OptKnock Tutorial

Author: Sebastián N. Mendoza, Center for Mathematical Modeling, University of Chile. snmendoz@uc.cl

Reviewer(s): Thomas Pfau, Sylvian Arreckx, Laurent Heirendt, Ronan Fleming, John Sauls, Anne Richelle


OptKnock is an algorithm suggesting the genetic manipulation that lead to the overproduction of a specified metabolite [1]. Opknock pinpoints which set of reactions to to remove (i.e. delettion of the genes associated to these reactions) from a metabolic network to obtain a mutant that will produce a particular target of interest at a higher rate than the wild-type strain.
For example, imagine that we would like to increase the production of succinate or lactate in Escherichia coli. Which are the knock-outs needed to increase the production of these products? We will approach these problems in this tutorial.


  2. A solver for Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problems.Use changeCobraSolver to choose the solver for MILP problems (e.g., Gurobi).


The proceduce consists on the following steps:
1) Constrain the model.
2) Define the set of reactions that will be used to search knockouts. Note : only reactions in this set will be deleted.
3) Define the number of reactions to be deleted, the target reaction and some constraints to be accomplish.
4) Run optKnock.
TIMING: This task should take from a few seconds to a few hours depending on the size of your reconstruction.
Verify that cobratoolbox has been initialized and that the solver has been set.
initCobraToolbox(false) % false, as we don't want to update
> Gurobi interface added to MATLAB path. > Solver for LP problems has been set to gurobi. > Gurobi interface added to MATLAB path. > Solver for MILP problems has been set to gurobi. > Gurobi interface added to MATLAB path. > Solver for QP problems has been set to gurobi. > Gurobi interface added to MATLAB path. > Solver for MIQP problems has been set to gurobi. > Solver gurobi not supported for problems of type NLP. No solver set for this problemtype
fullPath = which('tutorial_optKnock');
folder = fileparts(fullPath);
currectDirectory = pwd;
Load the model of E. coli [2].
modelFileName = 'iJO1366.mat';
modelDirectory = getDistributedModelFolder(modelFileName); %Look up the folder for the distributed Models.
modelFileName= [modelDirectory filesep modelFileName]; % Get the full path. Necessary to be sure, that the right model is loaded
model = readCbModel(modelFileName);
biomass = 'BIOMASS_Ec_iJO1366_core_53p95M';
Define the maximum number of solutions to find (i.e., maximum number of remvable reactions that lead to the overproduction of the metabolite of interest)
threshold = 5;
Define the set of reactions that will be used to search knockouts. Note : only reactions in this set will be deleted
selectedRxnList = {'GLCabcpp'; 'GLCptspp'; 'HEX1'; 'PGI'; 'PFK'; 'FBA'; 'TPI'; 'GAPD'; ...
'PGK'; 'PGM'; 'ENO'; 'PYK'; 'LDH_D'; 'PFL'; 'ALCD2x'; 'PTAr'; 'ACKr'; ...
'G6PDH2r'; 'PGL'; 'GND'; 'RPI'; 'RPE'; 'TKT1'; 'TALA'; 'TKT2'; 'FUM'; ...
'FRD2'; 'SUCOAS'; 'AKGDH'; 'ACONTa'; 'ACONTb'; 'ICDHyr'; 'CS'; 'MDH'; ...
'MDH2'; 'MDH3'; 'ACALD'};
Constraint the model with biological assumptions
% prespecified amount of glucose uptake 10 mmol/grDW*hr
model = changeRxnBounds(model, 'EX_glc__D_e', -10, 'b');
% Unconstrained uptake routes for inorganic phosphate, sulfate and
% ammonia
Exchange={'EX_o2_e';'EX_pi_e';'EX_so4_e'; 'EX_nh4_e'};
model = changeRxnBounds(model, Exchange, Bounds, 'l');
% Enable secretion routes for acetate, carbon dioxide, ethanol, formate, lactate
% and succinate
model = changeRxnBounds(model, Exchange, Bounds, 'u');
% Constrain the phosphotransferase system
model = changeRxnBounds(model, 'GLCabcpp', -1000, 'l');
model = changeRxnBounds(model, 'GLCptspp', -1000, 'l');
model = changeRxnBounds(model, 'GLCabcpp', 1000, 'u');
model = changeRxnBounds(model, 'GLCptspp', 1000, 'u');
model = changeRxnBounds(model, 'GLCt2pp', 0, 'b');
Then, calculates the production of metabolites before running optKnock.
% determine succinate production and growth rate
fbaWT = optimizeCbModel(model);
succFluxWT = fbaWT.x(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_succ_e'));
etohFluxWT = fbaWT.x(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_etoh_e'));
formFluxWT = fbaWT.x(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_for_e'));
lactFluxWT = fbaWT.x(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_lac__D_e'));
acetFluxWT = fbaWT.x(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_ac_e'));
growthRateWT = fbaWT.f;
fprintf('The production of succinate before optimization is %.1f \n', succFluxWT);
fprintf('The growth rate before optimization is %.1f \n', growthRateWT);
fprintf(['The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, lactate and'...
'acetate are %.1f, %.1f, %.1f and %.1f, respectively. \n'], ...
etohFluxWT, formFluxWT, lactFluxWT, acetFluxWT);
Aim: finding optKnock reactions sets of size 2 for increasing production of succinate
fprintf('\n...EXAMPLE 1: Finding optKnock sets of size 2 or less...\n\n')
...EXAMPLE 1: Finding optKnock sets of size 2 or less...
% Set optKnock options
% The exchange of succinate will be the objective of the outer problem
options = struct('targetRxn', 'EX_succ_e', 'numDel', 2);
% We will impose that biomass be at least 50% of the biomass of wild-type
constrOpt = struct('rxnList', {{biomass}},'values', 0.5*fbaWT.f, 'sense', 'G');
% We will try to find 10 optKnock sets of a maximun length of 2
previousSolutions = cell(10, 1);
contPreviousSolutions = 1;
nIter = 1;
while nIter < threshold
fprintf('...Performing optKnock analysis...\n')
if isempty(previousSolutions{1})
optKnockSol = OptKnock(model, selectedRxnList, options, constrOpt);
optKnockSol = OptKnock(model, selectedRxnList, options, constrOpt, previousSolutions, 1);
% determine succinate production and growth rate after optimization
succFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_succ_e'));
growthRateM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, biomass));
etohFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_etoh_e'));
formFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_for_e'));
lactFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_lac__D_e'));
acetFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_ac_e'));
setM1 = optKnockSol.rxnList;
if ~isempty(setM1)
previousSolutions{contPreviousSolutions} = setM1;
contPreviousSolutions = contPreviousSolutions + 1;
%printing results
fprintf('optKnock found a optKnock set of large %d composed by ', length(setM1));
for j = 1:length(setM1)
if j == 1
fprintf('%s', setM1{j});
elseif j == length(setM1)
fprintf(' and %s', setM1{j});
fprintf(', %s', setM1{j});
fprintf('The production of succinate after optimization is %.2f \n', succFluxM1);
fprintf('The growth rate after optimization is %.2f \n', growthRateM1);
fprintf(['The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, lactate and acetate are' ...
'%.1f, %.1f, %.1f and %.1f, respectively. \n'], etohFluxM1, formFluxM1, lactFluxM1, acetFluxM1);
fprintf('...Performing coupling analysis...\n');
[type, maxGrowth, maxProd, minProd] = analyzeOptKnock(model, setM1, 'EX_succ_e');
fprintf('The solution is of type: %s\n', type);
fprintf('The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is %.2f\n', maxGrowth);
fprintf(['The maximun and minimun production of succinate given the optKnock set is ' ...
'%.2f and %.2f, respectively \n\n'], minProd, maxProd);
if strcmp(type, 'growth coupled')
singleProductionEnvelope(model, setM1, 'EX_succ_e', biomass, 'savePlot', 1, 'showPlot', 1, ...
'fileName', ['succ_ex1_' num2str(nIter)], 'outputFolder', 'OptKnockResults');
if nIter == 1
fprintf('optKnock was not able to found an optKnock set\n');
fprintf('optKnock was not able to found additional optKnock sets\n');
nIter = nIter + 1;
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 2 composed by
and RPI
The production of succinate after optimization is 2.75
The growth rate after optimization is 0.14
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, lactate and acetate are9.4, 0.0, -0.0 and 0.0, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: growth coupled non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.12
The maximun and minimun production of succinate given the optKnock set is 0.04 and 2.31, respectively
...Performing optKnock analysis...
MILP problem with 8398 constraints 63 integer variables and 8370 continuous variables Optimize a model with 8398 rows, 8370 columns and 34671 nonzeros Variable types: 8307 continuous, 63 integer (63 binary) Coefficient statistics: Matrix range [2e-06, 1e+03] Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00] Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+03] RHS range [1e-02, 1e+03] Presolve removed 5079 rows and 3321 columns Presolve time: 0.09s Presolved: 3319 rows, 5049 columns, 21617 nonzeros Variable types: 5012 continuous, 37 integer (37 binary) Root relaxation: objective 1.230321e+01, 4944 iterations, 0.64 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time 0 0 12.30321 0 2 - 12.30321 - - 1s H 0 0 0.0915893 12.30321 - - 1s 0 0 12.30321 0 2 0.09159 12.30321 - - 1s 0 2 12.30321 0 2 0.09159 12.30321 - - 1s * 79 63 25 0.2411614 12.30321 5002% 60.1 1s * 90 70 24 0.2411614 12.30321 5002% 59.3 2s * 175 78 21 0.2856919 12.30321 4206% 58.0 2s * 193 81 26 0.2864668 12.30321 4195% 54.6 2s * 194 81 26 0.2864668 12.30321 4195% 54.3 2s * 240 104 21 1.2019176 12.29845 923% 55.5 2s * 291 87 19 1.4425937 12.28821 752% 58.5 2s * 303 65 19 1.6792803 12.27798 631% 60.7 3s Explored 379 nodes (35252 simplex iterations) in 3.71 seconds Thread count was 8 (of 8 available processors) Solution count 9: 1.67928 1.44259 1.20192 ... 0.0915893 Pool objective bound 1.67928 Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-12) Best objective 1.679280339834e+00, best bound 1.679280339834e+00, gap 0.0000%
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 2 composed by
and TKT2
The production of succinate after optimization is 1.68
The growth rate after optimization is 0.22
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, lactate and acetate are14.9, 0.0, 0.0 and -0.0, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: growth coupled non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.18
The maximun and minimun production of succinate given the optKnock set is 0.06 and 1.41, respectively
...Performing optKnock analysis...
MILP problem with 8399 constraints 63 integer variables and 8370 continuous variables Optimize a model with 8399 rows, 8370 columns and 34674 nonzeros Variable types: 8307 continuous, 63 integer (63 binary) Coefficient statistics: Matrix range [2e-06, 1e+03] Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00] Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+03] RHS range [1e-02, 1e+03] Presolve removed 5079 rows and 3321 columns Presolve time: 0.10s Presolved: 3320 rows, 5049 columns, 21619 nonzeros Variable types: 5012 continuous, 37 integer (37 binary) Root relaxation: objective 1.230321e+01, 5180 iterations, 0.69 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time 0 0 12.30321 0 2 - 12.30321 - - 1s H 0 0 0.0915893 12.30321 - - 1s 0 0 12.30321 0 2 0.09159 12.30321 - - 1s 0 2 12.30321 0 2 0.09159 12.30321 - - 1s * 174 80 16 0.2864668 12.30321 4195% 53.5 2s * 245 91 21 1.2019176 12.30321 924% 57.3 2s * 258 86 22 1.2019176 12.29845 923% 61.1 2s * 291 53 21 1.4425937 12.27798 751% 68.9 3s Explored 373 nodes (33379 simplex iterations) in 3.60 seconds Thread count was 8 (of 8 available processors) Solution count 5: 1.44259 1.20192 1.20192 ... 0.0915893 Pool objective bound 1.44259 Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-12) Best objective 1.442593733917e+00, best bound 1.442593733917e+00, gap 0.0000%
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 2 composed by
and RPE
The production of succinate after optimization is 1.44
The growth rate after optimization is 0.22
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, lactate and acetate are0.0, 0.0, 15.2 and 0.0, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: growth coupled non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.18
The maximun and minimun production of succinate given the optKnock set is 0.06 and 1.22, respectively
...Performing optKnock analysis...
MILP problem with 8400 constraints 63 integer variables and 8370 continuous variables Optimize a model with 8400 rows, 8370 columns and 34677 nonzeros Variable types: 8307 continuous, 63 integer (63 binary) Coefficient statistics: Matrix range [2e-06, 1e+03] Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00] Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+03] RHS range [1e-02, 1e+03] Presolve removed 5079 rows and 3321 columns Presolve time: 0.09s Presolved: 3321 rows, 5049 columns, 21621 nonzeros Variable types: 5012 continuous, 37 integer (37 binary) Root relaxation: objective 1.230321e+01, 4774 iterations, 0.63 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time 0 0 12.30321 0 2 - 12.30321 - - 1s H 0 0 0.0915893 12.30321 - - 1s 0 0 12.30321 0 2 0.09159 12.30321 - - 1s 0 2 12.30321 0 2 0.09159 12.30321 - - 1s * 82 63 25 0.2411614 12.30321 5002% 40.6 1s * 94 71 17 0.2864668 12.30321 4195% 41.6 1s * 291 75 21 1.2019176 12.29845 923% 55.8 3s Explored 390 nodes (32387 simplex iterations) in 3.94 seconds Thread count was 8 (of 8 available processors) Solution count 4: 1.20192 0.286467 0.241161 0.0915893 Pool objective bound 1.20192 Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-12) Warning: max constraint violation (3.1562e-09) exceeds tolerance Best objective 1.201917633447e+00, best bound 1.201917633447e+00, gap 0.0000%
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 2 composed by
and TALA
The production of succinate after optimization is 1.20
The growth rate after optimization is 0.22
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, lactate and acetate are15.4, 0.0, -0.0 and 0.0, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: growth coupled non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.19
The maximun and minimun production of succinate given the optKnock set is 0.06 and 1.01, respectively
Aim : finding optKnock reactions sets of size 3 for increasing production of succinate
fprintf('\n...EXAMPLE 1: Finding optKnock sets of size 3...\n\n')
...EXAMPLE 1: Finding optKnock sets of size 3...
% Set optKnock options
% The exchange of succinate will be the objective of the outer problem
options = struct('targetRxn', 'EX_succ_e', 'numDel', 3);
% We will impose that biomass be at least 50% of the biomass of wild-type
constrOpt = struct('rxnList', {{biomass}}, 'values', 0.5*fbaWT.f, 'sense', 'G');
% We will try to find 10 optKnock sets of a maximun length of 3
nIter = 1;
while nIter < threshold
fprintf('...Performing optKnock analysis...')
if isempty(previousSolutions{1})
optKnockSol = OptKnock(model, selectedRxnList, options, constrOpt);
optKnockSol = OptKnock(model, selectedRxnList, options, constrOpt, previousSolutions);
% determine succinate production and growth rate after optimization
succFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_succ_e'));
growthRateM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, biomass));
etohFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_etoh_e'));
formFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_for_e'));
lactFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_lac__D_e'));
acetFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_ac_e'));
setM1 = optKnockSol.rxnList;
if ~isempty(setM1)
previousSolutions{contPreviousSolutions} = setM1;
contPreviousSolutions=contPreviousSolutions + 1;
%printing results
fprintf('optKnock found a optKnock set of large %d composed by ',length(setM1));
for j = 1:length(setM1)
if j == 1
elseif j == length(setM1)
fprintf(' and %s',setM1{j});
fprintf(', %s',setM1{j});
fprintf('The production of succinate after optimization is %.2f \n', succFluxM1);
fprintf('The growth rate after optimization is %.2f \n', growthRateM1);
fprintf(['The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, lactate and acetate are ' ...
'%.1f, %.1f, %.1f and %.1f, respectively. \n'], etohFluxM1, formFluxM1, lactFluxM1, acetFluxM1);
fprintf('...Performing coupling analysis...\n');
[type, maxGrowth, maxProd, minProd] = analyzeOptKnock(model, setM1, 'EX_succ_e');
fprintf('The solution is of type: %s\n', type);
fprintf('The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is %.2f\n', maxGrowth);
fprintf(['The maximun and minimun production of succinate given the optKnock set is ' ...
'%.2f and %.2f, respectively \n\n'], minProd, maxProd);
if strcmp(type,'growth coupled')
singleProductionEnvelope(model, setM1, 'EX_succ_e', biomass, 'savePlot', 1, 'showPlot', 1, ...
'fileName', ['succ_ex2_' num2str(nIter)], 'outputFolder', 'OptKnockResults');
if nIter == 1
fprintf('optKnock was not able to found an optKnock set\n');
fprintf('optKnock was not able to found additional optKnock sets\n');
nIter = nIter + 1;
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 3 composed by
and PFL
The production of succinate after optimization is 8.81
The growth rate after optimization is 0.15
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, lactate and acetate are 0.0, 0.0, -0.0 and 1.7, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: growth coupled
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.11
The maximun and minimun production of succinate given the optKnock set is 9.11 and 9.11, respectively
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 3 composed by
and PFL
The production of succinate after optimization is 8.81
The growth rate after optimization is 0.15
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, lactate and acetate are 0.0, 0.0, -0.0 and 4.1, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: growth coupled non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.11
The maximun and minimun production of succinate given the optKnock set is 4.23 and 9.11, respectively
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 2 composed by
and TKT1
The production of succinate after optimization is 1.20
The growth rate after optimization is 0.22
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, lactate and acetate are 0.0, 0.0, 15.4 and 0.0, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: growth coupled non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.19
The maximun and minimun production of succinate given the optKnock set is 0.06 and 1.01, respectively
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 3 composed by
, ALCD2x
and PFL
The production of succinate after optimization is 0.95
The growth rate after optimization is 0.22
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, lactate and acetate are 0.0, 0.0, 15.7 and -0.0, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: growth coupled non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.19
The maximun and minimun production of succinate given the optKnock set is 0.06 and 0.80, respectively
Aim: finding optKnock reactions sets of size 3 for increasing production of lactate
fprintf('\n...EXAMPLE 1: Finding optKnock sets of size 3...\n\n')
...EXAMPLE 1: Finding optKnock sets of size 3...
% Set optKnock options
% The exchange of lactate will be the objective of the outer problem
options = struct('targetRxn', 'EX_lac__D_e', 'numDel', 3);
% We will impose that biomass be at least 50% of the biomass of wild-type
constrOpt = struct('rxnList', {{biomass}}, 'values', 0.5*fbaWT.f, 'sense', 'G');
% We will try to find 10 optKnock sets of a maximun length of 6
previousSolutions = cell(100, 1);
contPreviousSolutions = 1;
nIter = 1;
while nIter < threshold
fprintf('...Performing optKnock analysis...')
if isempty(previousSolutions{1})
optKnockSol = OptKnock(model, selectedRxnList, options, constrOpt);
optKnockSol = OptKnock(model, selectedRxnList, options, constrOpt, previousSolutions);
% determine lactate production and growth rate after optimization
lactFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_lac__D_e'));
growthRateM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, biomass));
etohFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_etoh_e'));
formFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_for_e'));
succFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_succ_e'));
acetFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_ac_e'));
setM1 = optKnockSol.rxnList;
if ~isempty(setM1)
previousSolutions{contPreviousSolutions} = setM1;
contPreviousSolutions=contPreviousSolutions + 1;
%printing results
fprintf('optKnock found a optKnock set of large %d composed by ',length(setM1));
for j = 1:length(setM1)
if j == 1
fprintf('%s', setM1{j});
elseif j == length(setM1)
fprintf(' and %s', setM1{j});
fprintf(', %s', setM1{j});
fprintf('The production of lactate after optimization is %.2f \n', lactFluxM1);
fprintf('The growth rate after optimization is %.2f \n', growthRateM1);
fprintf(['The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, succinate and acetate are ' ...
'%.1f, %.1f, %.1f and %.1f, respectively. \n'], etohFluxM1, formFluxM1, succFluxM1, acetFluxM1);
fprintf('...Performing coupling analysis...\n');
[type, maxGrowth, maxProd, minProd] = analyzeOptKnock(model, setM1, 'EX_lac__D_e');
fprintf('The solution is of type: %s\n', type);
fprintf('The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is %.2f\n', maxGrowth);
fprintf(['The maximun and minimun production of lactate given the optKnock set is ' ...
'%.2f and %.2f, respectively \n\n'], minProd, maxProd);
singleProductionEnvelope(model, setM1, 'EX_lac__D_e', biomass, 'savePlot', 1, 'showPlot', 1, ...
'fileName', ['lact_ex1_' num2str(nIter)], 'outputFolder', 'OptKnockResults');
if nIter == 1
fprintf('optKnock was not able to found an optKnock set\n');
fprintf('optKnock was not able to found additional optKnock sets\n');
nIter = nIter + 1;
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 3 composed by
and PGI
The production of lactate after optimization is 18.13
The growth rate after optimization is 0.12
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, succinate and acetate are 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 and 0.0, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.08
The maximun and minimun production of lactate given the optKnock set is 0.00 and 18.72, respectively
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 2 composed by
and PGI
The production of lactate after optimization is 18.13
The growth rate after optimization is 0.12
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, succinate and acetate are 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 and 0.0, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.08
The maximun and minimun production of lactate given the optKnock set is 0.00 and 18.72, respectively
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 3 composed by
and PTAr
The production of lactate after optimization is 18.01
The growth rate after optimization is 0.12
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, succinate and acetate are 0.0, 0.6, 0.0 and 0.1, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.09
The maximun and minimun production of lactate given the optKnock set is 0.00 and 18.64, respectively
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 3 composed by
and PGI
The production of lactate after optimization is 18.01
The growth rate after optimization is 0.12
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, succinate and acetate are 0.0, 0.6, 0.0 and 0.1, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.09
The maximun and minimun production of lactate given the optKnock set is 0.00 and 18.64, respectively
Aim: finding optKnock reactions sets of size 6 for increasing production of lactate
fprintf('...EXAMPLE 3: Finding optKnock sets of size 6...\n')
...EXAMPLE 3: Finding optKnock sets of size 6...
% Set optKnock options
% The exchange of lactate will be the objective of the outer problem
options = struct('targetRxn', 'EX_lac__D_e', 'numDel', 6);
% We will impose that biomass be at least 50% of the biomass of wild-type
constrOpt = struct('rxnList', {{biomass}}, 'values', 0.5*fbaWT.f, 'sense', 'G');
% We will try to find 10 optKnock sets of a maximun length of 2
nIter = 1;
while nIter < threshold
fprintf('...Performing optKnock analysis...')
if isempty(previousSolutions{1})
optKnockSol = OptKnock(model, selectedRxnList, options, constrOpt);
optKnockSol = OptKnock(model, selectedRxnList, options, constrOpt, previousSolutions);
% determine lactate production and growth rate after optimization
lactFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_lac__D_e'));
growthRateM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns,biomass));
etohFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_etoh_e'));
formFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_for_e'));
succFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_succ_e'));
acetFluxM1 = optKnockSol.fluxes(strcmp(model.rxns, 'EX_ac_e'));
setM1 = optKnockSol.rxnList;
if ~isempty(setM1)
previousSolutions{contPreviousSolutions} = setM1;
contPreviousSolutions = contPreviousSolutions + 1;
%printing results
fprintf('optKnock found a optKnock set of large %d composed by ', length(setM1));
for j = 1:length(setM1)
if j == 1
fprintf('%s', setM1{j});
elseif j == length(setM1)
fprintf(' and %s', setM1{j});
fprintf(', %s', setM1{j});
fprintf('The production of lactate after optimization is %.2f \n', lactFluxM1);
fprintf('The growth rate after optimization is %.2f \n', growthRateM1);
fprintf(['The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, succinate and acetate are ' ...
'%.1f, %.1f, %.1f and %.1f, respectively. \n'], etohFluxM1, formFluxM1, succFluxM1, acetFluxM1);
fprintf('...Performing coupling analysis...\n');
[type, maxGrowth, maxProd, minProd] = analyzeOptKnock(model, setM1, 'EX_lac__D_e');
fprintf('The solution is of type: %s\n', type);
fprintf('The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is %.2f\n', maxGrowth);
fprintf(['The maximun and minimun production of lactate given the optKnock set is ' ...
'%.2f and %.2f, respectively \n\n'], minProd, maxProd);
singleProductionEnvelope(model, setM1, 'EX_lac__D_e', biomass, 'savePlot', 1, 'showPlot', 1, ...
'fileName', ['lact_ex2_' num2str(nIter)], 'outputFolder', 'OptKnockResults');
if nIter == 1
fprintf('optKnock was not able to found an optKnock set\n');
fprintf('optKnock was not able to found additional optKnock sets\n');
nIter = nIter + 1;
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 4 composed by
, PTAr
and TKT1
The production of lactate after optimization is 17.99
The growth rate after optimization is 0.12
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, succinate and acetate are 0.0, 0.7, 0.0 and 0.1, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.09
The maximun and minimun production of lactate given the optKnock set is 0.00 and 18.62, respectively
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 5 composed by
, PTAr
and TKT1
The production of lactate after optimization is 17.99
The growth rate after optimization is 0.12
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, succinate and acetate are 0.0, 0.7, 0.0 and 0.1, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.09
The maximun and minimun production of lactate given the optKnock set is 0.00 and 18.62, respectively
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 4 composed by
, PTAr
and TKT1
The production of lactate after optimization is 17.99
The growth rate after optimization is 0.12
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, succinate and acetate are 0.0, 0.7, 0.0 and 0.1, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.09
The maximun and minimun production of lactate given the optKnock set is 0.00 and 18.62, respectively
...Performing optKnock analysis...
optKnock found a optKnock set of large 6 composed by
, ALCD2x
, GLCabcpp
and TKT1
The production of lactate after optimization is 17.99
The growth rate after optimization is 0.12
The production of other products such as ethanol, formate, succinate and acetate are 0.0, 0.7, 0.0 and 0.1, respectively.
...Performing coupling analysis...
The solution is of type: growth coupled non unique
The maximun growth rate given the optKnock set is 0.09
The maximun and minimun production of lactate given the optKnock set is 10.38 and 18.62, respectively


  1. Example 1 ~ 1-2 minutes
  2. Example 2 ~ 1-2 minutes
  3. Example 3 ~ 1-2 minutes
  4. Example 4 ~ 1-2 minutes


1) If the algorithm takes a long time to find a solution, it is possible that the search space is too large. You can reduce the search space using a smaller set of reactions in the input variable "selectedRxnList".
2) The default number of deletions used by optKnock is 5. If the algorithm is returning more deletions than what you want, you can change the number of deletions using the input variable "numDel".
3) optKnock could find a solution that it is not useful for you. For example, you may think that a solution is very obvious or that it breaks some important biological contraints. If optKnock found a solution that you don't want to find, use the input variable "prevSolutions" to prevent that solution to be found.


The optKnock algorithm will find sets of reactions that, when removed from the model, will improve the production of the metabolite of interest (e.g., succinate and lactate). In this tutorial, once optKnock finds a solution, then the type of solution is determined (if the product is coupled with biomass formation or not). Some of the sets will generate a coupled solution, i.e., the production rate will increase as biomass formation increases. For these kind of reactions a plot will be generated using the function singleProductionEnvelope and will be saved in the folder tutorials/optKnock/optKnockResults.
When you find a solution with OptKnock, you should always verify the minumum and maximum production rate using the function analizeOptKnock.


[1] Burgard, A. P., Pharkya, P. & Maranas, C. D. (2003). OptKnock: A Bilevel Programming Framework for Identifying Gene Knockout Strategies for Microbial Strain Optimization. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 84(6), 647–657. http://doi.org/10.1002/bit.10803.
[2] Orth, J. D., Conrad, T. M., Na, J., Lerman, J. A., Nam, H., Feist, A. M., & Palsson, B. Ø. (2011). A comprehensive genome‐scale reconstruction of Escherichia coli metabolism—2011. Molecular systems biology, 7(1), 535.