Adding biological constraints to a flux balance model
Note: This tutorial is a draft and needs completion. Contributions welcome!
Authors: Diana C. El Assal and Ronan M.T. Fleming, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Anne Richelle, Systems Biology and Cell engineering, University of California San Diego
Almut Heinken, Molecular Systems Physiology Group, LCSB, University of Luxembourg
A metabolic model can be converted into a condition-specific model based on the imposition of experimentally derived constraints. Constraints can be defined, for example, by imposing upper and lower flux bounds for each reaction. There are several types of constraints that can be imposed in a metabolic model and that represent specific intra- and extracellular conditions, such as biomass maintenance requirements, environmental constraints, or maximum enzyme capacities.
In general, biomass constraints [1] are added as part of a biomass reaction. In some instances, however, a cell-type (e.g. neurons) does not divide, but is only required to turn over its biomass components. This tutorial is particularly relevant for such cases. Turnover rates are commonly expressed as half-lives (
) and represent the time required for half of the biomass precursor to be replaced [2]. Using the experimental literature, metabolite
were collected and converted into turnover rates (λ): We consider a biochemical network of m molecular species and n biochemical reactions. The biochemical network is mathematically represented by a stoichiometric matrix
. After calculating λ, we integrate it into the steady-state equation: The steady-state flux vector v and the change in abundance over time (
) share the same units, with x being the abundance of the corresponding biomass precursor. Equation (2) can thus be re-written: PROCEDURE
Initialize the Cobra Toolbox using the initCobraToolbox function.
initCobraToolbox(false) % false, as we don't want to update
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ |
/ ___| / _ \ | _ \ | _ \ / ___ \ | COnstraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis
| | | | | | | |_| | | |_| | | |___| | | The COBRA Toolbox - 2017
| | | | | | | _ { | _ / | ___ | |
| |___ | |_| | | |_| | | | \ \ | | | | | Documentation:
\_____| \_____/ |_____/ |_| \_\ |_| |_| |
> Checking if git is installed ... Done.
> Checking if the repository is tracked using git ... Done.
> Checking if curl is installed ... Done.
> Checking if remote can be reached ... Done.
> Initializing and updating submodules ... Done.
> Adding all the files of The COBRA Toolbox ... Done.
> Define CB map output... set to svg.
> Retrieving models ... Done.
> TranslateSBML is installed and working properly.
> Configuring solver environment variables ...
- [*---] ILOG_CPLEX_PATH: C:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio1271\cplex\matlab\x64_win64
- [*---] GUROBI_PATH: C:\gurobi650\win64\matlab
- [*---] TOMLAB_PATH: C:\tomlab\
- [----] MOSEK_PATH : --> set this path manually after installing the solver ( see
instructions )
> Checking available solvers and solver interfaces ... Done.
> Setting default solvers ... Done.
> Saving the MATLAB path ... Done.
- The MATLAB path was saved in the default location.
> Summary of available solvers and solver interfaces
cplex_direct active 0 0 0 0 -
dqqMinos active 0 - - - -
glpk active 1 1 - - -
gurobi active 1 1 1 1 -
ibm_cplex active 1 1 1 - -
matlab active 1 - - - 1
mosek active 0 0 0 - -
pdco active 1 - 1 - -
quadMinos active 0 - - - 0
tomlab_cplex active 1 1 1 1 -
qpng passive - - 1 - -
tomlab_snopt passive - - - - 1
gurobi_mex legacy 0 0 0 0 -
lindo_old legacy 0 - - - -
lindo_legacy legacy 0 - - - -
lp_solve legacy 1 - - - -
opti legacy 0 0 0 0 0
Total - 7 4 5 2 2
+ Legend: - = not applicable, 0 = solver not compatible or not installed, 1 = solver installed.
> You can solve LP problems using: 'glpk' - 'gurobi' - 'ibm_cplex' - 'matlab' - 'pdco' - 'tomlab_cplex' - 'lp_solve'
> You can solve MILP problems using: 'glpk' - 'gurobi' - 'ibm_cplex' - 'tomlab_cplex'
> You can solve QP problems using: 'gurobi' - 'ibm_cplex' - 'pdco' - 'tomlab_cplex' - 'qpng'
> You can solve MIQP problems using: 'gurobi' - 'tomlab_cplex'
> You can solve NLP problems using: 'matlab' - 'tomlab_snopt'
> Checking for available updates ...
> The COBRA Toolbox is up-to-date.
Setting the optimization solver
> Gurobi interface added to MATLAB path.
Here, we use Recon2.0 model (distributed by the toolbox) for illustration, although any model can be used.
modelFileName = 'Recon2.0model.mat';
modelDirectory = getDistributedModelFolder(modelFileName); %Look up the folder for the distributed Models.
modelFileName= [modelDirectory filesep modelFileName]; % Get the full path. Necessary to be sure, that the right model is loaded
model = readCbModel(modelFileName);
1. Environmental constraints
Environmental constraints are typically related to nutrient availability (e.g., glucose and oxygen). They can be defined using the function changeRxnBounds to set the minimal and maximal uptake and/or secretion rates possible in a specific condition. For example, in the caudate-putamen of the conscious rat, glucose consumption rate was found to range between -12.00 and -11.58
[3]. Therefore, the lower bound of the glucose exchange reaction (EX_glc(e)) can be set as follows: modelConstrained = model;
modelConstrained.c = 0*modelConstrained.c; % remove any objective function
modelConstrained = changeRxnBounds(modelConstrained, 'EX_glc(e)', -12, 'l');
Optionally, to further constrain the model, an upper bound can also be imposed to force the model to take up between 11.58 and 12 units of glucose
modelConstrained = changeRxnBounds(modelConstrained, 'EX_glc(e)', -11.58, 'u');
2. Internal enzymatic constraints
By convention, the bounds set on reaction rates in a metabolic model range from -1000 to 1000 and from 0 to 1000 for reversible and irreversible reactions, respectively [4]. Actually, the rate of a reaction is related to the activity of the enzyme catalyzing this reaction. Therefore, internal enzymatic constraints can be used to define the maximum capacity of a specified enzyme to catalyze a reaction (Vmax). For example, assuming that the reaction catalyzed by fructose-bisphosphate aldolase (FBA) has a Vmax of 128 units in our specific cell type, we can then add this constraint on the corresponding internal reaction FBA, as an upper bound. modelConstrained = changeRxnBounds(modelConstrained, 'FBA', 128, 'u');
Optionally, if the reaction is reversible, the same constraint can be set as the lower bound, but with opposite signs.
modelConstrained = changeRxnBounds(modelConstrained, 'FBA', -128, 'l');
3. Constraints associated with biomass
In general, biomass constraints [1] are added as part of a biomass reaction by defining stoichiometric coefficients for each biomass precursor. For dividing cell types, the generic human biomass reaction available in Recon2 is formulated as follows:
printRxnFormula(modelConstrained, 'biomass_reaction');
biomass_reaction 20.6508 h2o[c] + 20.7045 atp[c] + 0.385872 glu_L[c] + 0.352607 asp_L[c] + 0.036117 gtp[c] + 0.279425 asn_L[c] + 0.505626 ala_L[c] + 0.046571 cys_L[c] + 0.325996 gln_L[c] + 0.538891 gly[c] + 0.392525 ser_L[c] + 0.31269 thr_L[c] + 0.592114 lys_L[c] + 0.35926 arg_L[c] + 0.153018 met_L[c] + 0.023315 pail_hs[c] + 0.039036 ctp[c] + 0.154463 pchol_hs[c] + 0.055374 pe_hs[c] + 0.020401 chsterol[c] + 0.002914 pglyc_hs[c] + 0.011658 clpn_hs[c] + 0.053446 utp[c] + 0.009898 dgtp[n] + 0.009442 dctp[n] + 0.013183 datp[n] + 0.013091 dttp[n] + 0.275194 g6p[c] + 0.126406 his_L[c] + 0.159671 tyr_L[c] + 0.286078 ile_L[c] + 0.545544 leu_L[c] + 0.013306 trp_L[c] + 0.259466 phe_L[c] + 0.412484 pro_L[c] + 0.005829 ps_hs[c] + 0.017486 sphmyln_hs[c] + 0.352607 val_L[c] -> 20.6508 adp[c] + 20.6508 h[c] + 20.6508 pi[c]
3.1 Biomass reaction
20.6508 h2o[c] + 20.7045 atp[c] + 0.38587 glu_L[c] + 0.35261 asp_L[c] + 0.036117 gtp[c] + 0.50563 ala_L[c] + 0.27942 asn_L[c] + 0.046571 cys_L[c] + 0.326 gln_L[c] + 0.53889 gly[c] + 0.39253 ser_L[c] + 0.31269 thr_L[c] + 0.59211 lys_L[c] + 0.35926 arg_L[c] + 0.15302 met_L[c] + 0.023315 pail_hs[c] + 0.039036 ctp[c] + 0.15446 pchol_hs[c] + 0.055374 pe_hs[c] + 0.020401 chsterol[c] + 0.002914 pglyc_hs[c] + 0.011658 clpn_hs[c] + 0.009898 dgtp[n] + 0.009442 dctp[n] + 0.013183 datp[n] + 0.053446 utp[c] + 0.013091 dttp[n] + 0.27519 g6p[c] + 0.12641 his_L[c] + 0.15967 tyr_L[c] + 0.28608 ile_L[c] + 0.54554 leu_L[c] + 0.013306 trp_L[c] + 0.25947 phe_L[c] + 0.41248 pro_L[c] + 0.005829 ps_hs[c] + 0.017486 sphmyln_hs[c] + 0.35261 val_L[c] -> 20.6508 h[c] + 20.6508 adp[c] + 20.6508 pi[c]
Any changes or adaptations can be introduced by adding a new formulation of the biomass function, using the function addReaction. For example, one can add the following new biomass reaction named biomassReactionLipids:
modelConstrained = addReaction(modelConstrained, 'biomasReactionLipids', '20.6508 h2o[c] + 20.7045 atp[c] + 0.15446 pchol_hs[c] + 0.055374 pe_hs[c] + 0.020401 chsterol[c] + 0.011658 clpn_hs[c] + 0.005829 ps_hs[c] + 0.017486 sphmyln_hs[c] -> 20.6508 h[c] + 20.6508 adp[c] + 20.6508 pi[c]');
biomasReactionLipids 20.6508 h2o[c] + 20.7045 atp[c] + 0.15446 pchol_hs[c] + 0.055374 pe_hs[c] + 0.020401 chsterol[c] + 0.011658 clpn_hs[c] + 0.005829 ps_hs[c] + 0.017486 sphmyln_hs[c] -> 20.6508 adp[c] + 20.6508 h[c] + 20.6508 pi[c]
4. Biomass maintenance constraints
To represent biomass maintenance (e.g. in neurons), the minimal biomass maintenance requirements can be used to set the corresponding constraints. Using the neurobiochemical literature, the degradation pathways for each biomass precursor has to be identified and the corresponding first reactions of these degradation pathways need to be mapped to ReconX. Using the fractional composition and the turnover rate of each biomass precursor, corresponding reaction rates (
) are calculated as described above and in Table 1. These reaction rates represent the minimal requirements for biomass maintenance of neurons in the human grey matter and must therefore be imposed as a lower bound on the corresponding degradation reaction(s) of the different lipids, amino acids, and nucleic acids. Table 1: The minimum metabolic maintenance requirement for neurons. This is a coarse-grained approximation of neuronal lipid, amino acid, and nucleic acid maintenance requirements converted into
. **cardiolipin is also known as diphosphatidylglycerol
Calculation example of the minimal cholesterol maintenance requirement
i. Identify metabolite abundance
Assuming that the specific tissue type has a total dry weight lipid composition of 39.6%. This means that there is 0.396gLipid/gDWtissue. If cholesterol has a molar composition of 31.3%, then in total there is 0.124g cholesterol per gDW of tissue.
abundance = (31.3*39.6*1)/(100*100);
ii. Calculate the molar abundance
In the experimental literature, cholesterol was also found to have a molar mass (M) of 386
. Using equation (4), we can now convert the abundance (m) into molar units (n). n = (abundance*1000000)/M; %micromol
iii. Calculate the corresponding flux value
Finally, we know that in the brain, cholesterol has a very slow turnover and a
of 4320 hours. Using equation (3), we can now calculate the minimal cholesterol maintenance requirement in flux units (
). turnover = log(2)/halfLife;
The minimal cholesterol maintenance requirement was calculated to be 0.0515
(Table 1). This value can now be used as a lower bound in the corresponding reaction. 4.1. Identification of degradation reactions for a biomass maintenance precursor
As previously mentioned, the degradation pathways for each biomass precursor can be identified using literature and the minimal maintenance requirements defined in section 4. can be used to constrain the first reactions of these degradation pathways. However, the identification of these reactions and the set-up of the associated constraints is not always straightforward. The following section presents the different common cases that can be encountered.
A. Single irreversible degradation reaction
In cases where only a single irreversible degradation reaction exists for a biomass maintenance precursor, the imposition of the constraint is straightforward. For example, the major cholesterol excretion pathway in the brain involves the hydroxylation of cholesterol into the oxysterol 24-hydroxycholesterol. Only a subset of neurons express this 24-hydroxylase enzyme (P45046A1r) and it is mainly found in dendrites and somata, rather than in axons or presynaptic terminals (reviewed in [5]). Therefore, add a lower bound (
, calculated above) on P45046A1r (Table 1). modelConstrained = changeRxnBounds(modelConstrained, 'P45046A1r', v1, 'l');
B. Single degradation reaction does not exist biochemically
A degradation reaction might not exist for a given biomass maintenance precursor. For example, the phospholipid cardiolipin is mainly present in the inner mitochondrial membrane, where it regulates the stability of the mitochondrial membrane protein complexes [6]. As part of mitochondria, cardiolipin reaches the lysosome during macroautophagy (reviewed in [7]). It is then degraded to form the negatively charged bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate (BMP) on internal membranes.
If the corresponding demand reaction does not exist in the model, a demand reaction can be added using the function addDemandReaction.
modelConstrained = addDemandReaction(modelConstrained, 'clpn_hs[c]');
DM_clpn_hs[c] clpn_hs[c] ->
Now, the constraint for cardiolipin (Table 1) can be imposed on the corresponding demand reaction
modelConstrained = changeRxnBounds(modelConstrained, 'DM_clpn_hs[c]', 0.001, 'l');
C. Single reversible degradation reaction
In cases where the biomass precursor degradation reaction is reversible, it first needs to be split into two irreversible reactions. To this end, define the set of reversible degradation reactions (sRxns) and convert them into two irreversible reactions (i.e., sRXN_b and sRXN_f, respectively backward and forward reactions) using convertToIrreversible:
i. Split the reversible reactions into irreversible
Select a set of reversible degradation reactions
sRxns = {'ASPTA'; 'GHMT2r'};
Copy the original model, except split a specific list of reversible degradation reactions into irreversible.
Split sRxns into irreversible reactions
[modelIrrev] = convertToIrreversible(modelConstrained,'sRxns',sRxns);
You can check if the conversion as been done properly by searching the split reactions
if isempty(findRxnIDs(modelIrrev, [sRxns{j} '_f']))
error('Forward reaction not found')
if isempty(findRxnIDs(modelIrrev, [sRxns{j} '_b']))
error('Reverse reaction not found')
ii. Impose the calculated constraints
Examples are given for aspartate and glutamate (Table 1).
constraints = [1.590; 1.146];
You can also identify the new reaction names as follows:
rxns = setdiff(modelIrrev.rxns, modelConstrained.rxns)
rxns =
Using this list (rxns), manually identify the corresponding reactions that should be constrained
splitRxns= {'ASPTA_f'; 'GHMT2r_f'};
Identify the indices of these split reactions in the new model, using findRxnIDs
ind = findRxnIDs(modelIrrev, splitRxns);
Now, impose the constraints using a for loop. Note that you can easily account for experimental errors by defining a percentage error (e.g., expError = 0.25) for the constraint values.
modelConstrained = modelIrrev;
for i = 1:length(splitRxns)
modelConstrained = changeRxnBounds(modelConstrained, splitRxns{i,1},...
constraints(i,1)-constraints(i,1)*expError, 'l');
D. Multiple irreversible degradation reactions
In some cases, several degradation pathways may be available for one biomass precursor. For example, in the brain, phosphatidylcholine (PC) can be degraded by 3 different metabolic pathways [8]:
- PCHOLP_hs: Phospholipase D acts on the choline/phosphate bond of PC to form choline and phosphatidic acid.
- PLA2_2: Phospholipase A2 acts on the bond between the fatty acid and the hydroxyl group of PC to form a fatty acid (e.g. arachidonic acid or docosahexaenoic acid) and lysophosphatidylcholine.
- SMS: Ceramide and PC can also be converted to sphingomyelin by sphingomyelin synthetase.
Define the set of potential reactions associated with the degradation of PC
multipleRxnList={'PCHOLP_hs', 'PLA2_2', 'SMS'};
Make sure that all the reactions are irreversible. The lower bounds should be 0 and the upper bounds 1000., multipleRxnList));
ans =
modelConstrained.ub(findRxnIDs(modelConstrained, multipleRxnList));
ans =
Constrain the weighted sum of fluxes to be above a lower bound (e.g. value of the maintenance requirement of PC in Table 1: d = 2.674
). The weight for each reaction are defined in c. modelConstrainedAb=constrainRxnListAboveBound(modelConstrained,multipleRxnList,c,d,ineqSense);
rxnInd = findRxnIDs(modelConstrainedAb, multipleRxnList);
Check the constraints are there
Solve the FBA problem with added constraints C*v >= d , with or without objective function
%modelConstrainedAb = changeObjective(modelConstrainedAb, 'DM_atp_c_');
FBAsolution = optimizeCbModel(modelConstrainedAb,'max',1e-6);
Check the values of the added fluxes
Therefore, when you solve the FBA problem with this last constraint, the sum of flux values associated with these three reactions should be greater than the value of d
CRITICAL STEP: Collection of data and conversion of experimental fluxes (Timing: 4-8 weeks)
The most time consuming step when imposing constraints is the collection of required information. Depending on the available experimental literature, it can take between 4-8 weeks to retrieve the biomass composition and the turnover rates of the different biomass precursors. It is crucial to correctly convert the obtained data into the corresponding fluxes. It is recommended to first define the flux unit you wish to use. A common unit used for prokaryotic models is micromol per gramDryWeight per hour (
). However, in the experimental literature, a wide range of units is provided. Therefore, after each conversion, it is strongly recommended to double check the calculations to avoid modelling artifacts. Once all the constraints are available, it can take less than 5 minutes to impose the constraints on the corresponding reaction bounds, according to the information provided in this tutorial. ANTICIPATED RESULTS
After imposing the above constraints, we can now test the likely outcome of an optimisation problem using a constraint-based model. For example, we can take advantage of sparseFBA to identify the minimal set of essential reactions required to fulfill a certain objective function (e.g. DM_atp_c_). originalTest = changeObjective(originalTest , 'DM_atp_c_');
[vSparseOriginal, sparseRxnBoolOriginal, essentialRxnBoolOriginal] = sparseFBA(originalTest);
Display the number of essential reactions thata re required to carry flux to fulfill the objective function:
for n=1:length(originalTest.rxns)
if essentialRxnBoolOriginal(n,1)==true
fprintf('%g%s\n',cnt,' reactions essential to fulfill the objective function DM_atp_c_')
In the absence of constraints, the minimal set of reactions required to maximise the objective function is 111 essential reactions.
constrainedTest = modelConstrainedAb;
constrainedTest = changeObjective(constrainedTest, 'DM_atp_c_');
[vSparseConstrained, sparseRxnBoolConstrained, essentialRxnBoolConstrained] = sparseFBA(constrainedTest);
Display the number of essential reactions thata re required to carry flux to fulfill the objective function:
for n=1:length(constrainedTest.rxns)
if essentialRxnBoolConstrained(n,1)==true
fprintf('%g%s\n',cnt,' reactions essential to fulfill the objective function DM_atp_c_')
After the addition of constraints, the minimal set of reactions required is increased to 172 essential reactions. Therefore, in this example, it is useful to integrate cell-type specific constraints to further define the minimal set of essential reactions. In most cases, constraints also allow us to alter the feasible solution space to obtain fluxes that better agree with the known physiology of the cell type.
1. Feist, A.M. and Palsson, B.Ø. The biomass objective function. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 13(3), 344–349 (2010).
2. Kuhar, M.J. On the use of protein turnover and half-lives. Neuropsychopharmacology. 34(5), 1172–1173 (2008).
3. Sokoloff, L. et al. The [14C]deoxyglucose method for the measurement of local cerebral glucose utilization: theory, procedure, and normal values in the conscious and anesthetized albino rat. J Neurochem. 28(5):897-916 (1977).
4. Thiele, I. and Palsson B.Ø. A protocol for generating a high-quality genome-scale metabolic reconstruction. Nat. Protocols. 5(1), 93–121(2010).
5. Zhang, J. and Liu, Q. Cholesterol metabolism and homeostasis in the brain. Protein Cell. 6(4), 254-64 (2015).
6. Martinez-Vicente, M. Neuronal mitophagy in neurodegenerative diseases. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 8, 10:64 (2017).
7. Schulze, H. et al. Principles of lysosomal membrane degradation: cellular topology and biochemistry of lysosomal lipid degradation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1793(4), 674-83 (2009).
8. Lajtha, A. and Sylvester, V. Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology. Springer; 2008. Available here.