
buildMDFBAProblem(model, varargin)[source]

Creates a MDFBA problem from the provided model.


MDFBAProblem = buildMDFBAProblem (model, varargin)


model – A COBRA style model with the following fields:

  • S - Stoichiometric Matrix

  • lb - lower bounds

  • ub - upper bounds

  • b - metabolic constraints

  • c - objective coefficients

  • csense - Constraint senses (optional, default Equality)

  • osense - Optimisation sense (optional, default maximisation)


varargin – Variable arguments as parameter/value pairs:

  • ‘ignoredMets’ - Metabolites that do not need to be produced, even if used.

  • ‘minProd’ - the minimal production, if a metabolite is used, default(max(ub,abs(lb))/10000)


MDFBAProblem – The MILPproblem structure representing the MDFBA problem


Implementation based on description in: Benyamini et al. “Flux balance analysis accounting for metabolite dilution.” Genome Biol. 2010;11(4):R43. doi: 10.1186/gb-2010-11-4-r43

mdFBA(model, varargin)[source]

Solves an metabolic dilution FBA problem based on the given model


[sol, newActives] = buildMDFBAProblem (model, varargin)


model – A COBRA style model with the following fields:

  • S - Stoichiometric Matrix

  • lb - lower bounds

  • ub - upper bounds

  • b - metabolic constraints

  • c - objective coefficients

  • csense - Constraint senses (optional, default Equality)

  • osense - Optimisation sense (optional, default maximisation)


varargin – Variable arguments as parameter/value pairs

  • ‘ignoredMets’ - Metabolites that do not need to be produced, even if used.

  • ‘minProd’ - the minimal production, if a metabolite is used, default(max(ub,abs(lb))/10000)

  • ‘getInvalidSolution’ - whether to return an invalid solution, or retrieve an invalid solution that was obtained in an earlier run. If there is a solution from a previous run, no calculation will be performed! (default false)


sol – The solution of the MDFBA MILP with the following fields:

  • obj - objective value

  • solver - solver used

  • stat - the COBRA status

  • origStat - the original solver status

  • time - the time needed to solve the problem

  • full - the solution of the problem

  • additional field depending on the solver used, and whether an invalid solution is returned.


newActives: Reactions that are only active in mdFBA


Implementation based on description in: Benyamini et al. “Flux balance analysis accounting for metabolite dilution.” Genome Biol. 2010;11(4):R43. doi: 10.1186/gb-2010-11-4-r43