

Tutorial - COBRA.jl

This tutorial serves as a quick start guide as well as an interactive reference for more advanced users. Download the live notebook from here.


If you do not already have the COBRA.jl package installed, you must first first follow the installation instructions here.

Please note that should you run this tutorial on an already configured system. Otherwise, the following lines will throw an error message.

Before running any function of COBRA.jl, it is necessary to include the COBRA.jl module:

using COBRA

You can test your system by running:


Beginner's Guide

Should you not have any prior experience with Julia and/or Linux, please follow carefully the Beginner's Guide. If you however feel that you are set to proceed with this tutorial, please consider the Beginner's Guide as a go-to reference in case you are running into any issues.

If you see unusual behavior, you may consider reading the FAQ section.

Quick help

Do you feel lost or you don’t know the meaning of certain input parameters? Try typing a question mark at the Julia REPL followed by a keyword. For instance:

julia> ? distributedFBA

Installation check and package testing

Make sure that you have a working installation of MathProgBase.jl and at least one of the supported solvers. You may find further information here.

If you want to install other solvers such as CPLEX, CLP, Gurobi, or Mosek, you can find more information here.

You may, at any time, check the integrity of the COBRA.jl package by running:

julia> Pkg.test("COBRA")

The code has been benchmarked against the fastFVA implementation [3]. The modules and solvers are correctly installed when all tests pass without errors (warnings may appear).


  1. B. O. Palsson. Systems Biology: Constraint-based Reconstruction and Analysis. Cambridge University Press, NY, 2015.

  2. Heirendt, L & Arreckx, S. et al. Creation and analysis of biochemical constraint-based models: the COBRA Toolbox v3.0 (submitted), 2017.

  3. Steinn, G. et al. Computationally efficient flux variability analysis. BMC Bioinformatics, 11(1):1–3, 2010.

  4. Orth, J. et al. Reconstruction and use of microbial metabolic networks: the core escherichia coli metabolic model as an educational guide. EcoSal Plus, 2010.

Tutorial - distributedFBA.jl

This tutorial serves as a reference to get started with distributedFBA.jl. Download the live notebook from here.

If you are not familiar with COBRA.jl, or how COBRA.jl should be installed, please refer to the tutorial on COBRA.jl.

using COBRA

Adding local workers

The connection functions are given in connect.jl, which, if a parallel version is desired, must be included separately:


You may add local workers as follows:

## specify the total number of parallel workers
nWorkers = 4 

## create a parallel pool
workersPool, nWorkers = createPool(nWorkers) 

The IDs of the respective workers are given in workersPool, and the number of local workers is stored in nWorkers.

In order to be able to use the COBRA module on all connected workers, you must invoke:

@everywhere using COBRA

Define and change the COBRA solver

Before the COBRA solver can be defined, the solver parameters and configuration must be loaded after having set the solverName (solver must be installed):

## specify the solver name
solverName = :Gurobi #:GLPKMathProgInterface

## include the solver configuration file

The name of the solver can be changed as follows:

## change the COBRA solver
solver = changeCobraSolver(solverName, solParams)

where solParams is an array with the definition of the solver parameters.

Load a COBRA model

As a test and as an example, the E.coli core model may be loaded as:

## download the test model
using Requests

Load the stoichiometric matrix S from a MATLAB structure named model in the specified .mat file

model = loadModel("ecoli_core_model.mat", "S", "model");

where S is the name of the field of the stoichiometric matrix and model is the name of the model. Note the semicolon that suppresses the ouput of model.

Flux Balance Analysis (FBA)

In order to run a flux balance analysis (FBA), distributedFBA can be invoked with only 1 reaction and without an extra condition:

## set the reaction list (only one reaction)
rxnsList = 13

## select the reaction optimization mode
##  0: only minimization
##  1: only maximization
##  2: maximization and minimization
rxnsOptMode = 1

## launch the distributedFBA process with only 1 reaction on 1 worker
minFlux, maxFlux  = distributedFBA(model, solver, nWorkers=1, rxnsList=rxnsList, rxnsOptMode=rxnsOptMode);

where the reaction number 13 is solved. Note that the no extra conditions are added to the model (last function argument is false). The minimum flux and maximum flux can hence be listed as:


Flux Variability Analysis (FVA)

In order to run a common flux variability analysis (FVA), distributedFBA can be invoked with all reactions as follows:

## launch the distributedFBA process with all reactions
minFlux, maxFlux, optSol, fbaSol, fvamin, fvamax = distributedFBA(model, solver, nWorkers=4, optPercentage=90.0, preFBA=true);

The optimal solution of the original FBA problem can be retrieved with:


The corresponding solution vector maxFlux of the original FBA that is solved with:


The minimum and maximum fluxes of each reaction are in:


The flux vectors of all the reactions are stored in fvamin and fvamax.


DistributedFBA of distinct reactions

You may now input several reactions with various rxnsOptMode values to run specific optimization problems.

rxnsList = [1; 18; 10; 20:30; 90; 93; 95]
rxnsOptMode = [0; 1; 2; 2+zeros(Int, length(20:30)); 2; 1; 0]

## run only a few reactions with rxnsOptMode and rxnsList
## distributedFBA(model, solver, nWorkers, optPercentage, objective, rxnsList, strategy, preFBA, rxnsOptMode)
minFlux, maxFlux, optSol, fbaSol, fvamin, fvamax, statussolmin, statussolmax = distributedFBA(model, solver);

Note that the reactions can be input as an unordered list.

Saving the variables

You can save the output of distributedFBA by using:


Note that the results are saved in a .mat file that can be opened in MATLAB for further processing.


In order to cleanup the files generated during this tutorial, you can remove the files using:



  1. B. O. Palsson. Systems Biology: Constraint-based Reconstruction and Analysis. Cambridge University Press, NY, 2015.

  2. Heirendt, L & Arreckx, S. et al. Creation and analysis of biochemical constraint-based models: the COBRA Toolbox v3.0 (submitted), 2017.

  3. Steinn, G. et al. Computationally efficient flux variability analysis. BMC Bioinformatics, 11(1):1–3, 2010.

  4. Orth, J. et al. Reconstruction and use of microbial metabolic networks: the core escherichia coli metabolic model as an educational guide. EcoSal Plus, 2010.

Tutorial - PALM.jl

This tutorial serves as a reference to get started with PALM.jl. Download the live notebook from here.

If you are not familiar with COBRA.jl, or how COBRA.jl should be installed, please refer to the tutorial on COBRA.jl.

Note: In order to run this tutorial, you must have MATLAB installed and a valid MATLAB license.

Please make sure to have the following packages installed: COBRA.jl, MATLAB, and MAT.


Writing a MATLAB script

The main functionality of PALM.jl is to run a MATLAB script that loads a different model each time from a directory of models. The MATLAB script can be based on any tutorial of the CORBA Toolbox or on a custom script.

In order to illustrate the inner workings of PALM.jl, we will write a custom script that loads a different model out of a folder of 4 models, and calculates several numerical characteristics of the stoichiometric matrix. The analysis is accelerated by distributing these 4 models across 2 different workers.

The MATLAB script can be saved as scriptFile.m in any folder. For illustration purposes, this script is located in the test/ folder of the COBRA.jl installation directory, but may be located in any other directory. Its content can be visualized as follows:

run(`cat $(Pkg.dir("COBRA"))/test/scriptFile.m`)

Note that the variables marked with PALM_ are the ones defined within Julia.

Installation of the COBRA Toolbox

As the scriptFile.m refers to the readCbModel function implemented in the COBRA Toolbox, the COBRA Toolbox must be installed by following the installation instructions here.

If you already have a working installation of the COBRA Toolbox, you may skip the following lines. The COBRA Toolbox may be installed in any directory - please write it down for later use in this tutorial.

Advanced users may also want to install the COBRA Toolbox directly installed from Julia. You must have git (or gitBash on Windows) installed - see requirements.

For illustration purposes of this tutorial, the COBRA Toolbox will be installed in the /tmp directory. This may take a while, depending on the speed of your internet connection.

installDir = "/tmp/cobratoolbox"
## if you already ran this tutorial once, you may also remove the previous installation directory with the following command:
## Note: The following command removes the directory specified above!
run(`rm -rf $installDir`)
run(`git clone --depth=1 --recurse-submodules https://github.com/opencobra/cobratoolbox.git $installDir`);
info("The COBRA Toolbox has been cloned successfully to the $installDir directory.")

Tip: When using PALM.jl, it is advised to add the --recurse-submodules flag. This will speed up the simultaneous initialisations on several workers.

Connecting workers

Similarly to distributedFBA.jl, the workers may be added using createPool, given in the external function connect.jl, which must be included separately. Please note that also workers connected via SSH may be added to the pool of workers.

## specify the total number of parallel workers
nWorkers = 4 

## create a parallel pool
workersPool, nWorkers = createPool(nWorkers) 

After initializing the workers, the packages must be loaded on each worker:

@everywhere using COBRA
@everywhere using MATLAB

Sharing the load

Within PALM.jl, the load is shared automatically. However, it might be illustrative to check upfront when planning a large-scale simulation how the load will be shared. For this purpose, the shareLoad function within the COBRA.jl package may be used.

If there are 4 models to be distributed across 4 workers, the load sharing is ideal, as every worker will run 1 model.

nWorkers, quotientModels, remainderModels = COBRA.shareLoad(4)

In case of sharing 6 models across the connected 4 workers, the load sharing will not be ideal:

nWorkers, quotientModels, remainderModels = COBRA.shareLoad(6)

Preparing the models

In order to illustrate how several models can be loaded, the models included in the COBRA Toolbox may be used. The list of models may be displayed using:

modelDir = "$installDir/test/models/mat"

Output variables

The variables that should be retrieved from the script (see scriptFile.m) can be defined in an array as follows:

varsCharact = ["nMets", "nRxns", "nElem", "nNz"]

Note: The variable names defined in varsCharac are the same as in the MATLAB script.

Running PALM

The input parameters of PALM.jl are defined as:


Now, all variables are defined, and PALM.jl is ready to be launched:

PALM(modelDir, "$(Pkg.dir("COBRA"))/test/scriptFile.m", nWorkers, "modelCharacteristics.mat", varsCharact, installDir)

The output file that contains the values of the variables defined in varsCharact for each model is modelCharacteristics.mat. This file can be read back into Julia by using:

using MAT
vars = matread("modelCharacteristics.mat")

The full data set can be retrieved with:

summaryData = vars["summaryData"]