states of biochemical systems; however, based on our experiments, "LMTR" and "LMLS" perform better than the others. If you are not familiar with the solvers, we may suggest to use solvers with the dafault values for parameters.

Optional inputs

The function can have some optional inputs for slover, , and the parameters corresponding to the selected solver. Therefore, we here explain the most important optional inputs in the following with respect to the selected solver.
Parameters for all solvers:
Parameters for Levenberg-Marquardt solvers:
  1. LLM_YF: the locally convergent Levenberg-Marquardt method of Yamashita and Fukushima [10];
  2. LLM_FY: the locally convergent Levenberg-Marquardt method of Fan and Yuan [5];
  3. LLM_F: the locally convergent Levenberg-Marquardt method of Fischer [6];
  4. LLM: the locally convergent Levenberg-Marquardt method of Ahookhosh, Artacho, Fleming, and Phan [1];
  5. GLM_YF: the globally convergent Levenberg-Marquardt method of Yamashita and Fukushima [10];
  6. GLM_FY: the globally convergent Levenberg-Marquardt method of Fan and Yuan [5];
  7. LevMar: the globally convergent Levenberg-Marquardt method of Ipsen, Kelley, and Pope [9];
  8. LMLS: the globally convergent Levenberg-Marquardt method of Ahookhosh, Artacho, Fleming, and Phan [2];
  9. LMTR: the globally convergent Levenberg-Marquardt method of Ahookhosh, Artacho, Fleming, and Phan [2];
  1. 1: stop if the norm of gradients is less or equal than epsilon;
  2. 2: stop if the norm of rhe mapping is less or equal than epsilon;
  3. 3: stop if maximum number of iterations is reached;
  4. 4: stop if maximum number of function evaluations is reached;
  5. 5: stop if maximum number of gradient evaluations is reached;
  6. 6: stop if time limit is reached;
  7. 7: stop if ||grad||<=max(epsilon,epsilon^2*ngradx0)
  8. 8: stop if ||nhxk||<=max(epsilon,epsilon^2*nhx0)
  9. 9: stop if ||hxk||<=epsilon or maximum number of iterations is reached
Parameters for DC programming solvers:
  1. DCA: DC programming algorithm of Artacho, Fleming, and Phan (Algorithm 1) [3];
  2. BDCA: DC programming algorithm of Artacho, Fleming, and Phan (Algorithm 2 and 3) [3];
  1. 1: stop if the norm of rhe mapping is less or equal than epsilon;
  2. 2: stop if maximum number of iterations is reached;
  3. 3: stop if maximum number of function evaluations is reached;
  4. 4: stop if time limit is reached;
  5. 5: stop if ||fxk||<=epsilon or maximum number of iterations is reached
Parameters for Derivative-free solvers:
  1. BDF: backtracking derivative-free algorithm of Artacho and Fleming [4];
  2. CSDF: constant step derivative-free algorithm of Artacho and Fleming [4];
  3. DBDF: double backtracking derivative-free algorithm of Artacho and Fleming [4];
  1. 1: stop if the norm of rhe mapping is less or equal than epsilon;
  2. 2: stop if maximum number of iterations is reached;
  3. 3: stop if maximum number of function evaluations is reached;
  4. 4: stop if time limit is reached;
  5. 5: stop if ||fxk||<=epsilon or maximum number of iterations is reached;
For a complete list of optional inputs and their definition, you can also run the following command.
help optimizeVKmodel


The output of optimizeVKmodel.m is a structure "output" involving the fields


Running, the code is dependent on the size of models and the solver selected, which may take long from less than 1 second to few hours.


Finding steady states or moiety conserved steady state with one of the above-mentioned solvers (e.g., solver = 'LMTR') leads to the following results.
output = optimizeVKmodel(model, solver, x0, parms)


In order to compute moiety conserved steady states, one should not use DC programming algorithms (DCA and BDCA) or derivative-free algorithms (BDF, CSDF, DBDF) because the current version of these codes are designed to deal with steady state of biochemical systems.


[1] Ahookhosh, M., Artacho, F.J.R., Fleming, R.M.T., Phan V.T., Local convergence of Levenberg-Marquardt methods under Holder metric subregularity, Submitted, (2017).
[2] Ahookhosh, M., Artacho, F.J.R., Fleming, R.M.T., Phan V.T., Global convergence of Levenberg-Marquardt methods under Holder metric subregularity, Submitted, (2017).
[3] Artacho, F.J.R., Fleming, R.M.T., Phan V.T., Accelerating the DC algorithm for smooth functions, Mathematical Programming, (2017).
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[5] Fan, J., Yuan, Y., On the quadratic convergence of the Levenberg-Marquardt method without nonsingularity assumption, Computing, 74(1), 23--39 (2005).
[6] Fischer, A., Local behavior of an iterative framework for generalized equations with nonisolated solutions, Mathematical Programming, 94(1), 91--124 (2002).
[7] Fleming, R.M.T., Thiele, I., Mass conserved elementary kinetics is sufficient for the existence of a non-equilibrium steady state concentration, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 314, 173--181 (2012).
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[10] Yamashita, N., Fukushima, M., On the rate of convergence of the Levenberg-Marquardt method, In: G. Alefeld, X. Chen (eds.) Topics in Numerical Analysis, vol. 15, pp. 239--249, Springer Vienna, Vienna (2001).