
addMetInfoInCBmodel(model, inputData, replace)[source]

Integrates metabolite data from an external file and incorporates it into the COBRA model.


[newModel, hasEffect] = addMetInfoInCBmodel (model, inputData, replace)

  • model – COBRA model with following fields:

    • .S - The m x n stoichiometric matrix for the

      metabolic network.

    • .mets - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers.

  • inputData


replace – If the new ID should replace an existing ID, this logical value indicates so (default: false).

  • newModel – COBRA model with updated identifiersCOBRA model with the identifiers updated.

  • hasEffect

metDatabaseStatus(model, metDir)[source]

Prints the status of metabolite structure in a database in relation to a COBRA model.


[summary, status] = metDatabaseStatus (model, metDir)

  • model – COBRA model with following fields: * .mets - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers. * .metFromulas - An m x 1 array of metabolite flormulas. * .metCharges - An m x 1 vector of metabolite charges. * .identifiers - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers. * .inchi - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers. * .kegg - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers. * .chebi - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers. * .hmdb - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers. * .pubchem - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers.

  • metDir – Directory of the metabolite database (MDL MOL files)

  • summary – Summary of the metabolite database and the identifiers.

  • status – Table with the status of each metabolite in the database.

metaboliteStructuresTable(metDir, saveDir)[source]

This fucntion creates a table of different representations of a metabolite structure including smiles, inchi and inchikey,


metTable = metaboliteStructuresTable (metDir, saveDir)


metDir – String with the directory containing mol files


saveDir – String with the directory where the table format will be saved. If is empty, the format is not saved.

obtainMetStructures(model, metList, outputDir, sources)[source]

Obtain MDL MOL files from various databases, including KEGG, HMDB, ChEBI, and PubChem. Alternatively, openBabel can be used to convert InChI strings or SMILES in MDL MOL files.


molCollectionReport = obtainMetStructures(model, mets, sources, standardisationApproach)


model – COBRA model with following fields:

  • .S - The m x n stoichiometric matrix for the metabolic network.

  • .mets - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers.

  • .metInChIString - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers.

  • .metSmiles - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers.

  • .metVMHID - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers.

  • .metCHEBIID - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers.

  • .metKEGGID - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers.

  • .metPubChemID - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers.

  • .metHMDBID - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers.

  • .metDrugbankID - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers.

  • .metLipidmassID - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers.

  • molCollectionReport – Report of the obtained MDL MOL files

    • .metList - List of metabolites to be download

    • .sources -list of sources of metabolite structures

    • .structuresObtained -Total of metabolite structures obtained.

    • .structuresObtainedPerSource -Boolean table with the metabolite

      structures obtained by source.

    • .databaseCoverage -Table indicating the coverage of metabolites

      obtained by each of the sources.

    • .idsToCheck -Id source from which no molecular structures could

      be obtained due to a webTimeout, conversion error, or inconsistent id.

  • newMolFilesDir – directory where new mol files were written, subdirectories for each source.

standardiseMolDatabase(molDir, metList, standardisedDir, standardisationApproach)[source]

Standardize an MDL MOL file directory by representing the reaction using normal chemical graphs, hydrogen suppressed chemical graphs, and chemical graphs with protonated molecules. The function also updates the header with the standardization information. It makes use of ChemAxon’s standardizer and openBabel.


[standardised, nonStandardised, InChIs, SMILES] = standardiseMolDatabase(molDir, standardisedDir, standardiseMolFiles)


molDir – Path to directory that contain the MDL MOL files to be standardised.

  • metList – 1 x n lest of metabolites to standardise

  • standardisedDir – Path to directory that will contain the standardised MDL MOL files (default: current directory).

  • standardisationApproach – String contianing the type of standarization for the moldecules (default: ‘explicitH’ if openBabel is installed, otherwise ‘basic’)

    ‘explicitH’ - Normal chemical graphs. ‘implicitH’ - Hydrogen suppressed chemical graphs. ‘neutral’ - Neutral molecules ‘basic’ - Updating the header.

  • standardisationReport – Struct array with the standarization report:

    • .standardised: list of standardised metabolite structures

    • .nonStandardised: list of metabolite structures that were not


    • .InChIs: list of InChIs from the obtained metabolite


    • .SMILES: list of SMILES from the obtained metabolite


    • .InChIKeys: list of InChIKeys from the obtained metabolite


  • A standardised molecular structures database