
classifyMoieties(L, S)[source]

Classifies conserved moieties for a metabolic network


types = classifyMoieties(L, S)


  • L – The m x r moiety matrix with moiety vectors as columns.
  • S – The m x n total stoichiometric matrix.


  • types – an r x 1 cell array of moiety classifications
constructElementalMatrix(metFormulas, metCharges)[source]

Constructs the elemental matrix for a set of metabolites


[E, elements] = constructElementalMatrix(metFormulas, metCharges)


  • metFormulasm x 1 cell array of metabolite formulas, e.g., CHO2

Optional input

  • metChargesm x 1 vector of metabolite charges. Used to compute the electron vector.


  • E – The m x p elemental matrix where p is the number of unique elements in metFormulas (plus the electron if metCharges is included as input)
  • elements1 x p cell array of element symbols (e for electron)
decomposeMoietyVectors(L, N)[source]

Decomposes moiety vectors for a metabolic network.


D = decomposeMoieties(L, N);


  • L – The m x r moiety matrix with moiety vectors as columns.
  • N – The m x u internal stoichiometric matrix such that \(N^T L = 0\).


  • D – An m x t moiety matrix with decomposed moiety vectors as columns \((t \geq r)\).
estimateMoietyFormulas(L, E, elements)[source]

Estimates the chemical formulas of conserved moieties in a metabolic network


moietyFormulas = estimateMoietyFormulas(L, E, elements)


  • L – The m x r moiety matrix for a metabolic network. Each column is a moiety vector.
  • E – The m x p elemental matrix for metabolites in the metabolic network.
  • elements – A 1 x p cell array of element symbols.


  • M – An r x p estimated elemental matrix for moieties.
  • moietyFormulas – An r x 1 cell array of estimated moiety formulas.
findElementaryMoietyVectors(model, varargin)[source]

Enumerate all possible elementary conserved moiety vectors based on the left null space of the stoichiometric matrix S.


EMV = findElementaryMoietyVectors(model, method)


  • model – COBRA model
OPTIONAL INPUTS (in name-value pair):
‘method’: method for finding all conserved moiety vectors
  • ‘efmtool’: use EFMtool, ‘CalculateFluxModes.m’ must be in matlab path (default)
  • ‘null’: use matlab rational null basis.
‘deadCMs’: include dead end metabolites or not (default true)
(will have more conserved moieties found for dead end metabolites if true)

‘printLevel’: print messages or not (default 0).

Other COBRA LP solver parameters, see solveCobraLP.m


  • EMV – all minimal conserved moiety vectors
identifyConservedMoieties(model, ATN)[source]

Identifies conserved moieties in a metabolic network (model) by graph theoretical analysis of the corresponding atom transition network (ATN).


[L, M, moietyFormulas, moieties2mets, moieties2vectors, atoms2moieties, mtrans2rxns, atrans2mtrans] = identifyConservedMoieties(model, ATN)


  • model – Structure with following fields:
    • .S - The m x n stoichiometric matrix for the metabolic network
    • .mets - An m x 1 array of metabolite identifiers. Should match metabolite identifiers in rxnfiles.
    • .rxns - An n x 1 array of reaction identifiers. Should match rxnfile names in rxnFileDir.
  • ATN – Structure with following fields:
    • .A - A p x q sparse incidence matrix for the atom transition network, where p is the number of atoms and q is the number of atom transitions.
    • .mets - A p x 1 cell array of metabolite identifiers to link atoms to their metabolites. The order of atoms is the same in A as in the molfile for each metabolite.
    • .rxns - A q x 1 cell array of reaction identifiers to link atom transitions to their reactions. The order of atom transitions is the same in A as in the rxnfile (with atom mappings) for each reaction.
    • .elements - A p x 1 cell array of element symbols for atoms in A.


  • L – An m x r matrix of r moiety vectors in the left null space of S.
  • M – The u x v incidence matrix of the moiety supergraph where each connected component is a moiety graph.
  • moietyFormulasr x 1 cell array with chemical formulas of moieties
  • moieties2metsu x 1 vector mapping moieties (rows of M) to metabolites (rows of S)
  • moieties2vectorsu x 1 vector mapping moieties (rows of M) to moiety vectors (columns of L)
  • atoms2moietiesp x 1 vector mapping atoms (rows of A) to moieties (rows of M)
  • mtrans2rxns – ‘v x 1’ vector mapping moiety transitions (columns of M) to reactions (columns of S)
  • atrans2mtrans – ‘q x 1’ vector mapping atom transitions (columns of A) to moiety transitions (columns of M)