Engaging with The COBRA Toolbox community
Authors: Sylvain Arreckx, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine
Reviewers: Catherine Clancy, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine
Search for existing solutions to problems
- The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of the documentation (https://opencobra.github.io/cobratoolbox/docs/FAQ.html) is a good starting point to find answers to questions you may have or issues you may face.
- The public forum associated with The COBRA Toolbox, available at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cobra- toolbox, is a great way to search for solutions to previously recognised problems that are similar to problems novel to the user. This is especially so with respect to recent installation and configuration issues that have arisen due to asynchronous development of the many software packages integrated with The COBRA Toolbox.
Register online
Facing an issue?
- Make the question as detailed as possible to increase the probability of a rapid and helpful reply.
- Append your message with the result of running generateSystemConfigReport so that we know what system we are helping you to debug. That is often the first question that comes to mind when considering to respond.
Generally, responses to questions can be expected within 1-2 days of posting, provided that posting guidelines are followed.
Suggest new solutions to problems
If you think you have a novel solution to a question posted on the online forum of The COBRA Toolbox, get involved and reply to questions on the forum. The COBRA Toolbox welcomes community contributions to help users overcome any issues they face, and your contribution will be noticed by existing COBRA community members.