Repository configurations

Repository structure

The test suite is located in /test, while the source files of the code base are located in the /src directory. A common minimial repository structure is given as:




Directory with continuous integration bash-scripts


Directory with code source files


Directory with test files and testAll.m


YAML trigger script


YAML script for code coverage report

Development model

A common development model of a stable master branch and a develop branch shall be chosen for development, which is particularly well suited for a reproducibility and testing infrastructure, such as ARTENOLIS. It is against the develop branch that new pull requests are raised by developers, while it is the master branch that contains the stable version of the code base. A regular merge strategy from the develop to the master branch ensures that the latest features are adopted in the stable version. As the development of new features is made on separate branches that are being merged to the develop branch only through Pull Requests (PRs), and as each PR is being tested by the continuous integration system, the risk of the develop branch failing to build is very low. This stability of the master branch is particularly important in a fast-moving research environment that relies on the reproducibility of data-driven results.