

Get the symbols for all chemical elements and their atomic weights


elementalWeightMatrix = getElementalWeightMatrix (isotopeAbundance)

  • isotopeAbundance

    • false to return standard atomic weights (default)

    • true to return the weights of naturally predominant isotopes for biological elements and standard weights for other elements.

    • m x 3 cell arrray with user defined isotope abundance: isotopeAbundance{i, 1} = ‘Atomic_Symbol’; isotopeAbundance{i, 2} = Mass_Number; isotopeAbundance{i, 3} = abundance; (where sum of abundances of all isotopes of an element must be one)

  • printWarning – true to print warning if there are unknown elements in isotopeAbundance


elementalWeightMatrix – #elements x 2 cell array, the 1st coloumn being the symbols of chemial elements and the 2nd their standard atomic weights


Parses NIST data on atomic weights


[atomicWeights] = parse_Atomic_Weights_and_Isotopic_Compositions_for_All_Elements


atomicWeights – atomic weights of the isotopes

The atomic weight J. S. Coursey, D. J. Schwab, and R. A. Dragoset NIST, Physics Laboratory, Office of Electronic Commerce in Scientific and Engineering Data. The atomic weights are available for elements 1 through 112, 114, & 116 and isotopic compositions or abundances are given when appropriate. The atomic weights data were published by T.B. Coplen in Atomic Weights of the Elements 1999, (and include changes reported from the 2001 review in Chem. Int., 23, 179 (2001)) and the isotopic compositions data were published by K.J.R. Rosman2 and P.D.P. Taylor3 in Isotopic Compositions of the Elements 1997. The relative atomic masses of the isotopes data were published by G. Audi4 and A. H. Wapstra5 in The 1995 Update To The Atomic Mass Evaluation.