unsteady-state Flux Balance Analysis (uFBA)
James T. Yurkovich
Department of Bioengineering and the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Program, University of California, San Diego USA
Reviewed by Aarash Bordbar
In this tutorial, we will use unsteady-state Flux Balance Analysis (uFBA) [1] to integrate exo- and endo-metabolomics data [2] into a constraint-based metabolic model for the human red blood cell [3]. The uFBA method allows for bypassing the steady-state assumption for intracellular metabolites that are measured.
We can model the flux through a metabolic network using a set of linear equations defined by
where S is the stoichiometric matrix, v is a vector of fluxes through the chemical reactions defined in S, and b represents constraints on the change of metabolite concentrations; at steady-state, b = 0. If the metabolomics measurements are non-linear (i.e., Fig. 1), then the first step of the uFBA workflow is to identify discrete time intervals which represent linearized metabolic states (Fig. 1). Once discrete states are identified (the raw data if linear), we proceed to estimating metabolite concentration rates of change. For each metabolic state, we can use linear regression to calculate the rate of change of each metabolite concentration. If the rate of change is significant, the model is updated by changing the steady-state constraint from 0 to
where [
] represents the 95% confidence interval for each significantly changing metabolite. All unmeasured metabolites are assumed to be at steady-state (i.e.,
). Fig. 1 | Overview of the uFBA workflow.
Equipment Setup
Running uFBA requires the installation of a mixed-integer linear programming solver. We have used Gurobi 7.0.0 (http://www.gurobi.com/downloads/download-center) which is freely available for academic use (this workflow has only been tested with Gurobi solvers; use other solvers at your own risk). This tutorial uses the Statistics Toolbox to perform linear regression (if the Statistics Toolbox is not installed, compute linear regression manually; see testUFBA.m).
Running uFBA requires the use of several functions from the COBRA Toolbox.
initCobraToolbox(false) % no toolbox update, just init
We first load in sample data. This data is absolutely quantified and has already been volume adjusted such that intracellular and extracellular metabolite concentrations have compatible units.
tutorialPath = fileparts(which('tutorial_uFBA.mlx'));
load([tutorialPath filesep 'sample_data.mat']);
% We load the model by readCbModel to make sure it fits to the specifications.
model = readCbModel([tutorialPath filesep 'sample_data.mat'],'modelName','model')
The sample_data.mat file contains the following variabels:
- met_data: a matrix containing the exo- and endo-metabolomics data
- met_IDs: a cell array containing the BiGG ID for each of the metabolites in met_data
- model: a modified version [3] of the iAB-RBC-283 COBRA model structure
- time: a vector of the time points (in days) at which the metabolite concentrations were measured
- uFBAvariables: a struct containing the variables necessary for input into the uFBA algorithm
In this tutorial, the use of Gurobi is mandatory.
solverLPOk = changeCobraSolver('gurobi', 'LP');
solverMILPOk = changeCobraSolver('gurobi', 'MILP');
Estimate Metabolite Rates of Change (<1 sec.)
Next, we run linear regression to find the rate of change for each metabolite concentration.
changeSlopes = zeros(length(met_IDs), 1);
changeIntervals = zeros(length(met_IDs), 1);
for i = 1:length(met_IDs)
[tmp1, tmp2] = regress(met_data(:, i), [time ones(length(time), 1)], 0.05);
changeSlopes(i, 1) = tmp1(1);
changeIntervals(i, 1) = abs(changeSlopes(i, 1) - tmp2(1));
The variables changeSlopes and changeIntervals contain the metabolite rates of change and 95% confidence intervals, respectively. We will create a new vector, ignoreSlopes, which contains a 0 for the metabolites whose slopes change significantly and a 1 otherwise:
tmp1 = changeSlopes - changeIntervals;
tmp2 = changeSlopes + changeIntervals;
ignoreSlopes = double(tmp1 < 0 & tmp2 > 0);
Integration of Metabolomics Data (<10 min.)
Finally, we need to input the data into the uFBA algorithm which is encapsulated in the function buildUFBAmodel. This function takes as input a COBRA model structure and a struct containing the required input variables (see Table 1).
Ideally, all metabolites in the model would be measured, resulting in a feasible model. However, experimental limitations limit the number of metabolites that can measured. Thus, when the metabolite constraints are added, the model will most likely not simulate. The uFBA algorithm reconciles the measured metabolomics data and the network structure by parsimoniously allowing unmeasured metabolites concentrations to deviate from steady-state (i.e.,
) in order to build a computable model. We refer to the method for deviating unmeasured metabolites from steady-state as "metabolite node relaxation." As part of this procedure, free exchange of extracellular metabolites out of the system is only allowed if (1) the metabolite concentration is measured to be increasing or (2) if the relaxation of a particular extracellular metabolite is required for model feasibility. There are five different techniques built into the uFBA method to perform the node relaxation. The technique used in this tutorial is an MILP optimization that minimizes the number of unmeasured metabolites relaxaed from steady-state; this choice effectively minimizes the changes made to the model in order to achieve feasibilitiy. Full details for this and all other node relaxation techniques can be found in [1]. Sinks are added for each of the relaxed metabolite nodes, and the flux through each of these sinks is minimized while still allowing the model to simulate. The minimimum value is then multiplied by a relaxation factor lambda (Table 1) and used as the bound for the sink reaction.
Full details for the algorithm are provided in the original publication [1].
Table 1 | Inputs and outputs of the buildUFBAmodel function.
uFBAvariables.metNames = met_IDs;
uFBAvariables.changeSlopes = changeSlopes;
uFBAvariables.changeIntervals = changeIntervals;
uFBAvariables.ignoreSlopes = ignoreSlopes;
uFBAoutput = buildUFBAmodel(model, uFBAvariables);
The output contains the resulting model (uFBAoutput.model):
model_ufba = optimizeCbModel(uFBAoutput.model)
[1] A Bordbar*, JT Yurkovich*, G Paglia, O Rolfsson, O Sigurjonsson, and BO Palsson. "Elucidating dynamic metabolic physiology through network integration of quantitative time-course metabolomics." Sci. Rep. (2017). doi:10.1038/srep46249. (* denotes equal contribution)
[2] A Bordbar, PI Johansson, G Paglia, SJ Harrison, K Wichuk, M Magnusdottir, S Valgeirsdottir, M Gybel-Brask, SR Ostrowski, S Palsson, O Rolfsson, OE Sigurjonsson, MB Hansen, S Gudmundsson, and BO Palsson. "Identified metabolic signature for assessing red blood cell unit quality is associated with endothelial damage markers and clinical outcomes." Transfusion (2016). doi:10.1111/trf.13460.
[3] A Bordbar, D McCloskey, DC Zielinski, N Sonnenschein, N Jamshidi, and BO Palsson. "Personalized Whole-Cell Kinetic Models of Metabolism for Discovery in Genomics and Pharmacodynamics." Cell Systems (2015). doi:10.1016/j.cels.2015.10.003.