
Converts a stoichiometric matrix into a bilinear form.


[A, B, C] = bilinearDecomposition(S)


  • Sm x n stoichiometric matrix


  • Am x (m + k) matrix selecting rows such that \(S = A B C\)
  • B(m + k) x (n + k) bilinear stoichiometric matrix
  • C(n + k) x n matrix adding columns to form net reaction stoichiometry such that \(S = A B C\)

An example “bilinearisation” of the reaction

\[\begin{split}~&~ A + B + C \leftrightarrow D + E\\\end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}~&~ A + B \leftrightarrow P \\ ~&~ P + C \leftrightarrow Q \\ ~&~ Q \leftrightarrow D + E\end{split}\]

where P and Q are faux molecular species.

checkRankFR(model, printLevel)[source]

Calculates the rank of [F R] and [F; R], when restricted to certain rows and columns


[rankFR, rankFRV, rankFRvanilla, rankFRVvanilla, model] = checkRankFR(model, printLevel)


  • model – model structure
  • printLevel – verbose level


  • rankFR – rank of [F R], when using only FRrows
  • rankFRV – rank of [F; R], when using only FRVcols
  • rankFRvanilla – rank of [F R], when using all rows
  • rankFRVvanilla – rank of [F; R], when using all cols
  • model – structure with fields:
    • .FRrows - m x 1 boolean of rows of [F R] that are nonzero, unique upto positive scaling and part of the maximal conservation vector
    • .FRVcols - n x 1 boolean of cols of [F; R] that are nonzero, unique upto positive scaling and part of the maximal conservation vector
    • .FRirows - m x 1 boolean of rows of [F R] that are independent
    • .FRdrows - m x 1 boolean of rows of [F R] that are dependent
    • .FRwrows - m x 1 boolean of independent rows of [F R] that have dependent rows amongst model.FRdrows
    • .FRVdcols - n x 1 boolean of cols of [F; R] that are dependent
    • model.SConsistentMetBool - m x 1 boolean vector indicating metabolites involved in the maximal consistent vector
    • .SConsistentRxnBool - n x 1 boolean vector indicating metabolites involved in the maximal consistent vector
    • .FRnonZeroBool - m x 1 boolean vector indicating metabolites involved in at least one internal reaction
    • .FRuniqueBool - m x 1 boolean vector indicating metabolites with reaction stoichiometry unique upto scalar multiplication
    • .SIntRxnBool - n x 1 boolean vector indicating the non exchange reactions
    • .FRVnonZeroBool - n x 1 boolean vector indicating non exchange reactions with at least one metabolite involved
    • .FRVuniqueBool - n x 1 boolean vector indicating non exchange reactions with stoichiometry unique upto scalar multiplication
    • .connectedRowsFRBool - m x 1 boolean vector indicating metabolites in connected rows of [F R]
    • .connectedRowsFRVBool - n x 1 boolean vector indicating complexes in connected columns of [F; R]
    • .V - \(S V = 0\); \(1^T |V| > 1\) for all flux consistent reactions
connectedFR(F, R)[source]

Computes the connected sets of rows of [F, R] and the largest connected set of columns of [F; R] using gamic


[connectedRowsFRBool, connectedColsFRVBool] = connectedFR(F, R)


  • Fm x n
  • Rm x n


  • connectedRowsFRBoolm x z boolean vector indicating z sets of connected rows
  • connectedColsFRVBooln x z boolean vector indicating z sets of connected cols
largestConnectedFR(F, R, printLevel)[source]

Computes the largest connected set of rows of [F, R] and the largest connected set of columns of [F; R] using gamic


[connectedRowsFRBool, connectedColsFRVBool] = largestConnectedFR(F, R, printLevel)


  • Fm x n
  • Rm x n
  • printLevel – verbose level


  • connectedRowsFRBoolm x 1 boolean vector indicating largests set of connected rows
  • connectedColsFRVBooln x 1 boolean vector indicating largests set of connected cols
makeFRresultsTable(FRresults, resultsDirectory, resultsFileName, modelMetaData, tableFilename)[source]

Makes a table of FR results


[FRresultsTable, FRresults] = makeFRresultsTable(FRresults, resultsDirectory, resultsFileName, modelMetaData, tableFilename)


  • FRresults – output of checkRankFRdriver

Optional inputs

  • resultsDirectory – directory where output of checkRankFRdriver has been saved
  • resultsFileName – filename where output of checkRankFRdriver has been saved
  • modelMetaData – Cell array, where each row is metadata for one model with five columns: species, version, fileName, PMID, doi. See function modelMetaData = modelCitations()
  • tableFilename – If provided, a the table of results is written out to a csv file, with specified filename


  • FRresultsTable – table displaying the results of checkRankFRdriver
  • FRresults – output of checkRankFRdriver
plotFRresults(FRresults, nRows, nCols, resultsDirectory, resultsFileName, schematicFlag, modelMetaData)[source]

Plots FR results in the same order as the FRresultsTable using FRresults structure or by loading the FRresults structure


plotFRresults(FRresults, nRows, nCols, resultsDirectory, resultsFileName, schematicFlag, modelMetaData)


  • FRresults – output of checkRankFRdriver
  • nRows – number of rows in the subplot
  • nCols – number of rows in the subplot (\(nRows*nCols \geq length(FRresults)\))

Optional inputs

  • resultsDirectory – directory where output of checkRankFRdriver has been saved
  • resultsFileName – filename where output of checkRankFRdriver has been saved
  • schematicFlag – default = 1
  • modelMetaData – metadata of model
printFRdependencies(model, filePathName)[source]

Reports on the dependencies between rows of [F, R], either to the command line (default) or to a specified text file


printFRdependencies(model, filePathName)


  • model – model output from checkRankFR

Optional input

  • filePathName – full file name for printing dependencies to file