Job definitionsΒΆ

A job is a configuration of a build pipeline on ARTENOLIS, has a specific purpose, runs on a different slave/operating system, or builds a different branch of the repository. An example of such a configuration file is given here.

In essence, one job is defined per operating system. Commonly, one job is defined per slave in order to provide the highest robustness of ARTENOLIS. A job may also be parameterised. It is possible to configure a matrix of sub-jobs for different MATLAB versions using the MATLAB_VER parameter.

In order to streamline the continuous integration setup, two job types may be distinguished:
  • jobs that trigger builds of the develop and master branches (marked with -branches)

  • jobs marked with -pr that build any newly submitted pull request (PR).

Each job type is either triggered automatically by Jenkins or manually by an administrator using the SHA1 of the commit in order to ensure flexibility of the continuous integration system and in case of emergency.

Another good practice is to configure a job for testing purposes (e.g., a job that only builds a specific branch) before making any production changes on critical jobs (i.e., the -branches jobs).

Each job can either succeed or fail. The build stability of each job and build trend is monitored and can be retrieved from<jobName>/buildTime-Trend, where <jobName> is the name of a job.