- C13ConfidenceInterval(v0, expdata, model, max_score, directions, majorIterationLimit)[source]¶
[vs, output, v0] = C13ConfidenceInterval (v0, expdata, model, max_score, directions, majorIterationLimit)
v0 – set of flux vectors to be used as initial guesses. They may be valid or not.
expdata – experimental data
model – the standard model. Additional field .N (= null(S)) should also be provided. This is a basis of the flux space.
max_score – maximum allowable data fit error
directions – ones and zeros of which reactions to compute (size = n x 1) or numbers of reactions to use aka. [1; 5; 7; 8; 200] or reaction strings aka. {‘GPK’, ‘PGL’}. Ratios are possible with this input only. Default = [] meaning - do FVA with no ratios.
majorIterationLimit – default = 10000
vs – matrix
output – structure
v0 – as in input
- compareBinsOfFluxes(xglc, model, sammin, sammax, metabolites)[source]¶
Takes the overall sammin and sammax samples, bins them into separate bin sizes and compares them, then compares the results to the largest bin size. calls [totalz, zscore, mdv1, mdv2] = compareTwoSamp(xglc, model, samp1, samp2, measuredMetabolites) sammin and sammax each contain bins of fluxes in x.samps(r,1).points
[output] = compareBinsOfFluxes (xglc, model, sammin, sammax, metabolites)
xglc – sugar distribution
model – model structure
sammin – samples containing bins of fluxes
sammax – samples containing bins of fluxes
metabolites – list of metabolites
output – result of comparison
- compareMultSamp(xglc, model, samps, measuredMetabolites)[source]¶
Compare the multiple sets of samples
[totalz, zscore, mdvs] = compareMultSamp (xglc, model, samps, measuredMetabolites)
xglc – sugar distribution, a random sugar distribution is calculated if empty
model – model structure, expects model.rxns to contain a list of rxn names
samps – samples, expects to have a field named points containing an array of sampled points
measuredMetabolites – parameter fed to calcMDVfromSamp.m which only calculates the MDVs for the metabolites listed in this array
totalz – sum of all zscores
zscore – calculated difference for each mdv element distributed across all the points
mdvs – contains fields:
mdv - the calculated mdv distribution converted from the idv solved from each point contained in their respective samples sampX
names - the names of the metabolites
ave - the average of each mdv element across all of the points
stdev - the standard dev for each mdv element across all points
- compareTwoMDVs(mdv1, mdv2)[source]¶
Compares the 2 sets of mdvs
[totalz, zscore] = compareTwoMDVs (mdv1, mdv2)
mdv1, mdv2 – contains fields:
mdv - the calculated mdv distribution converted from the idv solved from each point contained in their respective samples sampX
names - the names of the metabolites
ave - the average of each mdv element across all of the points
stdev - the standard dev for each mdv element across all points
totalz – sum of all zscores
zscore – calculated difference for each mdv element distributed across all the points
- compareTwoSamp(xglc, model, samp1, samp2, measuredMetabolites)[source]¶
Compare the 2 sets of samples
[totalz, zscore, mdvs] = compareMultSamp (xglc, model, samps, measuredMetabolites)
xglc – sugar distribution, a random sugar distribution is calculated if empty
model – model structure, expects model.rxns to contain a list of rxn names
samp1, samp2 – samples, expects samp1 and samp2 to have a field named points containing an array of sampled points
measuredMetabolites – parameter fed to calcMDVfromSamp.m which only calculates the MDVs for the metabolites listed in this array
totalz – sum of all zscores
zscore – calculated difference for each mdv element distributed across all the points
mdv1, mdv2 – contains fields:
mdv - the calculated mdv distribution converted from the idv solved from each point contained in their respective samples sampX
names - the names of the metabolites
ave - the average of each mdv element across all of the points
stdev - the standard dev for each mdv element across all points
- fitC13Data(v0, expdata, model, majorIterationLimit)[source]¶
[vout, rout] = fitC13Data (v0, expdata, model, majorIterationLimit)
v0 – It will automatically be converted to alpha by solving N*alpha = v; if v0 is a matrix then it is assumed to be a multiple start situation and vout will also have this size.
expdata – either a data structure or a cell array of structures, in which case it is assumed that you wan to fit the sum of the scores
model – model structure
majorIterationLimit – max number of iterations solver is allowed to take. Default = 1000
vout – reflects size of v0, result of NLPsolution
rout – cell, result of NLPsolution
- getBinsOfFluxes(samp, numfluxes, numbins)[source]¶
Takes a samp.points fluxes and bin them by numfluxes (remainder not used) or divide up in to bins of fluxes by numbins (remainder not used) sample each bin of fluxes and compare the differences between them.
[output] = getBinsOfFluxes (samp, numfluxes, numbins)
samp – fluxes
numfluxes – default = 100
numbins – default = []
output – structure with .samps field
- getCompareBinsOfFluxes(xglc, model, samplo, samphi, metabolites)[source]¶
Compares the bins of fluxes between samplo and samphi, calls compareBinsOfFluxes(xglc, model, sammin, sammax, metabolites). `samplo and samphi each contain samples in x.points
[output] = getCompareBinsOfFluxes (xglc, model, samplo, samphi, metabolites)
xglc – sugar distribution
model – model structure
samplo – samples containing bins of fluxes
samphi – samples containing bins of fluxes
metabolites – list of metabolites
output – result of comparison
- getRandGlc()[source]¶
Generates random glucose in isotopomer format
[xGlc] = getRandGlc()
xGlc – random glucose
- goodInitialPoint(model, n)[source]¶
Generates 4*length(model.lb) random points, takes linear combinations of them so that all points are in the interior.
[out] = goodInitialPoint (model, n)
model – model structure
n – number, default = 1
out – random points with linear combinations
- isotopomerViewer(mdv1, mdv2, names)[source]¶
Takes in an “experiment” and views the isotopomer as distributions between mdv1 and mdv2. No output.
isotopomerViewer (mdv1, mdv2, names)
mdv1, mdv2 – structures
names – names in the plot
- naturallabel(n)[source]¶
Returns a natural label idv of n carbons. Assumes 1.1% C13
[out] = naturallabel (n)
n – size of label
out – natural label idv of n carbons
- runHiLoExp(experiment)[source]¶
Takes an experiment with the following structure and splits the sample space at the median of a target flux solves the two spaces with a given sugar and compares the resulting mdvs to provide a z-score.
[experiment] = runHiLoExp (experiment)
experiment – contains:
model with fields:
S = the stoichiometric matrix
rxns = array of reaction names, corresponding the S
c = optimization target 1, or -1
ub,lb = upper and lower bounds of reactions
points = a #fluxes X #samples (~2000) array of the solution space if missing or empty, will generate a sample
glcs = an array of sugars in isotopomer format, each column a separate sugar. Should not be in MDV format. Conversion is done automatically. will default to generate 1 random sugar if set to []
targets = an array of cells with string for the reaction to split on the solution space, defaults to ‘PGL’
thresholds = #targets X 1 array of thresholds
metabolites = an optional parameter fed to calcMDVfromSamp.m which only calculates the MDVs for the metabolites listed in this array. e.g - optionally, metabolites can also be a structure of fragments
hilo = a #targets X #samples array of 0/1’s, 0 id’s the sample of fluxes as the lo side and 1 id’s the sample for the hi side. hilo will only be calculated/recalculated if it’s missing or if the targets have been replaced using the param list
mdvs = structure of mdv results:
(name) = name of the run = t + glc# e.g. t1, t2, glc# refers to the glc in the glcs array.
- score_KS(mdv, hilo, lambda)[source]¶
Calculates KS score
[out] = score_ridge (mdv, hilo, lambda, crossval)
mdv – structure
hilo – (0’s and 1’s), ideally there will be a similar # of each.
lambda – weighting, if the mean is less than lambda, the scores get weighted less, default = .02
out – score
- score_ridge(mdv, hilo, lambda, crossval)[source]¶
Calculates ridge score
[out] = score_ridge (mdv, hilo, lambda, crossval)
mdv – structure
hilo – (0’s and 1’s), ideally there will be a similar # of each.
lambda – ridge parameter, default = .01
crossval – whether to do cross validation. This severely slows down the computation, default is no.
out – score