
buildAtomTransitionNetwork(model, rxnfileDir)[source]

Builds an atom transition network corresponding to a metabolic network from reaction stoichiometry and atom mappings.


ATN = buildAtomTransitionNetwork(model, rxnfileDir)


  • model – Structure with following fields:
    • .S - The m x n stoichiometric matrix for the metabolic network
    • .mets - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers. Should match metabolite identifiers in rxnfiles.
    • .rxns - An n x 1 array of reaction identifiers. Should match rxnfile names in rxnFileDir.
    • .lb - An n x 1 vector of lower bounds on fluxes.
    • .ub - An n x 1 vector of upper bounds on fluxes.
  • rxnfileDir – Path to directory containing rxnfiles with atom mappings for internal reactions in S. File names should correspond to reaction identifiers in input rxns.


  • ATN – Structure with following fields:
    • .A - A p x q sparse incidence matrix for the atom transition network, where p is the number of atoms and q is the number of atom transitions.
    • .mets - A p x 1 cell array of metabolite identifiers to link atoms to their metabolites. The order of atoms is the same in A as in the molfile for each metabolite.
    • .rxns - A q x 1 cell array of reaction identifiers to link atom transitions to their reactions. The order of atom transitions is the same in A as in the rxnfile (with atom mappings) for each reaction.
    • .elements - A p x 1 cell array of element symbols for atoms in A.
extractElementalTransitionNetwork(ATN, elements)[source]

Extracts specific chemical elements from an atom transition network.


ETN = extractElementalTransitionNetwork(ATN, elements)


  • ATN – An atom transition network
  • elements – A cell array of element symbols, e.g., ‘C’ for carbon or {‘C’ ‘O’} for carbon and oxygen


  • ETN – An elemental transition network for the specified elements
renameDREAMOutputFiles(zipfile, indir, outdir)[source]

Replaces DREAM file names with original file names.


renameDREAMOutputFiles(zipfile, indir, outdir)


  • zipfile – name of zipfile submitted to the DREAM server
  • indir – name of directory containing the DREAM output files
  • outdir – name of directory where renamed files should be placed