
createMetIntrcNetwork(model, metAbbr, varargin)[source]

Create directed metabolite-metabolite interaction network using given metabolites and the model. The produced network consists of given metabolites and its first neighbours. Colour and width of edges will be adjusted based on flux values If fluxes of the model are given. Another metabolite-metabolite interaction network will be generated if the node is clicked;

Left click :Generate sub-metabolite-metabolite interaction network from the created figure.

This functionality was added for better looking at the created network and showing flux values on edges lines.

Right click :Generate metabolite-metabolite interaction network from model. This

functionality was added for creating metabolite-metabolite network using clicked metabolite and model.

The produced figure by right and left click on the main figure also has same property with the main figure, and it is clickable too.

NoteIf the fluxes are not given, irreversible COBRA model structure should use for

representing reversible reactions. See convertToIrreversible function at github page of cobratoolbox


[GraphObj]=createMetIntrcNetwork (model,metAbbr,varargin)

  • model – COBRA model structure

  • metAbbr – List of metabolite abbreviation as a cell array


varargin – Optional Inputs provided as ‘ParameterName’, Value pairs. the following parameternames are available:

  • fluxes: flux vector

  • Graphtitle: Title for a figure as a string

  • excludedMets: As a cell array, Metabolite abbreviations that desired for exclude

  • nodeColour: Colour for nodes (RGB Triplet) e.g. [0 1 0]


  • Hnodecolour: Colour for nodes that will be highlighted e.g. [0 1 1]

  • scaleMin Minimum value for scaling colorbar

  • scaleMax Maximum value for scaling colorbar

  • nodeSize Size of Nodes

  • HnodeSize Highlighted node size

  • arrowSize Arrow Size

  • threshold Treshold for edges, the edges that has the flux value

    below the treshold will be deleted, and if the node don’t have any relationship with any other nodes will be deleted.

  • excNodesWithDeg It deletes nodes that has not degree in a given range.

    It should be given as [minimum degree maximum degree]. Example, [1 50]. it deletes nodes that has lower than 1 degree and higher than 50 degree.


GraphObj – Matlab digraph object


  1. create network with succ[c] and akg[c] [GraphObj]=createMetIntrcNetwork(model,{‘succ[c]’,’akg[c]’})

  2. create network with flux values [GraphObj]=createMetIntrcNetwork(model,{‘succ[c]’,’akg[c]’},’fluxes’,fluxvector)

  3. create network with flux values, and exculude exclude very employed metabolites [GraphObj]=createMetIntrcNetwork(model,{‘succ[c]’,’akg[c]’},’fluxes’,fluxvector,’excludedMets’,{‘atp[c]’,’adp[c]’})

  4. create network with scaling colorbar, [0 1] [GraphObj]=createMetIntrcNetwork(model,{‘succ[c]’,’akg[c]’},’fluxes’,fluxvector,’excludedMets’,{‘atp[c]’,’adp[c]’},’scaleMax’,1,’scaleMin’,0)


Function for generating Another metabolite-metabolite interaction network if the node is clicked in the figure that produced by createMetIntrcNetwork. Right click and left click has different properties. Left click :Generate sub-metabolite-metabolite network from the created figure,

this functionality was added for better looking at the created network and showing flux values on edges lines.

Right click :Generate metabolite metabolite network from model, this

functionality were added for creating metabolite-metabolite network using clicked metabolite and model.

The produced figure from main figure also has same property with main figure, and it is clickable too.